Indoor Environmental Quality Flashcards
What are the Prereq’s for the Indoor Environmental Quality Category?
1) Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
2) Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
3) Minimum Acoustic Performance
What are the Credits for the Indoor Environmental Quality Category?
1) Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies (2 points)
2) Low-Emitting Materials (3 points)
3) Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan (1 point)
4) Indoor Air Quality Assessment (2 points)
5) Thermal Comfort (1 point)
6) Interior Lighting (2 points)
7) Daylight (3 points)
8) Quality Views (1 point)
9) Acoustic Performance (1 point)
What Indoor Environmental Quality Prereq’s and Credits qualify for Exemplary performance?
1) EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies
2) EQ-C Low-Emitting Materials
3) EQ-C Quality Views
What are the Options and points associated with EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) US Mechanically Ventilated Spaces
2) Non-US Mechanically Ventilated Spaces
3) Hospital Mechanically Ventilated Spaces
4) Naturally Ventilated Spaces
5) Monitor Mechanically Ventilated Spaces
6) Monitor Naturally Ventilated Spaces
What are the guidelines to meet “US Mechanically Ventilated Spaces” of EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) Meet minimum Mechanically Ventilated System requirements of ASHRAE 62.1
What are the guidelines to meet “Non-US Mechanically Ventilated Spaces” of EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) Meet minimum outdoor air requirements per CEN Standard EN 15251 and 13779.
What are the guidelines to meet “Hospital Mechanically Ventilated Spaces” of EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) Determine minimum air intake flow using ASHRAE 170.
2) Use ASHRAE 62.1 for areas not covered under 170.
What are the guidelines to meet “Naturally Ventilated Spaces” of EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) Determine minimum outdoor air opening and space configuration using ASHRAE 62.1.
2) Confirm that natural ventilation is an effective strategy using Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
What are the guidelines to meet “Monitor Mechanically Ventilated Spaces” of EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) Use a direct outdoor airflow measuring device with accuracy of +/- 10% and alarm that activates at variations 15% or more.
What are the guidelines to meet “Monitor Naturally Ventilated Spaces” of EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
Comply with at least one of the following:
1) Use a direct outdoor airflow measuring device with accuracy of +/- 10% and alarm that activates at variations 15% or more.
2) Provide automatic indication devices on all naturally ventilated openings.
3) Monitor carbon dioxide concentration and alert if concentration exceeds 10%
What additional requirements must Residential units meet for each dwelling unit under EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) Unvented combustion appliances are not allowed
2) Install carbon monoxide monitors on each floor
3) Have enclosures for indoor fireplaces.
4) Space heating must use closed combustion.
5) Open combustion fireplace or woodstoves should pass backdraft potential test.
What are the documentation requirements for EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?
1) Confirmation that projects meets minimum standards.
2) Ventilation procedure.
3) MERV rating
4) Natural Ventilation rate calculation
5) CIBSE flow diagram
6) Map showing monitoring devices.
What are the residential Specific Options and points associated with EQ-P Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control?
1) Option 1: No Smoking
2) Option 2: Compartmentalization of Smoking Areas
What are the general guidelines to meet EQ-P Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control?
1) Prohibit smoking, except for designated areas at least 25 ft away.
2) Post signage within 10 ft of all entrances.
3) Prohibit smoking on entire site for schools.
What are the Residential specific guidelines to meet “Option 1: No Smoking” of EQ-P Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control?
1) Prohibit smoking inside entire building
What are the Residential specific guidelines to meet “Option 2: Compartmentalization of Smoking Areas” of EQ-P Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control?
1) Weather strip all residential unit doors and windows.
2) Weather strip doors leading into common hallways.
3) Seal all penetrations in walls, ceilings and floor.
4) Demonstrate maximum leakage of .23 cubic feet per minute at 50 Pa.
What are the documentation requirements for EQ-P Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control?
1) Narrative on non smoking policy if prohibited.
2) Map showing smoking areas are 25ft away.
3) Photos of signage
4) Any code or restriction of non-smoking requirements.
What are the (3) noise issues that must be remedied under EQ-P Minimum Acoustic Performance?
1) HVAC Background Noise.
2) Exterior Noise
3) Reverberation Time
What are the HVAC Background Noise measures under EQ-P Minimum Acoustic Performance?
