EOPS Modified Responses to MISCF Flashcards
HOUISELESS fires in Portland increased how much from 2019 to 2022?
26% to 41% of ALL fires in City
244% increase
What kind of fires is this policy for?
Non hostile, cooking, warming, other miscellaneous
Contained, attended, not threatening people or structures
The officer can elect not to respond to report of a houseless fire as long as they do what?
Confirm with RP that fire is non-hostile*
*unless officer is familiar with location
What 3 questions do you ask the RP within 5 minutes of dispatch?
- How long ago did you see the fire?
- Any tents/buildings nearby?
- Any people trying to put it out?
If the officer determines there is no risk of fire loss, you may clear the call after first documenting how?
Entering info into the REMARKS section
When completing the report in FIS the Primary Situation found will be what?
If you can’t make contact with the Caller but are familiar with the location when may you clear the call on a miscellaneous fire? (2) Between what hours?
- Just 1 Caller (RP)
- Between the hours of 0700-2300
Otherwise we need to respond
What if there are multiple RPs?
You must attempt to contact them until you can confirm non hostile fire
Why is valuation for Inspector contact >$750.00?
$750.00 is needed for a criminal felony charge