Infectious Mononucelosis Flashcards
What is infectious mononucleosis also known as?
Glandular fever
What cause glandular fever?
Epstein-Barr Virus in 90% of cases
What is the triad of symptoms in infectious mono?
Sore throat
How does the lymphadenopathy in mono contrast to that in tonsillitis?
Mono - anterior + posterior triangles of neck
Tonsillitis - upper anterior cervical chain
What are other presenting features of mono?
malaise, anorexia, headache palatal petechiae splenomegaly hepatitis, transient rise in ALT lymphocytosis haemolytic anaemia secondary to cold agglutins (IgM) a maculopapular, pruritic rash
How is mono diagnosed?
Heterophil antibody test
Anti EBV antibodies
How is mono managed?
Rest, fluids, analgesia
Avoid sports for 4 weeks to avoid splenic rupture
What are the rare complications of mono?
Severe upper airway obstruction
Splenic rupture
Fulminant hepatitis
Severe thrombocytopaenia
Haemolytic anaemia
How is EBV transmitted?