Infectious Diseases Flashcards
Fever, lymphadenopathy, white coating in throat, developing country
Difficulty swallowing + immunosuppression risk factors (e.g. HIV, renal transplant, inhaled steroid use). What’s diagnosis?
Oesophageal candidiasis
What baseline Investigations needed prior to starting TB treatment of RIPE?
FBC, UEs, LFTs, Vision Testing
Who should have an annual pneumococcal vaccination?
Anyone with chronic disease of organs
(i.e. heart, lungs, liver, kidney, spleen)
Which vaccines are live, attenuated?
MMR (makes sense as not end of the world if you get mumps)
Yellow fever
How do you assess someone’s response to Hep B vaccine and how to manage?
<10 - non responder, repeat 3 vaccine course
10-100 - booster dose now and re-assess
> 100 - responder
Which STIs are the following caused by?
1) Initial Painless ulcer followed by rash on body which also affects palms
2) Painful ulcer and inguinal lymphadenopathy
3) Green penile discharge
4) Vesicles
5) Painless ulceration which then heals
1) Syphillis (initial painless ulcer is known as chancre)
2) Chancroid
3) Gonorrhoea
4) HSV2
5) Lymphogranuloma venereum
Following wound/injury -> fever, black blisters, smelly gas/discharge? Which bacteria is most commonly responsible?
Gas gangrene
Clostridium perfringens
When would you need Tetanus vaccine booster +/- immunoglobulins?
If you have had full 5 course vaccination, with latest booster in last 10 years - no action needed
If you have had full 5 course, but latest bootees >10 years ago - need booster (+immunoglobulin if high risk)
If unsure of vaccination status - same as above
What should be measured when testing for HIV diagnosis?
HIV p24 antigen + HIV antibody
In addition to oral and genital ulcers (plus uveitis), what else can happen in Behcet’s?
What is lymphogranuloma venereum caused by?
Painless ulcer with painful inguinal lymphadenopathy
Symptoms of chancroid?
Painful ulcer + painful inguinal lymphadenopathy
Management of human bites?
If broken skin + bleeding -> co-amoxiclav
If in high risk areas (hands, feet, face, genitals, near cartilaginous structures) -> always give Abx
Is influenza vaccine live or inactivated?
Symptoms of genital herpes?
usually have prodrome of fever then get painful genital vesicles +/- dysuria