Infant Mortality Decline Flashcards
What is the only eradicated infection due to vaccination?
Why is vaccination important?
- Direct influence on the disease it prevented
- Precluded the need for therapy and prevented any associated complications
List three methodological flaws of McKeown’s interpretation.
- Almost entirely cause-specific; largely ignores age-specificity & place and social-group specific variations
- Periodisation 1841-50 to 1891-1900 and 1901-1971 obscures the dramatic, sudden change in the influence of infant mortality between the two periods
- Focuses on TB; it is largely a disease of adulthood
What is the ‘urban effect’?
Climatic conditions, especially during late summer while interacting with poor urban sanitary environments lead to high levels of diarrhoeal disease among infants = increase of IMR in late 1890’s.
What was George Newman’s importance in infant mortality?
Local Ministry of Health - 1900
Opened milk depot to provide mothers with clean milk - 1904
Published ‘Infant Mortality: a Social Problem’ Factors affecting mother, child and environment - 1906
What were Newman’s Recommendations for mothers?
- Maternity material support as France & Germany
- Maternity leave including paid
- Factory act extension to improve working conditions and provide childcare
- Education in school
- Health visitors
What were Newman’s Recommendations for the child?
- Registrations
- Childcare
- Feeding
What were Newman’s Recommendations for the environment?
- Sanitation
- Safe workplaces
What was Arthur Newsholme’s importance in infant mortality?
- Introduced annual reports: Five key reports of infant, childhood, and maternal mortality
- Identified proximate determinants (direct and indirect causes) of mortality in order to identify and implement solutions.
- (These also influenced later analysis of childhood mortality in less developed countries)
How did a mother’s employment affect the infant mortality rate?
- High proportions of mothers in employment, and low infant mortality rates continued to be found together.
What did Newman’s Recommendations result in for mothers?
- Improvements in levels of women’s education
- Improved status of women,
- Improved their access to information,
- the way in which they cared for their babies and
- the way in which they were themselves cared for
- Safe and accessible supply of milk - contamination of pasteurised or evaporated milk
- Encouragement of breastfeeding whenever possible
- (Mortality among non breastfed approached 50%)
What were Bradford District’s action plans to reduce infant mortality?
- Reducing poverty and unemployment
- Improving housing and the social environment of residents
- Improving the nutrition of mothers and babies (including breastfeeding)
- Ensuring access to appropriate health care
- Ensuring appropriate social and emotional support for parents
What were Bradford District’s action plans to reduce infant mortality for specific groups?
- Reducing the number of women who smoke or have high levels of use of alcohol and/or non-prescribed drugs in pregnancy
- Developing a better understanding of the impact of genetics and strategies for empowering families to deal with genetic risk
- Ensuring these recommendations are shared widely and understood by communities across the Bradford District
What was the aim of the Infant Feeding Survey?
To provide estimates on the incidence, prevalence, and duration of breastfeeding and other feeding practices adopted by mothers in the first eight to ten months after their baby was born.
How regularly was the Infant Feeding Survey conducted?
It was conducted every 5 years since 1975.
What have been the results of the Infant Feeding Survey since?
- Initial breastfeeding rates 76% (2005) to 81% (2010)
- No clear association with level of education
- Some association with minority ethnic groups