Infection Incorrects Flashcards
A 76 year old man has nausea, fever and rigors. He has foul smelling urine. He was discharged 3 days ago after being treated for a PE. He has been having low molecular weight heparin injections twice daily since the diagnosis. He had a cholecystectomy 12 years ago.His temperature is 39.7°C, pulse rate 100 bpm and BP 92/41 mmHg.Investigations:
APTT 43 seconds (22–41) PT 18 seconds (10–12)
Which is the most likely cause of the prolonged prothrombin time?
A. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
B. Liver disease
C. Low molecular weight heparin
D. Lupus anticoagulant
E. Vitamin K deficiency
A = Sepsis causing DIC
chlamydia first line treatment?
A 24 year old woman has 1 week of watery diarrhoea and abdominal
cramping. She is a keen swimmer and there has been a recent outbreak of
diarrhoeal disease amongst her swimming club. She is otherwise well. A
stool sample shows oocysts of cryptosporidium.
Which is the most appropriate management?
no therapy required, self limiting illness
A child with scarlet fever can return to school x hours after commencing antibiotics?
Non-pregnant women with uncomplicated lower UTI, treatment with antibiotics for how many days?
3 days! of nitro
when would you send a urine culture/MSU for patients with a UTI?
women with a suspected UTI if associated with visible or non-visible haematuria
All men with a suspected UTI should have a urine culture sent before starting antibiotics
Do not treat asymptomatic bacteria in catheterised patients
UTI in a pregnant woman in the third trimester management?
amoxicillin or cefalexin for 7 days
A 41-year-old man with HIV attends his GP complaining of shortness of breath. He has a dry cough which has been present for the past 5 months and occasional symptoms of chest tightness and discomfort.
On examination his temperature is 36.7ºC, his heart rate is 69 bpm, his blood pressure is 131/86 mmHg and his oxygen saturations on air are 98%. Examination of his chest is normal but when he is asked to stand and walk 10m, upon returning to his chair his oxygen saturations on air are measured as 89%. A chest x-ray is subsequently performed which shows some patchy opacities in the right apex and bilateral hilar enlargement.
What is the most likely causative organism of this man’s symptoms?
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia causes desaturation on exercise
ABG shows a metabolic acidosis and raised lactate which further points towards sepsis. Apyrexia does not rule out sepsis.
systolic blood pressure < 90mmHg or > 40mmHg fall from baseline
mean arterial pressure < 65mmHg
heart rate > 131 per minute
respiratory rate > 25 per minute
unresponsive or responsive only to voice or pain.
what type of swab is 1st line for chlamydia/ gonorrhea?
Vulvo-vaginal swab
trichomonas treatment?
whooping cough management?
oral macrolide (e.g. clarithromycin, azithromycin or erythromycin)
Women who suffer regular urinary tract infection following sexual intercourse can be offered post-coital antibiotic prophylaxis
All patients with a CD4 count lower than 200/mm3 should receive prophylaxis against Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia with what medication addedd to their antivirals?
Antibiotic prohylaxis to prevent infective endocarditis is not routinely recommended in the UK for dental and other procedures