Incident Command System Flashcards
PF&R has adopted the ICS system as outlined in the ___?
Model procedures guide for structural firefighting, 2nd edition
This operational guideline is also based on the ___ system
What act requires organizations responding to what type of incidents to use an ICS?
SARA Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act 1986
Hazardous materials incidents
Whose rules state that ICS shall be established by employers for incidents under their control?
OSHA (occupational safety and health admin)
(Includes fire, law enforcement, public works)
What are the 5 requirements of NFPA 1500 regarding a Fire Dept Occupational Safety & Health Program?
HINT: Think requirements for a Response System
- Written procedures for ICS
- All members trained in system
- Outlines safety responsibility at all levels
- Outline safety requirements
- Provide enough supervisors for members at scene
NFPA 1561 provides ICS guidelines directed from what?
Homeland security presidential directive 5
What are the 5 OPERATING requirements of ICS?
- Can provide for single jurisdiction/multi agency
- Adaptable to any incident
- Adaptable to new tech
- Basic common organization/terms/procedures
- Can fulfill above also be low cost
What are the 8 COMPONENTS of ICS?
- Common terms
- Modular organization
- Integrated comms
- Single OR unified structure
- Incident action plan IAP
- Manageable span of control
- Designated facilities
- Resource management (comprehensive)
How do you prevent confusion when multiple incidents occur within the same jurisdiction?
Name each one individually
What are the 5 functional areas of modular organization?
- Command (ALWAYS)
- Operations
- Planning
- Logistics
- Finance
What is the difference between single and unified command?
Single command is only one agency has legal responsibility
What is the range for span of control?
3-7, optimum 5
What are the three different methods of resource management?
Task force (different)
Strike team (all the same)
Who has the responsibility to establish command of the scene per ICS Organization?
First arriving Fire officer
What are the 9 basic size- up responsibilities of the IC at EVERY scene?
Good size up. Not necessarily in order
- Description of company arriving
- Size up
- Conditions
- Actions takes
- Declare strategy
- Obvious safety concerns
- Identify and location of command
- Designate ALPHA side
- Request/release resources
What are the two ways to transfer command?
Face to face
What 6 elements should a transfer briefing include?
- Conditions
- Transfer board & info
- Progress of objectives
- Safety considerations
- Account of resources/personnel
- Additional needs?
Can you transfer command to an officer not yet on scene?
Why is mobile command not usually recommended?
(Only used unusual circumstances)
Hard to track resources and monitor MAYDAY channel
What are the 3 TACTICAL priorities IN ORDER?
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Property conservation
What 3 elements/actions are required for effective STRATEGY?
*Very important
IOP strategy
- Information
- Observation
- Prediction
How far is good to look ahead in an incident?
5 minutes
Is the ICS structure based on the size or the complexity of the incident?
Overall complexity
Ultimate responsibility for scene safety rests with who?
The IC
What are the 3 other Command Officer staff positions?
- Safety
- Liason
- PIO media
What are some examples of when to add OPERATIONS section?
Staffed when Command span of control is exceeded.
Earthquakes, floods
Unified command
major hazmat
Where does a DIVISION operate?
Defined geographic area
(Interior area, specific floor…)
What is a GROUP?
Have a specific function, eg ventilation
What is a BRANCH?
Tool used for span of control when incident size is exceeded
What is difference between allocated and assigned resources?
Allocated have not yet checked in with IC
How many bases does an incident have?
Who are the 3 members of command staff?
Can a deputy relieve a superior?
When does an IAP become written?
Large or complex incidents
Where does SECTION sit in the ICS?
Between Incident Commander and Branch
How is an IAP defined formally?
And ordered SEQUENCE of EVENTS over a specified period of TIME to accomplish specific OBJECTIVES
Effective Resource Management requires that Personnel safety be given what priority?
The highest priority
What is the difference between command and operations?
Command does Strategy, (WHAT will be done) operations does Tactics (HOW it will be done)
How is company defined?
Any piece of equipment having a full complement of personnel
What are the three levels of Emergency Operations response?
Level 1 disaster
Level 2 major incident (4-5 alarm)
Level 3 normal daily operations
What is the radio designation for the fire liaison?
What is a FMA rapid damage assessment route?
Predefined routes each company will travel in an expedited manner
Who is the Deputy Chief of special ops?
The orders or directives that are given as part of the IAP should be in what form?
Is ICS organizational structure based on size of incident or overall complexity?
When should you order additional resources?
When IC believes there are just enough resources for the required work
What are generally the only 2 functional areas of organization we use?
- Command
- Operations
Command is the functional activity that will be established at every incident that has how many units responding?
Any multiple unit response
When Operations is staffed, what does IC focus on?
When a number of jurisdictions/agencies are involved, which agency is assigned the Operations function?
Agency with greatest jurisdictional involvement
Designated Incident Facilities can include what 3 areas/locations?
Incident Command Post
Incident Base
Staging Area
An Incident Base is generally used during what kind of fire/call?
Large wildland fires
If you decide to go mobile for Command, what should you do?
Announce over the radio that Command is Mobile
Which of the following is most often employed during routine emergency operations? Division, Group, or Branch?
Can GROUPS cross Division lines?
What is difference between ALLOCATED, ASSIGNED, AVAILABLE resources?
ALLOCATED not yet checked in
What is unique about a Deputy?
Could relieve a superior, so fully qualified for that position
How many resources in a TASK FORCE?
Tactic OBJECTIVES must be what 2 things?