1) Achieve maximum HVAC background noise of 40dBA using ANSI S12.6.
2) HVAC noise should be measured when no occupants are present.
What are the Exterior Noise measures under EQ-P Minimum Acoustic Performance?
1) Implement Exterior Noise reduction measures if over 60dBA during normal school hours.
2) Projects located half mile from significant noise sources are exempt from exterior noise requirement.
What are the Reverberation Time measures for projects under 20,000 cubit feet under EQ-P Minimum Acoustic Performance?
1) Option 1: Confirm surface area of acoustic wall panels, ceiling finishes and sound-absorbent finishes is greater than total ceiling area.
2) Option 2: Confirm through calculation that rooms are designed to meet ANSI 12.6.
What are the Reverberation Time measures for projects over 20,000 cubit feet under EQ-P Minimum Acoustic Performance?
1) Meet recommended reverberation times specified in NRC-CNRC Construction Technology Update No. 51.
2) Verified at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz.
What spaces are exempt under EQ-P Minimum Acoustic Performance?
1) Auditoriums
2) Natatoriums
3) Theaters
4) Teleconferencing rooms
5) Special Education rooms
What are the documentation requirements for EQ-P Minimum Acoustic Performance?
1) Background noise calculations.
2) Description of noise sources within half mile.
3) Exterior noise calculations.
4) Description of measures taken on Exterior Noise.
5) Description of what Reverberation requirements have been met.
What are the Options and points associated with EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Option 1: Enhanced IAQ Strategies (1 point)
2) Option 2:Additional Enhanced IAQ Strategies (1 point)
What are the Mechanically Ventilated Space strategies associated with “Option 1: Enhanced IAQ Strategies” of EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Entryway systems
2) Interior cross-contamination prevention
3) Filtration.
What are the Naturally Ventilated Space strategies associated with “Option 1: Enhanced IAQ Strategies” of EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Entryway systems
2) Natural ventilation design calculations
What are the Mixed-mode system strategies associated with “Option 1: Enhanced IAQ Strategies” of EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Entryway systems
2) Interior cross-contamination prevention
3) Filtration
4) Natural ventilation design calculations
5) Mixed-mode design calculations
What are the requirements for entryway systems under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Permanent grilles, grates, slotted systems or rollout mats
2) At least 10ft long in direction of travel
What are the requirements for Interior cross-contamination prevention under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Exhaust spaces that may contain hazardous materials or chemicals.
What are the requirements for filtration under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Ventilation systems that supply outdoor air should contain MERV filters with a rating of 13 or higher.
2) All filters should be replaced after construction and before occupancy.
What are the requirements for Natural ventilation design calculations under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Naturally ventilated design should employ strategies from Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
What are the requirements for Mixed-mode design calculations under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Mixed-node system design should comply with CIBSE Applications Manual 13
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: Enhanced IAQ Strategies” of EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Any relevant maps, lists, schedules and calculations that can be used to verify selected strategies.
What are the requirements for Increased ventilation under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
Increase ventilation rates by at least 30% over EQ-P Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
What are the requirements for Carbon dioxide monitoring under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Add carbon dioxide monitors to all spaces where density exceeds 25 people per 1,000 SF
2) Alert should sound if concentration exceeds 10%
What are the requirements for Additional source control and monitoring under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
Use additional sensors and alarms to monitor spaces that are likely to have contaminants beyond carbon dioxide
What are the requirements for Natural ventilation room by room calculations under EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
Use CIBSE AM10 to confirm room-by-room airflow will provide effective natural ventilation.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: Additional Enhanced IAQ Strategies” of EQ-P Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Any relevant narratives, lists, confirmations, and calculations that can be used to verify selected strategies.
What are the Exemplary Performance requirements of EQ-C Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
Achieve both option 1 and option 2, in addition to an extra strategy from option 2.
What are the Options and points associated with EQ-C Low Emitting Materials?
1) Option 1: Product Category Calculations (3 points)
2) Option 2: Budget Calculation Method (3 points)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Product Category Calculations” of EQ-C Low Emitting Materials?
1) Team will organize building products into 7 product categories.
2) Team will receive points based on number of categories that achieved threshold values.
What are the emissions and content requirements associated with “Option 1: Product Category Calculations” of EQ-C Low Emitting Materials?
