Inequalities in gender Flashcards
Development of feminism
Inequalities= division
Culture shaped by men ‘malestream’, sociological research run by men, not generalisable
Women under-studied
Favour qualitative methods where experience can be shared
First wave of feminism (mid 1800s & early 1900)
Suffragettes, wanted right to vote & educational opportunities
Did not want to be property of husbands
Successfully passed laws surrounding education/exams, access to careers
Other achievements= property rights, divorce, child & custody rights
Second wave of feminism (1960s & 70s)
Campaigns for social change
The way society is organised causes disadvantage in public/private sphere
Wanted to share awareness of problems
NWLM conference= list of demands (free contraception, educational opportunities etc), demands not favoured by all strands of fem
Most demands not met
Third wave of feminism (mid 1990s)
More diverse & individualistic
Looks at different backgrounds that women come from
No distinct goals, want to abolish traditional ideas
Fourth wave of feminism (current)
Aim to take action against sexism
Defined by technology- Cochrane
New activism (ie: activist badge for girl guides, 59% mumsnet users feminists)
Liberal feminism
Focus on equal rights/opportunities
Inequality due to socialisation & unfair laws
Changes in n+v’s & reforms will bring inequality
Men aren’t the oppressors (want to work with them)
What does liberal feminist Oakley argue?
Canalisation= channelling of gender appropriate toys/activities
Manipulation= gender appropriate behaviour
Leant from parents (ie gender specific chores)
Reinforced by education & media
How is Oakley criticised?
PMs= no longer fixed, ideas are out of date & lack temporal validity
Oakley presents children as passive when they actively go against stereotypes
Evaluate liberal feminism
Fail to explain why males & females have different levels of power
Focus on existing structures- we need revolutionary change!
Overly optimistic (gender pay gap still)
Middle-class movement
Marxist feminism
Capitalism leads to oppression, family is patriachal
Women serve the needs of capitalism by-
(1)reproducing the next brainwashed generation (boys= breadwinners, girls= housewives)
(2)unpaid domestic work, wife reliant on mans wage (3)women soothe stresses of husbands (4)women are a reserve army of labour
Who are the 4 Marxist feminists & what do they discuss?
Feeley- children taught to submit, they’re preconditioned to accept, taught passivity
Benston- women cares for husband, contributing to capitalism, unpaid labour supports the system
Ansley- women act as ‘safety valve’ and ‘takers of shit’ for husbands
Bruegel- women are used as a workforce when needed, sent back when not required
Marxist feminism
Capitalism leads to oppression, family is patriarchal
Women serve the needs of capitalism by-
(1)reproducing the next brainwashed generation (boys= breadwinners, girls= housewives)
(2)unpaid domestic work, wife reliant on mans wage (3)women soothe stresses of husbands (4)women are a reserve army of labour
Evaluate Marxist feminism
Too much emphasis on social class
PM’s criticise focus on class as its not significant
Patriarchy is a more significant influence
Usefulness questioned as it relies on a revolution
Radical feminism
Patriarchy not capitalism
Society run by men, interests if men, men make efforts to dominate
Only revolutionary change will help liberation
Family central to oppression
Men define ‘natural’ roles of women
Recognise a biological element but shouldn’t mean unfair treatment
Point to level of worldwide domestic violence as evidence (30%)
Men enforce heterosexuality
Who are the 3 radical feminists & what do they discuss?
Millett- mens original power is due to biology. Modern technology (pill), mean women have more power. Men prepared to defend dominance at all costs & use violence
Johnson- patriarchal terrorism= for men to control ‘their’ women. Alongside violence, use of economic subordination, threats & isolation.
Ti-Grace Atkinson- ‘feminism=theory, lesbianism=practice’ (avoiding sleeping with the enemy: political lesbianism). She says the nuclear family ensures male dominance & forces dependence
Evaluate radical feminism
Don’t acknowledge variations in family life (some women reported positive experiences)
Social class/ethnicity equally important
LF’s= position of women changed overtime
Overemphasising factors that separate women form men (they can cooperate together)
Why is Walby critical of the other strands of feminism?
Radical= ignores class & ethnicity
Marxist= problematic, too heavy focus on capitalism
Liberal= doesn’t consider the structure of society
What does Walby say about ethnicity & age?
In contemporary societies, women experiences different combinations of public/private patriarchy (Ie: British Muslim women more likely to experience private)
Young women made important gains
Older women still likely to experience private, young tend to have better qualifications, sexual freedom, involved in social movements
Some young women poorly qualified, dependent, single-parents
Even highly-qualified women struggle with restrictions
Basis of intersectionality
Mix of Marxist and radical feminism
Recognises interplay of different inequalities (class, gender, religion, nationality etc)
Patriarchy is not fixed (split into public & private)
6 Patriarchal structures (MASHES)
(M) Cultural institutions like the media: presented as objects/housewives
(A) Violence against women: sexual assault & threat
(S) Sexuality: women condemned for multiple partners
(H) The household: domestic responsibility
(E )Paid employment ‘women’s place is the home’= low pay/status
(S) The state: welfare rules, taxation, no protection for women (interests of men)
Evaluate Walby
Over-emphasises the influence on social structure on behaviour
How does Hakim disagree with Walby?
Hakim says women do have a choice over male domination to be either work/home-centred or adaptive (preference theory)
Preference theory
Women aren’t victims
A lack of childcare= barrier to women
Different attitudes towards the labour market
Pref theory explains concepts like glass ceiling
Women=aren’t as committed
Evaluate Hakim
It’s actually employers attitudes (not womens) that put them in the secondary labour marker
Ignores power of patriarchy