Infectious/Fungal Flashcards
farcy buds
infection caused by contact with infected horses
Burkholderia mallei
Ulcerated nodule at inoculated site with regional lymphadenopathy, plus little nodules along the lymph nodes
-nasal septal perforation
Glanders (*and those little buds along side the lypmh nodes are called farcy buds)
Undulant fever
Malta fever
infection cause by direct contact with infected animal or ingestion of dairy (unpasterized) infected meat
- infection seen in butchers, farmers, vets
- cyclic fevers, arthralgias, hepatosplenomegaly with sometimes a papulonodular eruption
- direct contact with meat or dairy unpasterized milk
The plaque is transmitted by what animal
flea bites
inflammatory skin plaque in the urinary tract which turns into a weeping or polypoid mass
Michaelis-Guptmann bodies (von-Hansemann cells)
fistulous tract in the groin plus von hansemann cells and michaelis-gutmann bodies
Hebra nose
Infectious granulomas in nasal mucosa and respiratory tracat, epistaxis, destruction of nasal cartilage
Mikulicz cell, Russel bodies
Haverhill fever
rate bite fever
Streptobacillus moniliformis
Rat-Bite fever
Pasteurella multocida
Cat bite
Capnoctytophaga canimorsus
Pasteurella canis
Pasturpella multocida
Dog bite
Eikenella corrodens
Human bite
Gram negative intracellular bacteria
Transmitted by insects
Adheres to and invades erythrocytes
Bacteria causing Oroya fever
Bartonella bacilliformis
other name for Carrions disease
Oroya Fever
another name for Peruvian wart
Oroya Fever
What is the vector for Oroya fever?
sandfly (Lutzomyia verrucarum)
What is the name of the vector for Oroya fever?
Lutzomyia verrucarum (sandfly)
Lutzomyia verrucarum
sandlfl\y that is the vector for Oroya fever
first, a fever and a hemolytic anemia
then, erythematous papules and nodules which resol\ve spontaneously
Oroya fever
Verruga paruana
The chronic stage of Oroya fever
What do you treat Oroya fever with?
Bartonella infection associated with fever in Peru
Oroya fever
Term for infection of raw seafood eating
Bartonella henselae causes what disease?
Cat scratch disease
Vector for cat scratch disease?
cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis)
Ctenocephalides felis
the cat flea, vector in cat scratch disease
Cat scratch disease is caused by what bacteria?>
Bartonella henselae
Cat scratch disease can also cause what syndrome in common with sarcoid?
Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome : unilateral conjunctivitis and regional lymphadenitis
*sidenote tularemia can cause this too!!
What syndrome can be caused by cat scratch disease, tularemia, and sarcoid?
Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome (ipsilateral conjuncitivis and regional lymphadenopathy)
what infectious disease do hunters get?
Erythematous tender papules and nodules resembling multiple PGs, seen mainly in HIV patients
Bacillary angiomatosis
Bacteria that causes bacillary angiomatosis
Bartonella quintana
Bartonella henselae
Bartonella quintana
Bacillary angiomatosis
Vector for Bacillary angiomatosis
lice, ticks, fleas
Shinebone fever also called
Trench fever
Bacteria causing Trench fever
Bartonella quintana
Name the four conditions associated with Bartonella infection
- Ororya fever (fever, hemolytic anemia)
- Cat scratch disease (lymphadenitis after cat scratch)
- Bacillary Angiomatosis (lots of PGs, in HIV pts)
- Trench fever (relapsing fever, sore shins, back pain, transient rash)
A patient has sore shins, relapsing fever, back pain, transient rash
Trench fever
Vector for trench fever
body louse (Pediculus humanus var. corporis)
What does the body louse Pediculus humanus also cause besides Trench fever?
Epidemic typhus
Relapsing fever
Name two diseases that the body louse (Pediculus humanus) is a vector for:
Trench fever
Endemic typhus
What two bacteria is the body louse (Pediculus humanus) a vector for?
Bartonella quintana (Trench fever) & Rickettsiae prowazekii (Endemic Typhus)
Name the bacteria and vectors for all of the bartonella causing diseases:
- Oroya fever - bartonella bacilliformis - sandfly(Lutzomyia verrucarum)
- Cat scratch disease - bartonella henselae - cat flea(ctenocejphalidis felis)
- Bacillary angiomatosis - bartonella henselae, quintana - ticks, lice, fle
- Trench fever - bartonella quintana - body louse (pediculus humanas)
What bacteria causes syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
what stage of syphilis is the chancre?
primary stage
how many weeks after primary stage of syphilis does secondary stage happen?
