Infectious Diseases Flashcards
what are the three most common STDs?
chlamydia trachomatis
neisseria gonorrhoeae
treponema pallidium
how do you treat N. gonorrhoeae?
3rd generation cephalosporin (ex- ceftriaxone, cefotaxine)
how do you treat Claymdias trachomatis?
How do you treat an enterobacteriaceae infections?
quinolone (ciprofloxacin)
Presetns with vulvar itching, “cottage cheese” discharge?
Tx from vulvovaginitis?
Intravaginal azoles (clotrimazole, miconadole)
tx for trichomoniasis?
Presents with malodorous thin discharge, clear to white
clue cells seen on wet mount
bacterial vaingosis
Tx for bacterial vaginosis
metronidazole (oral or intravaginal)
What organisms cause PID?
C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhoeae
Tx for PID
3rd generation cephalo pluse doxycycline OR quinolone plus metronidazole
what is the organism that causes syphillis?
treponema pallidum
what is is the organism that causes chancroid?
H. ducreyi
Presents w/ painful ulcrs and inguinal adenopathy w/ overlying erythema
presents w/ painless ulcers