Inequalities in ethnicity Flashcards
Who is the main sociologist for functionalism and ethnicity?
What is the host immigration model?
Equilibrium of the UK being stable was disrupted by immigrants. What was stopping equality was fear of cultural difference, resentment of competition & failure to assimilate
Culture strangeness if failure to adopt British n & v’s
What are the 3 stages of the host immigration model?
What are the 3 evaluations of Patterson?
She’s naïve to assume all immigrants assimilate
PM’s= we live in a multicultural society, diversity should be celebrated
Marxists= ignores the sig role that capitalism plays in society
What do functionalists say about ethnic inequalities?
Inequality experienced by immigrants is due to cultural difference
Meritocratic societies would experience a decrease in inequality
What do Marxists say about ethnic inequalities?
Immigration serves needs of capitalism, used to divide workers
What does Cox say about ethnic inequalities for Marxism?
Early capitalism goes hand-in-hand with colonialism (when nations exploited the workforce in colonies, justified by superiority claims)
Says that if racism was developed to exploit, it can’t be developed by the exploited themselves
If capitalism hadn’t developed, we may never experienced racism
Evaluate Cox
Too simplistic, capitalist ideology is difficult to prove
Race not treated as important in it’s own right (‘race-blind’)
Which pair of Marxist sociologist’s discuss reserve army of labour?
Castles & Kosack
Low-skilled immigrants given manual jobs
Immigrants treated as reserve army of labour (surplus of labour power) to keep profit high, wages low.
Need to be available as capitalist economies were unstable
Division of wc= white population and immigrant workers
Divide & rule tactic meant immigrants can be scapegoated for economic problems
Wc too divided to overthrow capitalism
Evaluate Castles & Kosack
Not all ethnic minorities are disadvantaged (over 5000 muslim millionaires)
Many immigrants now possess higher-level skills
Which marxist sociologist discusses racialised class fractions?
What does Miles argue?
Colonialism replaced with nationalism (nation superior to others)
Status used alongside class to explain inequality
Ethnic minority culturally/socially different
Black power and celebratng cultural uniqueness sets them apart
Causes radicalised class fractions, reinforced by racism
Minorities are starting to become middle-class but are disadvantaged by lack of security & racism
Even if they’re middle class, not seen as adaquate by whites
Evaluate marxist Miles
Downplays co-operation (between trade unions)
What does Weber say about ethnic inequalities?
Involvement of status and party
Class= market situation
White British= superior market situation
Status groups aim to achive ‘social closure’, minorities struggle to compete
Status can divide class groups
Party= group promoting own interests
Evaluate the webarian theory on ethnic inequality
Doesn’t distinguish types on inequality
What is the dual labour market theory & which sociologists discuss it?
Barron & Norris
Racism in the workforce
Primary and secondary
Stratification isnt purely economic (cultural)
Minorites concentrate secondary market
Evaluate Barron & Norris
Ignores that minorities have primary postions
Fail to recognise that minority women are worst off (‘concrete ceiling’)
What to Rex & Tomlinson say about ethnic inequalities?
Material disadvantage for ethnic minorities
Seperate underclass, disadvantages worsens by racism
Black underclass marginalised, alienated, fustrated and socially excluded
Evaluate Rex & Tomlinson
Over-emphasise minorities as passive victims (position of minorities are changing)
Who are the 3 key black feminists for ethnic inequalities?
What is black feminists general view on ethnic inequality?
Concept of intersectionality (oppressions criss-cross & compound each other)
What does Connell say about ethnic inequality?
Link between BF and postcolonial feminism (PC feminism= explains inequalities caused by colonialism)
Gender inequalities from colonial times influence modern attitudes
Important to challenge ‘western feminism’
Evaluate black feminist Connell
PC invaluable in helping understand origins of gender inequality
Overemphasises colonialism
Which black feminist discusses ‘inter-play’ & what does this mean?
Black women at disadvantage due to many forces (WC, black & female)
Each inequality reinforces each other, restricting life chances