9 weeks
what stage syphilis is the maculopapular rash?
stage of syphilis: mucous patches
stage of syphilus: lues maligna
stage of syphilus: alopecia
stage of syphilus: condyloma lata
Name the findings of the second stage of syphilus
Maculopapular rash Condyloma lata Lues maligna alopecia mucous patches
Lues maligna
crusted necrotic papulopustular lesions in second stage of syphilus
stage of syphilus:gumma
how long after initial infection does the tertiary stage of syphilis happen
3-5 years
stage of syphilis: cardiovascular
stage of syphilis: neurosyphilus
Argyll Robertson pupil
Tertiary syphilius
tabes dorsalis
tertiary syphilis
Name the findings in the tertiary stage of syphilis
Gumma (syphilitic granulomas)
cardiovascular syphilis
Neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis, Argyll Robertson pupil)
Jarish-Herxheimer reaction
febrile systemic reaction after the inital dose of antisyphilitic treatment, occurs in abt 75% of patients
-mediated by TNF-alpha
What cytokine is the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction mediated by?
A patient treated for syphilis with IM benzathine PCN, and then gets an intense febrile reaction - what happened?
Jarish-Herxheimer reaction
what is the most sensitive test for primary syphilis?
fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
which syphilis test remains positive even after treatment?
and which one doesnt?
remains positive after treatment: FTA-ABS
doesnt: RPR,VDRL
how long after infection with primary syphilis will the FTA-ABS test become positive?
3 weeks
Which syphilis tests become nonreactive over time, and especially after treatment?
The non-treponemal test (RPR, VDRL)
which syphilis tests can you get false positive results with? (i.e. are also positive in many other diseases)
In what diseases can you get a positive RPR/VDRL?
syphilis lupus pregnancty malaria old age
RPR and VDRL are not positive until how long?
Not until at least one week after chancre appears (as opposed to 3 weeks after infection in the FTA-ABS test)
This syphilis test detects IgM/IgG to a “reagin” which is a mixture of cardiolipin, l\ecithin, and cholesterol
which syphilis test would you choose to tract the progress of treatment, and is expressed in a titer form?
culture medium used to diagnose leishmaniasis
treatment for leishmaniasis
pentavalent antimonial (sodium stibogluconate)
pentavalent antimonial is used to treat which disease
cutaneous leishmaniasis
treatment for visceral leishmaniasis
amphotericin B
What do you use to treat RMSF in pregnant ladies?
Chloramphenicol (usually treat with Doxy)
Tick that carries RMSF
Dermacentor andersoni (wood tick western US) Dermacentor variabilis (dog tick in eastern US)
Rickettsiae Rickettsii
Fever, HA, myalgias, rash that spreads from hands and feet onto the body
Another name for Boutonneuse fever
Mediterranean spotted fever
What does R. conorri cause?
Mediterranean spotted fever (Boutonneuse fever)
Tick vector for Boutonneuse fever
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Tick vector for Mediterranean spotted fever (Boutonneuse fever)
formal name of the BROWN DOG TICK
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Tache noir
indurated papule at the site of a tick bite which leads to a necrotic ulcer (seen in Meditteranean Spotted fever)
What disease is Tache noir associated with?
Boutonnese fever (Meditteranean spotted fever)
Name the bacteria and vector of Boutonnesuese fever
R. conorii Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick)
Riettsialpox: bacteria and vector
R. akari
vector: mouse mite (Liponyssodies sanguineus)
What disease is caused by a mouse mite bite?
Rickettsial pox
Liponyssoides sanguineus
Mouse Mite (causes Rickettsialpox)
R. akari
People with HLA-DQ1 are more likely to form which type of leprosy?
Lepromatous (TH2 response)
People with HLA-DR2, HLA-DR3 are more prone to form which type of leprosy?
Tuberculoid (TH1 response)
IL-2, TNF-alpha, IFN-beta are all cytokines seen in what kind of response?
Cell-mediated immune response (TH1)
IL-4, IL-10 represent which type of immune response?
Humoral/antibody mediated (TH2)
A person being treated for lepromatous leprosy has a severe reaction during treatment and develops vasculitis (E nodosum leprosum). What to treat with?
What do you treat a Type II leprosy reaction state with?
What do you treat a Type I leprosy reaction state with?
Steroid (treat type II with Thalidomide)
What is the Lucio reaction?
It is the Type 3 leprosy reaction state in which the patient with lepromatous leprosy develops extensive severe vasculitis
Virchow cells
Foamy histiocytes containing M. Leprae in lepromatous leprosy
When is a leprosy patient considered no longer infectious during her treatment?
What is the BCG vaccine?