1) General Emissions Evaluation per CDPH, 90%
2) VOC content requirements for wet applied products per CARB and SCAQMD, 100%
3) Composite wood evaluation per CARB, 100%
4) Furniture evaluation per BIFMA, 90%
5) Exterior Applied Products per CARB, 90%
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: Budget Calculation Method” of EQ-C Low Emitting Materials?
1) Organize building interiors into 6 assemblies.
2) Calculate percentage of compliant material under each assembly.
3) 90% compliant equals 100% compliant
4) 50% compliant equals 0% compliant.
5) Use adjustments to calculate average compliance.
6) Average compliance will determine points earned.
What are the (6) assemblies associated with “Option 2: Budget Calculation Method” of EQ-C Low Emitting Materials?
1) Flooring
2) Ceiling
3) Walls
4) Thermal and acoustic insulation
5) Furniture
6) Exterior applied products
What are the documentation requirements of EQ-C Low Emitting Materials?
1) USGBC low-emitting materials calculator
2) Product information
What are the Exemplary Performance requirements of EQ-C Low Emitting Materials?
Earn all points and reach 100% of products for option 1.
What are the guidelines to meet of EQ-C Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan?
Develop Indoor Air Quality Management Plan that:
1) Meets or exceeds SMACNA guidelines.
2) Protect absorptive materials
3) Air-handling equipment must use Merv 8 filters.
4) Smoking within 25ft is prohibited.
What are the documentation requirements of EQ-C Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan?
1) Document compliance with IAQ management plan.
2) Narrative describing protection measure of absorbent materials.
3) Annotated photos of indoor air measures.
4) Record of filtration media.
What are the Healthcare specific guidelines to meet of EQ-C Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan?
Develop Environmental Quality Management Plan that addresses:
1) Moisture control plan
2) Use of Merv 8 filter for air handling unit use
3) VOCs
4) Outdoor Emissions
5) Tobacco
6) Noise and Vibration
7) Infection Control per FGI 2010 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Healthcare Facilities
8) Infection control risk assessment per American Society of Healthcare Engineers
What are the Healthcare specific documentation requirements of EQ-C Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan?
1) Environmental Quality Management Plan
2) Narrative describing protection measure of absorbent materials.
3) Annotated photos of indoor air measures.
4) Record of filtration media.
What are the Options and points associated with EQ-C Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) Option 1: Flush Out Path 1 - Before Occupancy (1 point)
2) Option 1: Flush Out Path 2 - During Occupancy (1 point)
3) Option 2: Air Testing (2 points)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Flush Out Path 1” of EQ-C Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) After construction ends and building is completely cleaned.
2) Install new filtration media and flush out 14,000 cubic feet per sq ft.
3) Maintain internal temperature between 60-80 degrees and 60% humidity.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Flush Out Path 2” of EQ-C Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) Provide 3,500 cubic feet per sq ft before occupancy.
2) Maintain internal temperature between 60-80 degrees and 60% humidity.
3) Continue until total of 14,000 cubic feet per sq ft is delivered.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: Flush Out” of EQ-C Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) Flush out report that includes all HVAC units used.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: Air Testing” of EQ-C Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) Before occupancy, conduct baseline indoor air quality testing.
2) Test must be done during occupied hours.
3) Choose testing locations with greatest VOC level potential.
4) Equipment must be positioned between 3-6 ft above the floor
What are the chemicals that are tested as part of “Option 2: Air Testing” of EQ-C Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) Formaldehyde
2) Particulates
3) Ozone
4) Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs)
5) Carbon monoxide (CO)
6) Target chemicals listed in the CDPH Table
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: Air Testing” of EQ-C Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) Documentation for the IAQ testing report
2) Narrative on testing procedures and how test locations were chosen 3) Test results
What are the Options and points associated with EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) Thermal Design Option 1: ASHRAE Standard 55 (1 point)
2) Thermal Design Option 2: ISO and CEN Standards (1 point)
3) Thermal Comfort Control
What are the guidelines to meet “Thermal Design Option 1: ASHRAE Standard 55” of EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) Design HVAC systems and building envelope to meet ASHRAE 55.
2) Warehouse projects should meet this requirement for office spaces.
What are the guidelines to meet “Thermal Design Option 2: ISO and CEN Standards” of EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) Design HVAC systems and building envelope to meet ISO 7730 and CEN Standard EN 15251
2) Data centers should meet these requirements for regularly occupied spaces.
