Energy and Atmosphere Flashcards
What are the Prereq’s for the Energy and Atmosphere Category?
1) Fundamental Commissioning and Verification
2) Minimum Energy Performance
3) Building-Level Energy Metering
4) Fundamental Refrigerant Management
What are the Credits for the Energy and Atmosphere Category?
1) Enhanced Commissioning (6 points)
2) Optimized Energy Performance (18 points)
3) Advanced Energy Metering (1 point)
4) Demand Response (2 points)
5) Renewable Energy Production (3 points)
6) Enhanced Refrigerant Management (1 point)
7) Green Power and Carbon Offsets (2 points)
What Energy and Atmosphere Prereq’s and Credits qualify for Exemplary performance?
1) AE-C Optimized Energy Performance
2) AE-C Renewable Energy Production
What are the guidelines to meet EA-P Fundamental Commissioning and Verification?
1) Review OPR, BOD and project design.
2) Make sure building envelope is included in OPR and BOD.
3) Develop and implement Cx plan
4) Prepare construction checklist and test procedures
5) Confirm system test execution
6) Maintain an Issues log
7) Prepare final Cx report
8) Report all findings to owner
What are the building systems that should be included as part of the CxA’s review in EA-P Fundamental Commissioning and Verification?
1) Mechanical
2) Electrical
3) Plumbing
4) Renewable Energy
What are the qualification requirements to hire a Commissioning Agent (CxA)?
1) Completed at least 2 similar projects from early design to 10 months of occupancy.
2) A qualified employee of the owner
3) An independent consultant
4) An employee of the design or construction firm who was not a part of design or construction
5) A disinterested subcontractor of the design or construction team. Can be part of design and construction team if under 20,000 SF.
What information should the Current Facilities Requirements (CFR) and Operations and Maintenance plan include to meet EA-P Fundamental Commissioning and Verification?
1) A schedule for building occupancy
2) A run-time schedule for equipment
3) A sequence of operations for the building
4) Setpoints for all the HVAC equipment
5) Building lighting levels
6) Any changes in schedules or setpoints for different seasons, days, etc.
7) Minimum requirements for outside air
8) A preventive maintenance plan for building equipment
9) An ongoing commissioning program
What are the documentation requirements for EA-P Fundamental Commissioning and Verification?
1) Experience of CxA
2) List of systems to be commissioned
3) Verification of Cx activities and reviews
4) Cx plan, Current Facilities Requirements (CFR), Operations and Maintenance plan, CX report
5) Documentation of testing and verification.
What are the Options associated with AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Option 1: Whole-Building Energy Simulation
2) Option 2: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide
3) Option 3: Advanced Building Core Performance Guide
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Whole Building Energy Simulation” of AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Determine Climate Zone per ASHRAE 90.1
2) Create whole building energy model and define baseline per ASHRAE 90.1
3) New construction should demonstrate 5% improvement.
4) Major renovation should demonstrate 3% improvement.
5) Core and shell should demonstrate 2% improvement.
6) Improvements must be made without considering renewal energy sources.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: Whole Building Energy Simulation” of AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Input and Output report from energy model
2) Energy consumption and demand rates for each building end use.
3) If applicable, exceptional calculations and retail process energy calculations.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: ASHRAE 50% Adv. Energy Design Guide” of AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Comply with mandatory and prescriptive provisions of ASHRAE 90.1
2) Comply with “Chapter 4: Design Strategies and Recommendations by Climate Zone” of ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: ASHRAE 50% Adv. Energy Design Guide” of AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Advanced Energy Design Guide Compliance Tables
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 3: Adv. Building Core Performance Guide” of AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Comply with mandatory and prescriptive provisions of ASHRAE 90.1
2) Comply with Advanced Building Core Performance Guide
3) Achieve energy performance score of 90 using ENERGY STAR Target Finder
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 3: Adv. Building Core Performance Guide” of AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Target Finder results
2) Confirmation that all aspects of section 1 and 2 of Core Performance Guide are met.
3) Narrative and calculations on enhanced performance strategies
What are the Data Center specific guidelines to meet AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Comply with mandatory and prescriptive provisions of ASHRAE 90.1
2) Create both Building energy model and IT Equipment energy model
3) Demonstrate overall 5% energy reduction
4) Minimum 2% of the 5% reduction must be from building power and cooling infrastructure.
What are the Data Center specific documentation requirements for AE-P Minimum Energy Performance?
