Infant feeding Flashcards
When should babies who are suspected of hypoglycemia have their blood tested?
Not directly after birth but after the first feed, because when born the sugar concentration is increased due to adrenaline.
When do babies typically regain all of their birthweight. and how much are they suppost to lose upto?
By 2 weeks, NICE says upto 10%
Indications that formula is required
Yellow seedy stools, poor tone, jaundice, low temperature, not waking for feeds, jittery,low blood sugar, (2.4-2.7)
How can a difficult birth impact breastfeeding?
Epidural, syntometrine, pethidine aswell as caesarian and difficult birth because they delay lactation.
What is the formula for calculating the amount of formula you’d supplement?
Initial feed, 30ml,
Day 3 90ml X BW divided by 8 = volume
Day 5 120ml X BW divided by 8= volume
Day 10 150ml X BW divided by 8 = volume