What are some thermal design alternatives for Warehouse projects under EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) Radian Flooring
2) Circulating fans
3) Passive systems
4) Localized active cooling
5) Localized hardwired fans
What are the guidelines to meet “Thermal Comfort Controls” of EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) Provide thermal comfort controls to 50% of individual occupant spaces.
2) Provide group thermal comfort controls to all shared spaces.
3) Retail projects should provide controls to 50% of office and administrative areas.
4) Healthcare projects should provide controls for all patient rooms and 50% of individual occupant spaces.
What are acceptable thermal comfort controls under EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) Adjustable underfloor diffusers
2) Operable windows
3) Task mounted controls
What local environments should thermal controls adjust under EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) Air temperature
2) Radiant temperature
3) Air speed
4) Humidity
What are the documentation requirements for EQ-C Thermal Comfort?
1) For option 1, submit calculation results that meet required standard.
2) For option 2, submit verification that spaces meet required standard.
3) For warehouse, provide narrative on strategy used for each qualified space.
4) Provide list of spaces by type and quantity of thermal controls.
What are the Options and points associated with EQ-C Interior Lighting?
1) Option 1: Lighting Control (1 point)
2) Option 2: Lighting Quality (1 point)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Lighting Control” of EQ-C Interior Lighting?
1) Provide controls to 90% of individual occupant spaces.
2) Include 3 levels (on, off and midlevel)
3) Midlevel lighting should be around 30-70% of maximum.
4) Provide controls to 100% of multi occupant spaces.
5) Provide separate controls for projectors.
6) Switches must be inside room.
7) Healthcare projects should provide controls to 90% of individual and patient spaces.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: Lighting Control” of EQ-C Interior Lighting?
1) Table of individual and multi occupant spaces.
2) Count of lighting controls in each space.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: Lighting Quality” of EQ-C Interior Lighting?
Projects should chose 4 of the following strategies:
1) Use lights with less than 2,500 cd/m2
2) Use lights with color rendering index of 80 or higher.
3) 75% of lights must have rated life of 2,400 hrs.
4) 25% or less direct only overhead lights
5) 90% of floor area must have reflectance of 85% for ceilings, 60% for walls, and 25% for floors.
6) Furniture must must have reflectance of 45% for work surfaces, and 50% for movable partitions.
7) 75% of floor area must maintain a wall to work surface illuminance ration of 1:10.
8) 75% of floor area must maintain a ceiling to work surface illuminance ration of 1:10.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: Lighting Quality” of EQ-C Interior Lighting?
1) Any relevant tables, lists, and calculations that can be used to verify selected strategies.
What are the Options and points associated with EQ-C Daylight?
1) Option 1: Simulation of Daylight and Annual Sunlight Exposure (3 point)
2) Option 2: Simulation of Illuminance Calculations (2 point)
3) Option 3: Measurement (3 points)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Simulation of Daylight and Annual Sunlight Exposure” of EQ-C Daylight?
1) Provide glare control devices for all regularly occupied floor area.
2) Implement simulation to show Spatial Daylight Autonomy of 55%, 75% or 90% for regularly occupied floor area.
3) Implement simulation to show Annual Sunlight Exposure of less than 10%.
4) Healthcare projects will apply simulation to perimeter area.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: Simulation of Daylight and Annual Sunlight Exposure” of EQ-C Daylight?
1) Map of regularly occupied spaces.
2) List of glare control devices
3) List of compliant spaces with simulation values.
4) Narrative on simulation inputs and weather file.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: Simulation of Illuminance Calculations” of EQ-C Daylight?
1) Provide glare control devices for all regularly occupied floor area.
2) Select date “15 days from September 21” and “15 days from May 21”.
3) Use simulation to calculate percentage of regularly occupied floor area between 300 to 3,000 lux from 9am to 3pm.
4) Healthcare projects will apply simulation to perimeter area.
What are the products that may be excluded from simulation modeling as part of EQ-C Daylight?
1) Blinds
2) Shades
3) Movable Partitions
4) Partitions
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: Simulation of Illuminance Calculations” of EQ-C Daylight?
1) Map of regularly occupied spaces.
2) List of glare control devices
3) List of compliant spaces with calculated values.