1) Input and Output report from energy model
2) Energy consumption and demand rates for each building end use.
3) Data Center calculator
What are the guidelines to meet AE-P Building-Level Energy Metering?
1) Install individual meters to track major energy systems that can be aggregated to provide total building energy consumption.
2) Share data with USGBC on a monthly basis for 5 years.
What are the major energy sources that should be metered as part of AE-P Building-Level Energy Metering?
1) Electricity
2) Natural gas
3) Chilled water
4) Steam
5) Fuel oil
6) Propane
7) Biomass
What are the documentation requirements for AE-P Building-Level Energy Metering?
1) Confirmation of permanently installed meters
2) Letter of 5 year commitment
3) Confirmation of data-sharing source
What are the guidelines to meet AE-P Fundamental Refrigerant Management?
1) Must not use CFC based refrigerants
2) Existing equipment must phase out CFC’s
3) Small equipment containing less than .5 pounds of refrigerant are exempt
What are the documentation requirements for AE-P Fundamental Refrigerant Management?
1) Documentation that no new or existing equipment contains CFC’s
2) CFC phase out plan with completion date.
What are the Options associated with AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
1) Option 1: Enhanced System Commissioning Path 1 - Enhanced Cx (3 points)
2) Option 1: Enhanced System Commissioning Path 2 - Enhanced and Monitor Cx (4 points)
3) Option 2: Envelope Commissioning (2 points)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Enhanced System Commissioning Path 1” of AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
CxA will review contractor submittals to:
1) Verify inclusion of systems manual requirements
2) Verify inclusion of building user training requirements
3) Verify systems manual updates and delivery
4) Verify training effectiveness
5) Verify seasonal testings
6) Perform ten month review post substantial completion
7) Develop ongoing commissioning plan.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Enhanced System Commissioning Path 2” of AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
In addition to path 1 items. Projects should create Monitoring Cx plan containing.
1) Roles and responsibilities
2) Measurement requirements
3) Points to be tracked
4) Limits of acceptable values
5) Elements used to evaluate performance
6) Action plan for identifying and correcting errors
7) Planning for repairs
8) Training to prevent errors
9) The analyses frequency in the first year of occupancy
What are the under 600kW Data Center specific guidelines to meet “Option 1: Enhanced System Commissioning” of AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
1) Perform review of OPR, BOD and design documents before development of mid-construction documents.
2) Evaluate and confirm review comments in all design submissions
3) Conduct full review at 95% design completion
What are the over 600kW Data Center specific guidelines to meet “Option 1: Enhanced System Commissioning” of AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
1) Conduct Cx verification at start of design development.
2) Conduct Cx verification of mid construction documents.
3) Conduct Cx verification of completed design.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: Enhanced System Commissioning” of AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
1) List of Cx task completed
2) Cx training outline and participation list
3) Confirmation of System Manual and ongoing Cx plan delivery
4) Document inclusion of Monitoring Cx plan if applicable
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: Envelope Commissioning” of AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
CxA will review building envelope contractor submittals to:
1) Verify inclusion of systems manual requirements
2) Verify inclusion of building user training requirements
3) Verify systems manual updates and delivery
4) Verify training effectiveness
5) Verify seasonal testings
6) Perform ten month review post substantial completion
7) Develop ongoing commissioning plan.
8) Review Life Safety equipment for Healthcare projects
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: Envelope Commissioning” of AE-C Enhanced Commissioning?
1) List of Cx task completed
2) Cx training outline and participation list
3) Confirmation of System Manual and ongoing Cx plan delivery
4) document inclusion of envelope in Cx plan.
What are the Options associated with AE-C Optimized Energy Performance?
1) Option 1: Whole Building Energy Simulation (1-18 points)
2) Option 2: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide (6 points)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Whole Building Energy Simulation” of AE-C Optimized Energy Performance?
1) 6% energy reduction will get 1 point.
2) 50% energy reduction will get 18 points
3) Can use on site renewable energy sources to meet requirement.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: Whole Building Energy Simulation” of AE-C Optimized Energy Performance?
1) Input and Output report from energy model
2) Energy consumption and demand rates for each building end use.
3) Renewable energy calculations.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide” of AE-C Optimized Energy Performance?
1) Comply with “Chapter 4: Design Strategies and Recommendations by Climate Zone”of ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide” of AE-C Optimized Energy Performance?
