Innervation and Actions of Hip and Pelvis Flashcards
Psoas Maj
Innerve.: Lumbar plexus
(L1 - L4)
Act.: Flexion at hip joint and if thigh fixed flexes trunk
psoas min
Innerve.: branch from L1
Act.: weak flexor of the trunk
(Note-does not cross hip so no action there)
quadratus lumborum
Innerve.: Lumbar plexus
(L1 - L4)
Act.: Lateral flexion of
vertebral column,
extension of vertebral
column, stabilizes 12th
rib during inspiration,
depresses 12th rib
during forced expiration,
and elevate coxal bone
Innerve.: Femoral N
(L2 - L4)
Act.: Flexion at hip joint
glute max
Innerve.: Inferior gluteal n
(L5 - S2)
Act.: Extends hip against
resistance, assists in
external rotation at hip
joint and helps stabilizes
knee joint in extension
via iliotibial tract
& extends trunk when
hip is flexed
(assists abduction of hip)
glute med
Innerve.: Superior gluteal n
(L4 - S1)
Act.: Abduction the hip
Anterior: Internal rotation
and may assist with flexion
at hip joint
Posterior: External rotation
and may assist with extension
at the hip joint
glute min
Innerve.: Superior gluteal n
(L4 - S1)
Act.: Internal rotation and
assists abduction at hip
tensor fasciae latae (TFL)
Innerve.: Superior gluteal n
(L4 - S1)
Act.: Assist flexion, abduction,
medial rotation at hip jt.,
and assist in stabilizing
knee in extension
Innerve.: Nerve to piriformis
(S1- S2)
Act.: External rotation at
hip and assits in abduction
of hip when flexed to 90
degrees (or greater)
superior gemellus
Innerve.: Nerve to obturator
internus and
superior gemellus
(L5 - S2)
Act.: External rotation at hip joint
obturator internus
Innerve.: Nerve to obturator internus and superior gemellus
(L5 - S2)
Act.: External rotation at hip joint
inferior gemellus
Innerve.: Nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus
(L4 - S1)
Act.: External rotation at hip joint
quadratus femoris
Innerve.: Nerve to quadratus femoris and
inferior gemellus
(L4 - S1)
Act.: External rotation at hip joint
obturator externus
Innerve.: Obturator nerve
(L2 - L4))
Act.: External rotation at hip joint