Infectious Disease Flashcards
percent of dogs with cribiform plate lysis?
Rate of seizures for dogs with cribiform plate lysis when treated with topical therpay?
none in dogs with lesions as large as 16 x 22 mm2
Sn and Sp of Bartonella IFA?
62% sn (poor), sp 85%
Prevalence of atovaquone resistant Babesia gibsoni? What gene is this associated with?
Associated with M128 position of cytochrome B
don’t need to test for resistance pre-treatment due low incidence
25OHD concentrations and other related metabolites in dogs with blasto? Is this associated with prognosis?
25OHD is lower, PTH also lower
higher iCa
25OHD independently associated with neutrophil count, pCO2, and bone/skin involvement
no associated with survival
What factors are associated with survival in dogs with blasto?
lactate, bone, skin, and LN involvement
Number of affected sites
Presence of respiraotry signs
In endemic regions, how does seroprevalence of T cruzi compare to that of tick borne disease and heartworm disease?
18.1% positive
Higher than tick borne pathogens
Equivalent to heartworm (16%)
Most frequent PE finding in dogs with E. ewingii?
joint pain
Biochemical findings in dogs with E ewingii?
ALP and ALT elevation
Increased SDMA
What other disease processes can be seen in dogs who are positive for E. ewingii?
IMHA and renal disease
What are biochemical findings noted in dogs with B canis?
marked acute phase protein response
lower chol, phospholipid, TG, and a-lipoprotein
Higher ApoA-1 concentration and SAA
What breed and age are more likely to be infected with Trypanosoma cruzi?
non sporting and toy breeds
Younger (mean age 5.9)
13x more likely if housemate or litter mate infected
What cardiac changes are expected in dogs with Trypanosoma cruzi?
ventriculare arrhythmias, ECG abnormalities,
increased Troponin I
Prevalence of B vulpes compared to B gibsoni?
0.2% comapred to 1.7%
0.31% co-infected
If a dog is positive for B vulpes, what other infection may you expect to find?
Hemotropic mycoplasma
D immitis
B gibosni
Sn and SP of IMMY crypto assay and CryptoPS assay?
IMMY (LFA): sn 92%, Sp 93.2%
CryptoPS: Sn 80%, sp 94.9%
How might Rickettsia rickettsii infection impact bartonella positivity in a dog?
May have recrudescence of chronic subclinical bartonella spp after Rr infection
How can total t4 be used to discriminate feline parvovirus survivors from non survivors?
Cut off of 0.82 ug/dL to differentiate
73.9% sn, 82.9% sp
how does tracheal stent placement impact bacterial infection?
not associated with increased risk of bacterial infection
decreases infection in geriatric dogs and dogs with traditional-type collapse
Highest positivity rate of diagnosing Tritrichomonas foetus via PCR based on collection method?
Better sensitivity with fecal loop vs colonic flush
No association with treatment history/type or prior treatment with ronidazole
Percent of cats who did not have Trictrichomonas foetus cleared after first ronidazole therapy?
What vector borne diseases are most commonly associated with proteinuria? What % of proteinuria dogs were exposed to at least one vector borne disease?
Ehrlichia, Rickettsia and B. burgdorferi
In dogs with immune mediated disease secondary to E canis (acute or subclinical phase), do you expect to see disease recrudescence after immune suppression?
no evidence of disease recrudescence if treated with 4 weeks of doxycycline for acute/subclinical E canis
What diseases has Bartonella rochalimae been associated with?
Endocarditis, seizures and antibiotic responsive lameness