Contact Allergens Flashcards
Number one cause of eyelid dermatitis
Tosylamide (Nail product)
Fabric finisher causing clothing dermatitis
Clothing dye causing clothing dermatitis
Disperse dyes 106 and 124
Cause of perianal contact dermatitis
Lidocaine preservatives (MCI/MI)
A preservative in lidocaine which is a common cause of perianal dermatitis
Shoe ADHESIVE that causes shoe dermatitis
Rubber accelerator that causes shoe dermatitis
Mercaptobenzothiazole (most common!) this is a rubber accelerator
Leather that causes shoe dermatitis
Most common substance in occupational ACD
Are most tape reactions ACD or ICD?
What chemical sensitivity found in someone with a systemic ACD to amino Phyllis etc (theophylline)
Most common cause of allergic shoe dermatitis
Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT)
Most common sunscreen agent to cause photoallergic contact dermatitis
Oxybenzone (sunscreen UVA)
Number one flower that causes ACD in florists
What do you neutralize a hydroflouric acid burn with?
Calcium Gluconate (this acid can cause damage to your bones! It is that toxic and fast acting)
What do you neutralize a phenol peel with?
65% ethyl OR isopropyl alcohol
What systemic symptoms do you get with systemic absorption of a phenol peel?
Glomerulonephritis and cardiac arrhythmias (why you have to stay in the hospital overnight) crazy
Most common irritant contact derm in florists
Daffodil (Narcissus spp). *sidenote tulips are the most common ACD, not ICD
Which plants and fruits cause an irritant dermatitis with CALCIUM OXALATE
Daffodils (narcissus)
Pineapple (ananas comosus)
Dumb cane (dieffenbachia, house plant)
Which plant/fruit/veggie cause a chemical ICD with the irritant CAPSAICIN?
Family Solanacea (hot peppers)
What type of plant is in the family Alliacea?
Phytophotodermatitis is caused by which spectrum of light?
UVA +foucourcomarins
What two families of plants are culprits in Phytophotodermatitis?
*an Ape holding an Umbrella to shield it from the sun
Two families which are culprits in phytophotodermatitis
Name examples of plants in each family: Alliacea Anacardiacea Apiaceae Asteraceae/Compositae Alstroemeriacea
Alliacea - Garlic, onion, chives
Apiaceae - parsley parsnips, celary, hogweed
Anacardiacea - poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak
Asteraceae/compositae - chrysanthemum, ragweed, sunflower
Alstroemeriacea - tulips, Lilly’s
Garlic, onions, chives
Ananas comosus
Pineapple (Irritant is Bromelin
Daffodils (calcium oxalate irritant)
Phorbol esters (plant irritant) examples
Poinsettas, crotons, spurges
*in milky latex - can cause temporary blindness if latex contacts eye
What irritant can cause temporary blindness?
Phorbol esters (poinsettas, spurges, crotons)
Euphorbiaceae family
*contains phorbol esters, in latex cause temporary blindness if in contact with eye)
Part of the Euphorbiaceae family
*Phorbol ester irritant, may cause temporary blindness in latex
Family Araceae
Dumb Cane (calcium oxalate irritant)
*dumb as an Ox, archaic like a cave man? Idk
Calcium oxalate irritant
Dumb Cane (Araceae)
Bromelin irritant
Pineapple (Ananas comosus)
*ananias brothers bro out, pineapple juicing
Phorbol esters
Plant irritant contact derm found in milky latex with Poinsettas, spurges, crotons(Euphorbiaaceae)
Phorbol ester found in milky latex - a plant irritant
Group of plant irritants that includes
Garlic (Alliaceae)
Black mustard and radish (Brassicaceae)
Garlic - plant irritant
Plant allergen that causes an intense linear vesiculation, but no post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Protoanemonin (Buttercups)
*chemical Ranunculin converts to protoanemonin
Capsaicin - what family
What family of plants causes strummer dermatitis
Apiacea/Umbelliferae (Hogweed)
Hogweed (Heracleum) causes what kind of reaction?
Strummer dermatitis (after weedwacking)
Strimmer dermatitis cause
Hogweed (Heracleum) from the family Apiaceae
Chemical found in blue/green dyes
Blue/green dyes
Glass, pottery
Blue/Green dyes
Poral reaction
Irritant reaction with purpuric pores- found with cobalt allergy
What irritant causes the Poral reaction
Cobalt (purpuric pores)
Chemical found in wrinkle free clothing
Which fabric type has the least amount of formaldehyde in it?
