Infancy Flashcards
some babies have constant pain as teeth come in, some have no pain
- teething rings and topical pain relief may help
teeth typically appear around 5-9 months
cephalocaudal trend
head to tail growth pattern
- head develops first, followed by lower body
proximodistal trend
centre of body outward growth pattern
- head, trunk and chest grow first, then arms and legs, then hands and feet
little gaps between neurons
axon vs. dendrites
axon: of the neuron releases the neurontransmitter
dendrites: receive the neurotransmitters
overproduction / exuberance (brain)
amount of dendritic connections increase
axons become encased in mylein sheath, which increases the speed of communication between neurons
three different brain regions
- hindbrain
- midbrain
- forebrain
hindbrain & midbrain
- mature fastest
- control basic biological functions necessary for life (e.g. breathing, heartbeat, movement etc.)
limbic system and cerebral cortex
limbic system (3)
- hypothalamus (hunger, thirst, body temp. etc.)
- thalamus (sending and receiving sensory info)
- hippocampus (memory - slowest to grow)
cerebral cortex
- controls speaking and understanding language, problem-solving, ideas and symbols
- 85% of brain’s total weight
- far longer than other animals’
specialisation of the two hemispheres
left hemisphere
language, info processing in logical way
right hemisphere
spatial reasoning, processing in logical way
4 lobes
- frontal lobe (planning for future/making decisions)
- parietal lobe (bodily sensations)
- occipital lobe (visual information)
- temporal lobe (auditory infomation, inc. language)
- infant brain is more flexible/highly responsive to environment
- two types
- structual plasticity
- functional plasticity
environmental deprivation
- can have significant effects on neurodevelopment
- brain damage due to environmental deprivation is difficult to cure by 6 months
4 types of unresponsive care
- occasional inattention
- chronic under-stimulation
- severe neglect in a family context
- severe neglect in an institutional setting
custom complex
distinctive cultural pattern of behaviour that reflects underlying cultural beliefs
sudden infant death syndrome
- leading cause of death in infants under 12 months
- infants fall asleep and never wake up
- may be due to transition from reflex to intentional behaviour when breathing is blocked
SIDS risk factors (5)
- stomach sleeping
- low birth weight
- maternal smoking/2nd hand smoke exposure
- soft bedding
- sleeping in overheated room
gross motor skills
big movements involving larger muscles
gross motor skills milestones (1st year) (7)
- holding head up without support
- rolling over
- sitting without support
- crawling
- standing
- cruising
- sometimes walking
fine motor skills
more precise motor abilities with smaller muscles