Live attenuated TB vaccine with bacteria M. Bovis
How long after exposure to TB will your PPD become positive?
2-10 weeks
Tender nodule on guy who cleans out fish tanks
Mycobacterium marinum
R. Prowazekii
Epidemic Typhus (Louse born)
Louse born Typhus
Epidemic Typhus
Vector of Epidemic Typhus
Body louse (Pediculosis humanus var. corporis)
Someone has a pet flying squirrel and they get a rash - what did they get?
Epidemic Typhus (R. Prowazekii), reservoir is the flying squirrel, vector is the body louse
Flea borne Typhus
Endemic Typhus
R. Typhi
Endemic Typhus
Vector for Endemic Typhus
Rat flea (Xenopsylla Cheops) * Everything is bigger EN teXas)
Mite borne Typhus
Scrub Typhus
R. Tsutsugamushi
Scrub Typhus
Vector for Scrub Typhus
Chiggar mites (Trombiculid)
Chiggar mite which is a vector for Scrub Typhus
Which ticks cause Human Erlichosis?
Amblyomma and Ixodes scapularis
Coxiella Burnetii
Q fever
Which bacteria causes Q fever?
Coxiella Burnett I
Trichphytan concentricum causes:
Tinea Imbricata
Tinea imbricata cause by:
T. Concentricum
What do you use to culture Leichmeniasis?
NNN culture (Novy-mcNeal-Nicole)
Culture medium for Leichmeniasis
Novy-mcNeal-Nicole culture medium
What causes MRSA to be resistant?
(PBP2a) Altered penicillin binding protein. Resulting from the mecA gene
What gene encodes the PCP2a protein (causing MRSA resistance)
MecA gene
What is the Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)
Associated with increased virulence in CA-MRSA infections
What part of the body is strep a normal flora?
Vagina and aerodigestive tract
What is the most pathogenic form of strep?
Group A beta-hemolytic strep
What do you treat erysipelas with?
Pastias lines
Linear petechiael streaks along body folds in Scarlett fever
Fever, erythema, then bullae and desquamation in the body folds
Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome
Name four diseases caused by Corynebacterium
Trichomycosis Axillaris
Pitted Keratolysis
Cutaneous Diptheria
Meat handlers/fish handlers get this gram positive disease
Erysipeloid (painful red purple patches on the hands)
What is the most common gram negative infection that we deal with in dermatology in the US?
What chemical in a pseudomonas infection produces the green-blue pigment?
What chemical in pseudomonas produces the green-yellow pigment?
What pigment producing chemical in psuedomonas produces the brown black pigment in pseudomonas?
You can get Parinaud-oculoglandular syndrome from what three conditions?
Cat Scratch Disease (bartonella)
Which rickettsial borne illness has a negative Weil-Felix test?
Warthin-Starry stain
Bacillary Angiomatosis
What stain do you use to identify bacillary angiomatosus?
What an atomic structure does Ramsey Hunt syndrome involve?
HSV of the geniculate ganglion
What do you treat treatment resistant HSV with?
Diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki
Crash and Burn
Fever (burn)
C-conjunctivitis R-rash A-adenopathy S-strawberry tongue H-hands and feet
Which can flouresce, endothrix or ectothrix fungi?
Some of ectothrix can
What wavelength does ectothrix fungi flouresce at?
(365nm - earth, on a mercury (mercury) lamp made of nickel chromium oxide (planets) filter
What wavelength, material, and filter is a Woods lamp?
365nm mercury lamp with a nickel chromium oxide filter
What is the pneumonic for endothrix?
Ringo (t. Rubrum) Gave (t. Gourvilli) Yoko (t. Yaoundé) Two (t. Tonsurans) Squeaky (t. Soudanese) Violins (t. Violaceum)
Most common cause of tinea capitis
T. Tonsurans
Which fungus is endothrix and ectothrix
T. Rubrum
What is the second most (and most inflammatory) cause of tinea capitis?
M. Canus
Which organism causes Favus?
T. Schoenleinii
What chemical causes ectothrix to flouresce?
What chemical causes corynebacterium to flouresce?
Copoporphyrin III
What chemical causes pseudomonas to flouresce?
Most common type of tinea pedis
T. Rubrum, T. Floccasum
Cause of bullous tinea pedis
T. Mentagrophytes
Most common cause of onychomycosis
T. Rubrum
Most common type of white superficial spreading onychomycosis
T. Mentag. (But in HIV patients, T rubrum is the most common for white superficial spreading)
What two conditions does t. Mentag cause
Bullous tinea and white superficial spreading onychomycosis
What causes tinea imbricata?
T. Concentricum
What stain outlines fungi black?