Influences On Your Lifestyle Flashcards
Age, gender, race and disability
What does CHIPS R stand for?
Cultural, health and well being, image, people, socko-economic, resources
Health and well-being
Illness and health problems
Fashionable and media coverage
Family, peers role models
Socio status and can you afford it
Time and access to facilities
Image - how can media coverage influence which activities you do?
Encourage participation
Sponsorship will increase
Role models
Image - how does fashion influence which activities you do?
Activities can go in and out of fashion
Clothing/equipment - fashionable
People - how can parents influence the physical activity you do?
Buy clothing/equipment
Take them
People - how can friends influence the physical activity you do?
Attitudes and opinions
People - how can role models influence the physical activity you do?
Inspire and encourage
Gender - how can gender influence the physical activity you do?
Fewer opportunities for women
Separate sports
Less sponsorship for women sports
Race, religion and culture - how can this influence the physical activity you do?
Religious beliefs/cultural background
Age - how can age influence the physical activity you do?
Limited choices
Physically limited
Age restrictions