inner ear Flashcards
What does the inner ear consist of
Vestibule and cochlea
How is sound passed from the middle ear to the inner ear
Stapes vibrates against the membrane of the oval window which transmits the sounds to the inner ear
What is a conductive hearing issue
Hearing issue with the outer or middle ear
How does otosclerosis cause conductive hearing loss
Deposition of new bone where the footplate of the stapes fits onto the oval window which reduces vibration
What happens at the cochlea
A Footplate of stapes moves in and out of oval window creating a travelling wave in the scala vestibuli and scala tympani of the cochlea
This causes movement of the basilar membrane and movement of the inner and outer hair cells in the Organ of Corti in relation to the tectorial membrane
The cilia of the hair cells are deflected and ion channels open
Cations flow from the endolymph into the hair cells
Depolarisation takes place and an impulse is sent up the cochlear nerve
Inner hair cells activate the afferent nerves
Outer hair cells modify the response of the inner hair cells
Whatis a tonotopic arrangement
For every frequency, there is a specific plate on the basilar membrane where the hair cells are specifically sensitive to that frequency
Describe Webers test and what the results means
Move tuning fork on middle of forehead - should hear the same in both ears
Describe Rinnes test and what a positive test is
Place tuning fork infront of ear and then on the mastoid process to see if there is conductive hearing loss
Rinnes positive - heard better infront of ear - no conductive hearing loss
If heard better on mastoid process, then conductive hearing loss
What is presbycusis
Age related hearing loss
What are otoacoustic emissions
Sounds given off by the inner ear when the cochlea is stimulated with sound - the outer hair cells vibrate which produces an almost inaudible sound which can be measured in the middle ear
Hearing loss greater then 25-30 decibels do not produce these
What does tympanometry measure
The pressure within the middle ear and the mobility of the ear drum
What part of the ear controls balance
The vestibule
what are ampullae in the ear
expanded areas at the end of the semicircular canals which contain the sensory organ - the crista
Movement of the crista is the stimulus for the vestibulo-ocular reflex which tells you where your head is in space and allows for your eye to compensate
What is the vestibulo-ocular reflex
Stabilises gaze by moving eyes in order to compensate for head and body movement