Infectious bronchitis Flashcards
Infectious bronchitis
Prototype of coronaviridae
Affects chicks
Massachusetts and connecticut
Transmission of infectiois bronchitis
Aerosols and food contaminated with faeces
Viremiaa of infectious bronchitis
Virus replicate in ciliated epithelial cells
Then to ovaries oviduct kidneys
Infectious bronchitis incubation period 🥰d
18 to 48 hours
Infection of young female chicks may result in permanent hypoplasia of the oviduct that is evident later in life as
Infection of young female chicks may result in permanent hypoplasia of the oviduct that is evident later in life as reduced egg production and inferior quality eggs.
Egg laying chickens
Affected have
Decline in egg production
Lack of calcified shells
Atrophy of kidney lobules
Lesions of infectious bronchitis
Mucosal thickening with catarrhal exudate in nasal passages
Proventriculus enlargement
Pneumonia and conjuctivitis
Virus isolatio n
Live birds :tracheal samples
Dead birds kidney, oviduct, cecal tonsils
Isolation in chicken embryos
Differential diagnosis of infectious bronchitia
Infectious coryza,
Infectious laryngotracheatis
Live attenuated and inactive vaccines are available
1 day old and booster on 18 th day
Intranasal intraocular