Influence Of Early Attachment On Later Relationships Flashcards
What does the internal working model suggest about a baby’s first relationship with their caregiver?
It’s crucial as it leads to mental representation that serves as a template for future relationships.
How does a loving, reliable attachment to a primary caregiver influence a baby according to the internal working model?
It leads the baby to assume thats how relationships are and they will seek out functioning, healthy relationships.
What are the consequences of having a bad first attachment experience?
according to the internal working model
Struggles to form relationships or behave inappropriately in relationships.
Being too uninvolved or emotionally close (insecure-avoidant)
- controlling or argumentative (insecure-resistant)
Who conducted a study related to early attachments on later relationships?
Wilson and Smith - matching correct answers
Aim: To see if attachment type is linked to bullying involvement
What was the procedure of Wilson and Smith’s study?
Assessed 196 7-11 year olds attachment type and bullying involvement using questionnaires
What is the link between attachment type and peer relationships in childhood?
- Securely attached babies: good and healthy relationships
- Insecurely attached babies: bad and unhealthy relationships
- Secure attachment: no involvement in bullying
- Insecure-resistant: perpetrators in bullying
- Insecure-avoidant: victims in bullying
How does the internal working model affect relationships in adulthood?
It influences romantic and parental relationships.
Who studied the effects of attachment on adult relationships?
Hazan and Shaver
Analysed 620 replies to ‘love quiz’ in the paper
- 3 sections in the quiz
- 1st section assessed current or most important relationships
- 2nd section measured general love experiences (amount of partners)
- 3rd measured attachment type
What was the findings of Hazan and Shaver’s study?
- 56% securely attached - most likely to have good lasting romantic relationships
- 25% insecure-avoidant - jealousy and fear of intimacy
- 19% insecure-resistant
Shows patterns of attachment behaviours reflect in romantic relationships
Who else studied attachment effects on adult relationships?
40 adult women assessed as babies to establish attachment type
What were the findings in McCarthy’s study?
- Securely attached: best adult friendships and romantic relationships
- Insecure resistant: problems with maintaining friendships
- Insecure avoidant: struggled with intimacy in romantic relationships
How does the internal working model influence parenting?
It sets the foundation for our parenting based on our experiences with our primary caregiver.
What are the strengths of later attachments research?
Lots of supporting evidence
Fearon and Roisman’s review suggests early attachment consistently predicts later attachment, emotional well-being and attachment to own children
- securely attached children are at an advantage compared to all other attachments
What’s a limitation of later attachments regarding evidence?
Not all evidence supports the link between attachment and later development
Becker-Stoll et al conducted a longitudinal study followed 43 people from 1 year old and assessed them at 16 yrs
- no link between attachment and development
- may be other important factors
What’s another limitation of later relationships regarding assessment?
Most attachment types assessed retrospectively
Ask adolescents or adults about their relationshop from infancy
- relies on honesty and accuracy
- might base their early attachment on their current attachment with parents
- may be confounded by other factors
- most arent longitudinal
What’s another limitation of later attachments regarding variables?
Existence of confounding variables
Parenting style may influence attachment and later development
- genetically influenced personality may play a role
- being insecure-resistant doesnt mean you will definitely have relationship problems later in life