Polyester *
Which fabric types have the most formaldehyde?
100% cotton or cotton/synthetic blends
2 cause of overall cosmetic-related ACD
Formaldehyde-releasing products (fragrances are #1)
1 preservative sensitizer in USA
Quaternium-15 (a formaldehyde releaser)
What type of chemical is Quaternium-15?
Formaldehyde releaser, found in cosmetics
Imidazolidinyl urea is what type of chemical?
Formaldehyde releasing preservative
PABA sunscreens block what type of light?
Oxybenzone blocks what type of light?
Methychloroisothiazolinone is found in what common product and causes what specific type of dermatitis?
MCI/MI found in wet wipes and can cause a perianal dermatitis
Kanthon CG is another name for what chemical?
Methychloroisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) this is the chemical in wet wipes that causes perianal dermatitis
Acrylates cause what kind of dermatitis
Nail dermatitis (found in nail products) *though remember tosylamide is the most common cause of eyelid dermatitis caused by a nail product
Material found in acrylic nail ADHESIVE
Ethyl Acrylate (Methyacrlate is found in the fake nails themselve)
Material found in Krazy Glue/Super Glue and Dermabond
Glue for artificial joints, adhesive for dental fillings/sealants
What chemical is known to diffuse through surgical glove and cause parasthesias
Dentist or ortho surgeon who develops parasthesias
Methacrylate (adhesive found in artificial joints, dental fillings, also fake nails) and can cause parasthesias
ACD that can cause parasthesias through gloves
Couch dermatitis
Dimethyl Fumarate
Most common co-reaction with which two topical antibiotics?
Neomycin and Bacitracin
What type of systemic abx should you not give while applying Neomysin?
Neomysin cross reacts with which other drug
Dialkyl Thiourea
Wetsuit dermatitis
Neoprene allergy (dialkyl thiourea)
Another name for Neoprene
Dialkyl Thiourea (wetsuit dermatitis, goggle dermatitis)
Most common positive patch test allergen
T/F number of piercings correlate with nickel allergy
What chemical turns pink in the presence of nickel and ammonia (the 10% ammonia test)
1 cause of all cosmetic-related allergic contact derm
Patch test to what chemical and the fragrance mix detects >90% of all fragrance allergies
Balsam of Peru
Balsam of Peru is derived from what type of tree
Myroxylon pereirea tree
Fragrance allergies think of what chemical to test with
Balsam of Peru
Balsam of Peru
Mix with fragrance test to detect >90% of all ACD
P-phenalenediamine (PPD)
Common allergen in hair dye (Also temporary tattoos, black rubber
You should test hairdressers to what chemical?
PPD (p-phelalenediamine)
SURFACTANT found in shampoos
Cocoamidopropyl betaine
Cocoamidoprophyl betaine
Allergenic surfactant found in shampoos
Thimerosal found in vaccines and also what type of product
Eye-drop solutions
Eye-drop solutions contain what common allergen
What chemical does Thimerosal cross-react with?
Piroxicam & mercury
Risk factor for Latex allergy
Spina Bifida
Healthcare workers
Latex cross reacts with what 5 substances?
"BACK PASSION" Banana Avacado Chestnut Kiwi Passion Fruit
Latex allergy usually causes what type of hypersensitivity reaction?
Type I (immunologic contact urticaria)»Type IV
Most common glove allergy (most common allergy in health care workers)
Thiuram (tetramethylthiuram disulfide)
*you would think it would be latex but it is not!
-cross reacts with disulfiram
Most common glove allergy
Most common allergy in healthcare workers
Most common allergy in health care workers
Thiuram (glove allergy). *NOT LATEX
Name a few products p-phenalenediamine (PPD) is found in
HAIR DYE (most common) Black rubber Black henna Photograph development ink Black printer ink
Epoxy resin
PVC and plastic materials
Couch dermatitis
Dimethyl Fumarate
Name two formaldehyde releasing preservatives
Imidazolidinyl urea
Preservatives found in topical medications, antiperspirants
Propylene glycol
Vehicle base in many cream and lotions: ECG and lubricant jelly, antifreeze, brake fluid
Name the allergen found in lubricant jelly, brake fluid, antifreeze, and many creams and lotions
Propylene glycol
Cross reacts wtih aminophylline (theophylline)
Allergen found in topical steroid and antifungal creams like Mycolog
Vehicle for emollients, cross reacts with Aquaphor and Eucerin
Common allergy among leg ulcer patients
This allergen is in wax-wool alcohol (derived from sheep)
Common vehicle used in emollients
Common in leg ulcer patients
Cross reacts with Aquaphor and Eucerin
Lanolin vs Paraben
Lanolin is a vehicle used for common emollients like Aquaphor
Paraben is a preservative in topical meds, deodorant
What chemical is an allergen found in perms that stays in the hair for months bc it remains in the hair shaft for that long
Glyceryl monothioglycolate
What product in hair bleach causes a contact urticaria?
