*Cultural Variations In Attachment Flashcards
What was the aim of Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s study?
To look at amounts of secure, secure-avoidant, and secure-resistant attachments across countries
The study also examined differences within the same countries.
How many studies did the researchers find for their meta-analysis?
32 studies
These studies were conducted in 8 countries.
What was the total number of children involved in the studies analyzed?
1,990 children
What was the most common type of attachment found across all countries?
Secure attachments
The proportions varied, with 75% in Britain and 50% in China.
What were the rates of insecure-resistant attachment in individualist cultures compared to collectivist cultures?
Under 14% in individualist cultures; above 25% in collectivist cultures.
How much greater were variations in attachment results within the same country compared to those between countries?
150% greater
In the US, what was the range of securely attached children found in different studies?
46% to as high as 90%
What is the difference between ‘emic’ and ‘etic’ in cross-cultural studies?
‘Emic’ refers to cultural uniqueness; ‘Etic’ refers to cross-cultural universality.
What does ‘imposed etic’ refer to?
Assuming a technique that works in one culture will work in another.
How are children labeled differently in Britain and Germany based on their behavior during reunion?
In Britain, labeled as ‘avoidant’; in Germany, labeled as ‘independent’.
What did Bowlby explain about attachment findings?
Attachment is innate and universal.
What did Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg attribute to the similarity in attachment findings across cultures?
Global media showing how parent and child relationships should be.
What are some confounding variables that can affect attachment study results?
- Poverty
- Social class
- Urban/rural makeup
- Age of participants
What effect can the size of the room and amount of toys have on attachment findings?
May affect how babies explore and their proximity-seeking behavior.
What percentage of insecure avoidant attachment was found in Germany?
Roughly 16-17%
What were the findings of Simonelli et al (2014) regarding attachment types?
50% secure, 36% insecure-avoidant.
What influences did Simonelli et al (2014) attribute to their findings?
Many mothers of young babies work long hours and use childcare.
What did Kyoung Jin et al (2012) find in their study using the strange situation?
Most children had secure attachments; most insecure children were insecure-resistant.
How do Japan and Korea compare in child-rearing styles?
They have similar child-rearing styles.
What conclusion can be drawn about attachment across all cultures?
Most children have secure attachments.
What supports Bowlby’s theory regarding attachment?
The finding that attachment is innate.
What is a strength of cultural variation studies?
Most studies conducted by indigenous researchers.
Why is it beneficial for researchers to be indigenous to the culture they study?
It avoids bias, misinterpretation, and judgment.
What limitations exist in cultural variation studies?
- Not all research is conducted by indigenous researchers
- Potential misinterpretation of language
- Participants may misunderstand instructions