Important Theories Flashcards
Psychodynamic Theory
Little or no free will. the unconscious lies behind every mental process. Id/ego/superego
only component of personality that is around from birth. entirely unconscious and includes instintive and primitive behaviors. primary component of personality. strives for immediate gratificaiton of desires.
responsible for dealing with reality. Ensures impluses can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real work. functions in conscious, preconscious and unconscious mind. based on reality - wants to satisfy ID realistically and appropriately
right vs wrong. guidelines for making judgement. GUILT. forms around age 5. includes ego ideal and conscience.
rules and standards for good behaviors. approval by parents/authoirty
info about things that are viewed as bad by parents/society. behaviors are typically forbidden and lead to consequences.
primary proces thinking
language of the unconscious (dreams, associations, slips of tounges)
Ego Psychology (psychodynamic theory)
ana freud - focuses on healthy individual; basic drives are influenced by the environment and critical periods.
*draws heavily from psychoanalysis and utilizes effects of conscious and unconcsious
* individuals are products of the past and past explains the present.
Object relations theory
Mahler/Associates: more of a psychosocial/human development
object relations theory
according to mahler, a child must separate so one can move from being a part of the other to being a member of thefamily
object relations theory
transitional objects
the therapists plants a seed/idea
strong emotions are discussed in regard to the issue/cathartic
therapists directly/indirectly influences the client to a plan of action
therapists pinpoints significant themes.
make inferences based on what the therapist hears and believes
client centered theory - founder
by carl rogers
client centered theory
lacks authoritative rigidity/dogma. based on relationship theory.
client centered theory
basic goal of therapy is to release an already existing capacity for self-actualization in a potentially competent individual.”
client centered theory
techniques: non-directive/passive, reflective; therapist is seen as an active listener
functional therapy
problem solving focus with a free will contrasted with diagnostic school of thought (psych)
functional therapy
two pioneers were jesse taft and virginia Robinson.