Ammonium persulfate
Which type of transdermal patch has the highest rate of sensitization?
Which are more common allergens, anesthetic ESTERS or AMIDES?
Esters - bc 1 “i” (per Hocker book?)
Esters - benzocaine
Amides- lidocaine, mepivicaine, prilocaine (All have 2 “i”s)
Which disperse dyes are the best screening agents for clothing dye allergy?
Disperse dye 106, 124
If you are prescribing someone topical nitrogen mustard, should you prescribe the aqueous form or the ointment form?
Ointment form. Because the aqueous form causes an ACD in >68% of people!
Most common veggie/fruit to cause CONTACT URTICARIA
Potatoe (associated with an asthmatic response
*vs celery, not as common in general, but most common to cause anaphlyaxis
Most common veggie to cause anaphlyaxis as a result of a contact allergy
What woodworking product (also used as random creams for medications) can give a contact urticaria?
What type of patch testing do you want to do if you are testing for a contact urticaria
Open patch test
*vs a standard closed patch test which is ineffective
What is the sensitizer in poison ivy
Urushiol (pentadecylcatechol in oleoresin)
Cross reactants with poison ivy
MJ BIGCASH Mango Japanese laquer tree Brazilian pepper tree Indian marking nut Ginkgo Cashew nut
Sensitizer for Asteraceae (sunflower, dandelion, chrysanthemum)
Sesquiterpene lactone
Allergy to dandelions, sunflowers, and chrysanthemum (Asteraceae/Compositae) cross reacts with what chemical
If you see a rash on the non-dominant hand with hyperkeratosis/fissuring of the thumb index and middle fingertips, think allergy to what
Garlic, onions - family Aliaceae
Most common allergic reaction seen in what color tattoo
Chemical causing pigment reaction to black tattoo ink
Carbon, iron oxide
Chemical causing pigment reaction to tattoo ink: blue
Chemical causing pigment reaction to tattoo ink: Brown
Ferric Oxide
Chemical causing pigment reaction to tattoo ink: Green
Chromic Oxide (green ghrom!)
Chemical causing pigment reaction to tattoo ink: Purple
Manganese (Purple mango)
Chemical causing pigment reaction to tattoo ink: Red
Cinnabar (mercury sulfide); cadmium red
Chemical causing pigment reaction to tattoo ink: White
Titanium Dioxide
Chemical causing pigment reaction to tattoo ink: Yellow
Cadmium sulfide (Cadberry Bunny)
This chemical turns pink in the presence of Nickel - used as a test
Most common cause of persistently positive patch test reactions
Latex is more common to cause which kind of hypersensitivity reaction - I or IV?
Usually causes a Type I (not IV like typical contact derm)
Latex reacts with which substances?
BACK PASSION Bananas Avocados Chestnut Kiwi Passion fruit
BACK PASSION pneumonic
Bananas Avocados Chestnut Kiwi Passion fruit
What chemical irritant found in the felt on pool tables?
Risk factors for latex allergies
Health care professional
What chemical does Thiuram cross react with?
Which chemical allergen is found in musical instruments like the VIOLIN
Rosin (colophony and abiotic acid)
Type of Rosin, and allergen found in VIOLINs and other musical instruments
PTBP (p-tert-butylphenol formaldehyde resin)
Used for gluing together leather products (watchbands, leather handbags, shoes)
*can cause depigmentation!
Which chemical irritant cross reacts with piroxicam and mercury
Thimerosal (ethyl mercury) - found in eyedrops and vaccines
What chemicals does Thimerosal cross-react with?
Piroxicam and mercury
What allergen is found in Mycolog?
Which chemical allergen is made by bees from resinous exudates of plants?
Propolis - most notable for ACD of the lips
A notable chemical irritant for ACD of the lips
Propolis - made by BEES from resinous exudates of plants