Indoc Flashcards
High Mins Captain
Must make all takeoff and landings
Landing mins increased by 100 feet and 1/2 SM visibility
The MDA and vis mins need to be increased above those applicable to the airport when used as an alternate.
But in no event may the landing minimums be less than 300ft and 1 mile.
First Officer restrictions
Captain will make all takeoffs when the reported or actual weather is less than straight in Cat 1 mins for that airport.
Runways shorter than 4500 feet
Braking action reported less than fair
Captain deems necessary
FO Restrictions with less than 100 hours in type
Special Captain Brakes Wind and Reduces Visibility
The captain will make all takeoff and landings:
- When at special use airports, when visibility is less than 3/4 mile or RVR is less than 4000 feet
- Special airpots
- Contaminated runway
- Braking action less than good
- Crosswind exceeds 15 knots
- Windsheer has been reported in area
- When captain deems necessary
Supplimental O2 requirements for crew memebers and passengers
- minimum of 2 hours of oxygen
- enough oxygen necessary to perform an emergency decent from 41000 to 10000 in 10 minutes followed by 110 minute cruise at 10000 feet
- above FL 250 when the pilot leaves his station, the remaining crew member must put on O2 until the other crewmember returns
- 10% of passengers for 30 minutes between 10,000 and 14,000
- Enough for 30% of passengers between 14000 and 15000
- Enough for all passengers above 15,000 for the duration of the flight
- Medical oxygen, 2% of the passengers, but not less than 1%.
When are takeoff alternates required?
When the departure airport weather is below the captains landing mins
Must not be more than 1 hour at normal cruise in still air with 1 engine operating (250 nm)
Determining destination alternate
1-2-3 rule
Determining if second alternate is needed
Marginal Rule - if destination is less than a 1000 and less than 3sm at ETA AND the first alternate has less than 600 feet and 2 miles at ETA.
Exemption 3585 (ref to GOM)
Derive mins - alternate airpots
1 Nav facility 400ft and 1sm
2 Nav facility 200ft and 1/2 sm added to the higher of the approaches used
Takeoff mins
1 SM or RVR 5000
Below standard takeoff mins
*RVR 1600 or 1/4sm
TDZ RVR controlling - must have
At least 1 HIRL, CL, RCLM, or adequate visible reference
*RVR 1000/1000
Non published, Min of two RVR’s, Operative CL HIRL or RCLM
RVR 600/600/600
Published 2/3/4 (one may be failed)
Must have operative HIRL and CL lights
Landing not recommended on contaminated runways when
Tailwind landings when visibility is less than 1 mile, or when stopping ability is degraded
Crosswind exceeds 15 knots
Low Fuel (when landing with less than reserve, advise ATC)…
Min Fuel <30 minutes (1600)
Instrument Approaches - to descend below MDA
1 The approach light system except for that pilot may not descend below 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation using approach lights as a reference unless the red terminating bars or the red side row bars are also distinctly visible and identifiable. 2 Runway threshold 3 The threshold markings 4 The threshold lights 5 The runway end identifier lights 6 The visual approach slope indicator 7 The touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings 8 The touchdown zone lights 9 The runway or runway markings 10 The runway lights
Land and hold short operations (LAHSO)
1 The runway must be dry
2 1500 ft ceiling, 5 miles visibility or 1000 ft, 3 miles with PAPI or VASI
3 No windshear reported within 20 minutes of LAHSO clearance
4 LAHSO will only be issues to runways that have a vertical visual or electronic guidance
5 LAHSO clearance shall not be accepted if issues below 1000 foot AGL
6 Must have LAHSO lights at night
7 Aircraft must have a stabilized approach
8 The aircraft must touchdown in the first 1/3 of the ALD, but in no case beyond 3000 feet
9 Before accepting a LAHSO clearance, review the rejected landing procedure if one is established
10 The aircraft must not have any MEL items
11 Tailwind calm (less than 3 knots)
12 CA will have final authority to accept or decline
13 CA shall determine the capability for LAHSO as soon as possible after notifcation
14 CA will advise ATC when unable to accept LAHSO
Visual approaches
Use of precision app preferred
*Frequency of the approach NAVAID
*Final Approach Course
GS altitude at GS intercept or crossing altitude at the FAF
*DA (H) or MDA and MAP
*Initial heading and altitude for the missed approach procedures