4) Narrative on simulation inputs and weather file.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 3: Measurement” of EQ-C Daylight?
1) Provide glare control devices for all regularly occupied floor area.
2) Conduct 2 measurements to calculate percentage of regularly occupied floor area between 300 to 3,000 lux from 9am to 3pm.
3) Second measurement should take place 4 months after the first.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 3: Measurement” of EQ-C Daylight?
1) Map of regularly occupied spaces.
2) List of glare control devices
3) List of compliant spaces with measured values.
4) Calculations showing percentage of spaces between 300 - 3,000 lux.
What are the guidelines to meet EQ-C Quality Views?
75% of regularly occupied floor area must meet 2 of the following criteria.
1) Multiple lines of sight
2) Views of flowers, animals, sky or movement.
3) Views of items 25ft away.
4) Unobstructed views within a distance of 3 times the head height.
5) Views with factor of 3 or greater per “Study of office worker Performance and indoor Environment”
6) 30% of vies can come from interior atria.
What are the Warehouse specific guidelines to meet EQ-C Quality Views?
1) 75% guidelines only apply to office portion.
2) Storage, sorting and distribution spaces only need 25% quality views.
What are the Hospital specific guidelines to meet EQ-C Quality Views?
1) 75% guidelines only apply to inpatient units for 1 point.
2) A 2nd point can be earned if project designed so that floor area within 15 ft of perimeter also has exterior views.
What are the documentation requirements of EQ-C Quality Views?
1) List of regularly occupied spaces.
2) Map showing lines of sight.
3) Documentation to verify any of the implemented criteria.
What are the Exemplary Performance requirements of EQ-C Quality Views?
1) Meet credit requirement for 90% of all regularly occupied spaces.
2) Warehouse should meet requirements for 50% of sorting and distribution areas.
3) Healthcare projects should exceed perimeter requirements by 10% or more.
What are the guidelines to meet EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Meet HVAC Background Noise levels per ASHRAE standards.
2) Meet Sound Transmission levels specified by LEED.
3) Meet Reverberation Time levels per Performance Measurement protocols for Commercial Buildings.
4) Evaluate need for Sound Reinforcement in rooms serving more than 50 people.
5) Masking System levels should not exceed 48dBA.
What are the Sound Reinforcement requirements under EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Minimum sound level of 70 dBA
2) Maintain sound level coverage of +/- 3 dB at 2,000 Hz.
3) Achieve speed transmission index of at least .60
What are the documentation requirements for EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Any documentation and test results that can verify implemented strategies
What are the School Specific guidelines to meet EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Achieve HVAC Background Noise levels of 35 dBA by following recommendations of ANSI Standard S12.6.
2) Meet Sound Transmission levels specified by ANSI Standard S12.6.
3) All exterior windows must have Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of at least 35.
What are the School Specific documentation requirements for EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) STC calculations
2) List of STC ratings
3) STC rating source data
What are the Healthcare Specific options and points associated with EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Option 1: Speech Privacy, Sound Isolation, and Background Noise (1 point)
2) Option 2: Acoustical Finishes and Site Exterior Noise (1 point)
What are the Healthcare Specific guidelines to meet “Option 1: Speech Privacy, Sound Isolation, and Background Noise” of EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Achieve speech privacy, acoustical comfort, and minimal annoyance from noise-producing sources.
2) Design facility to meet background noise requirements of 2010 FGI Guidelines Table 1.2-2.
What are the Healthcare Specific documentation requirements for “Option 1: Speech Privacy, Sound Isolation, and Background Noise” of EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Submit calculations for Speech Privacy and Sound Isolation.
2) Submit measurements for Background Noise Levels.
What are the Healthcare Specific guidelines to meet “Option 2: Acoustical Finishes and Site Exterior Noise” of EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) Meet Acoustical Finishes material requirements per 2010 FGI Guidelines Table 1.2-1.
2) Reduce Site Exterior Noise per 2010 FGI Guidelines Table 1.2-1.
What are the Healthcare Specific documentation requirements for “Option 2: Acoustical Finishes and Site Exterior Noise” of EQ-C Acoustics Performance?
1) For Acoustical Finishes, submit calculations for sound absorption coefficients.
2) For Site Exterior Noise, document building envelope STC rating.