Inherit The Wind (Rev Brown) Flashcards
Good Morning Reverend
Morning Reverend
Mr. Krebs… Wheres the banner? Why haven’t you raised the banner
Paint didn’t dry til jist now
See that you have it up before Mr. Brady arrives
Fast as we can do it, reverend
We must show him at once what kind of a community this is
Trains coming! I seen the smoke way up the track
All the members of the Bible league, get ready! Let us show Mr Brady the spirit in which we welcome him to Hillsboro.
Mr. Brady, if you please
It is good enough for Brady
That would be the reverend Jerimiah Brown
Your servant, and the lords.
“Colonel Brady” I like the sound of that!
We thought you might be hungry, Colonel, after your train ride
I can’t tell you anything about him
Rachel! (To Brady) My daughters will be pleased to answer any questions about Bertram Cates
Hornbeck. E.K Hornbeck, of the Baltimore Herald
(Trying to remember who he is) Hornbeck….. Hornbeck
Henry Drummond, the agnostic?
I heard about him. He got those two Chicago child murderers off just the other day
A vicious, Godless man!
Henry Drummond for the defense. Well
Henry Drummond is an agent of darkness (with resolution) We won’t let him into the town!
I’ll look it up in the town ordinance
I saw Drummond the once. In a courtroom in Ohio. A man was on trial for a most brutal crime. Although he knew and admitted - the man was guilty, Drummond was perverting the evidence to cast the guilt away from the accused and onto you and me all of society.
Henry Drummond. Oh dear me
I can still see him a slouching hunk of a man whose head juts out like an animal. You look into his face, and you wonder why god made such a man. And then you know god didn’t make him, that he is a creature of the devil, perhaps even more he Devil himself!
Drummond??? Henry Drummond????
We won’t allow him in the town!
A fine girl, Reverend. Fine girl
Rachel has always been taught to do the righteous thing
Reverend, I’m looking forward to your prayer meeting
You will find our people are fervent in their beliefs
Mother is always so worried about my throat
I always like to begin my meetings at the time announced
Most commendable. Proceed Reverend. After you
Brothers and sisters I come to you on the wings of the word.
I hear it
I see it Reverend
And we believe the word
We believe
We believe the glory of the word!
Glory Glory Amen Amen
Harken to the word! The word tells us In the beginning the earth was without form, and void. And the lord said “let there be light”
And there was light! The light said “Am I good, Lord?” And the Lord Said, “Thou art good!”
And the evening and the morning were the first day
Amen Amen
The lord said “let there be firmament!” And the Firmament bowed before him and said “Am I good lord?” And the lord said “Thou art good”
And the evening and the morning were the second day
Amen Amen
On the third day brought forth the dry land! And on the fourth day made the Sun, the moon, and the stars - and he pronounced them good!
On the fifth day he peopled the sea and sky! But on the sixth day a scowl lay across his face. (Shouts) WHY? WHY WAS THE LORD SO TROUBLED?
Why? Tell us why! Tell the troubles of the Lord!
He looked about him, And he said, “it is not good, it is not enough, it is not finished. I… SHALL… MAKE… ME… A… MAN!”
Are we good, Lord? Tell us! Are we good?
The Lord Said, “Yea, thou art good! For I have created ye in my image!” Be fruitful and replenish the earth, and subdue it!
Glory, glory! Bless the lord
Do we Believe?
Yes (1)
Do we believe in the word?
Do we believe in the truth of the word?
Do we CURSE the man who denies the word?
Do we cast out this sinner in our midst?
Do we call down hellfire on the man who has sinned against the word?
Oh lord of the tempest and the thunder! Strike down this sinner as thou didst thine enemies of old, in the days of the pharaohs! Let him feel the terror of thy sword for all eternity, let his soul writhe in anguish and damnation!
No! No father don’t pray to destroy Bert!
Lord, we call down the same curse on those who ask grace for this sinner - though they be blood of my blood and flesh of my flesh!
Matt. Dear god in heaven Matt!!
O lord work us a miracle and Save our holy prophet