1) Advanced Energy Design Guide Compliance Tables
2) Target Finder results
3) List of process equipment efficiencies.
What are the Exemplary Performance requirements of AE-C Optimized Energy Performance?
Demonstrate 54% energy savings.
What are the guidelines to meet AE-C Advanced Energy Metering?
1) Install advanced energy metering for Whole building energy sources
2) Install advanced energy metering for sources consuming 10% or more
What are the characteristics of advanced energy meters under AE-C Advanced Energy Metering?
1) Be permanently installed
2) Record intervals of under 1hr.
3) Connect to the internet
4) Record both consumption and demand
5) Store data for at least 36 months
What are the documentation requirements for AE-C Advanced Energy Metering?
1) List of advanced energy meters installed
2) Manufacturers’ cutsheet
What are the Options associated with AE-C Demand Response?
1) Case 1: Demand Response Program Available (2 points)
2) Case 2: Demand Response Program Not Available (1 point)
What are the guidelines to meet “Case 1: Demand Response Program Available” of AE-C Demand Response?
1) Design fully automated or semi automated DR system.
2) Enroll in minimum 1 year DR program for at least 10% peak electricity demand.
3) Develop DR plan
4) Include DR process in CxA scope and complete one full test
What are the guidelines to meet “Case 2: Demand Response Program Not Available” of AE-C Demand Response?
1) Install interval recording meter
2) Develop plan for shedding 10% of peak electricity demand
3) Include DR process in CxA scope and complete one full test
4) Contact local utility to discuss participation in future DR program
What are the documentation requirements of AE-C Demand Response?
1) Document proof of ability to shed 10% of peak demand based on external signal.
2) DR action plan
3) Inclusion of DR in CxA systems testing plan
4) For Case 1, declaration of enrollment in DR program
What are the guidelines to meet AE-C Renewable Energy Production?
1) Calculate % renewable energy generated out of total building energy based on cost, not usage.
2) Generate at least 1% renewable energy for 1 point, 5% for 2 points and 10% for 3 points.
2) Include solar gardens and community systems if owned/leased for 10 years and within same utility service area.
What are the documentation requirements for AE-C Renewable Energy Production?
1) Document calculations of renewable energy generated, equivalent cost and annual energy cost.
2) If using third party renewable energy sources, include contract with duration of agreement.
What are the Exemplary Performance requirements of AE-C Renewable Energy Production?
1) Generate 15% of total energy.
2) 10% for core and shell
What are the Options associated with AE-C Enhanced Refrigerant Management?
1) Option 1: No or Low Impact Refrigerant (1 points)
2) Option 2: Calculation of Refrigerant Impact (1 point)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: No or Low Impact Refrigerant” of AE-C Enhanced Refrigerant Management?
1) Use no refrigerant or synthetic refrigerant with ODP of 0 and GWP less than 50.
2) Small equipment containing less than .5 pounds of refrigerant are exempt
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 1: No or Low Impact Refrigerant” of AE-C Enhanced Refrigerant Management?
1) Confirmation that only no impact or low impact refrigerants are used.
What are the documentation requirements for “Option 2: Calculation of Refrigerant Impact” of AE-C Enhanced Refrigerant Management?
1) Document Equipment type, refrigerant change calculations and leak test results.
2) Submit refrigerant equipment schedule of GreenChill silver-level certification.
What are the Retail specific guidelines to meet AE-C Enhanced Refrigerant Management?
1) Use only non ozone depleting refrigerants
2) Use equipment with average HFC change of no more than 1.75 pounds per 1,000 Btu/h cooling load.
3) Establish annual refrigerant emissions rate of less than 15%
4) Conduct leak testing using EPA GreenChill guidelines.
What are the guidelines to meet AE-C Green Power and Carbon Offsets?
1) Engage in minimum 5 year contract to provision 50% or 100% of the projects energy on an annual basis from green power, carbon offsets or REC’s.
2) Qualified resource should have come online since January 1st, 2005.
3) REC’s should be Green-e Energy-certified and can be used to mitigate scope 2 electricity use.
4) Carbon Offsets should be Green-e Climate-certified and can be used to mitigate scope 1 and 2 emissions.
What are the documentation requirements for AE-C Green Power and Carbon Offsets?
1) Annual energy use calculations.
2) Calculations showing purchase of required offsets based on target points.
3) Purchase contract
4) Document Green-e equivalency if outside United States.