Important psychodynamic concepts Flashcards
Psychic determinism
- unconscious events play a causal role in later experiences
- developmental psychopathology is the source of adult life difficulties
Therapeutic alliance
-the good relationship that therapist and patient have when working on a common task
-things that may affect progress of therapy include absence, lateness, breaks, impasse
Acting in
- enactment within a session
- physical contact
- persistent questions
- presents/gifts
- silence
Acting out
- enactment outside the sessions
- suicide
- self-injury
- alcohol use
- drug use
-expression of therapist’s understanding of the meaning of feelings, attitudes, defense mechanisms and behaviours currently exhibited during therapy
- the feelings, thoughts and attitudes given to a person in the present (such as the therapist) that do not befit that person but actually originate from a person or figure in the patients past
- transference is bidimensional
- transference is unconscious
- only an aspect of a relationship, not the entire relationship is transferred
- it is the communication of a patient’s needs that cannot be verbally expressed
Factors increasing transerence
- vulnerable personality, especially people with borderline features- intense and early transference can occur
- the patient’s appraisal of being in a needy or vulnerable or dependent position
- frequent contact with the therapist or key workers
- defined three types of transferences
1. mirroring transference
2. idealising transference
3. twinship transference
Mirroring transference
- due to significant mirroring failures from the parental figures in childhood
- child feels inadequate and may try to compensate by being perfect
- in therapy they are in constant need of a therapist to assure their self-esteem
Idealising transference
- based on the concept that poor self esteem is not troublesome as long as the person can be attached to another person with power or prestige
- through the idealisation of and identification with external objects, the process of preservation of self-esteem is maintained
Twinship transference
- evolves when the patient feels comfortable only when the self-object has the same thoughts, values, and appearance
- the patient may expect the therapist to feel and act as he or she does
-the therapist’s spontaneous feelings and emotions that are evoked when they ‘tune in’ to the patient’s unconscious communication, including the patient’s transference
- the means by which aspects of reality are repeatedly rejected by the patient
- they refuse to acknowledge them and they are kept in the unconscious
Repression resistance
-refers to the patient’s difficulty in gaining access to certain ideas and emotions
Transference resistance
- refers to the patient’s unconscious wish to keep therapeutic relationship similar to past relationships
- negative therapeutic reaction is also a type of resistance
Termination reactions
-temporary setbacks that occur when sessions enter termination phase due to the dependence of the patient on the therapist
Negative therapeutic reaction
-this is the process by which a step in the right direction may be followed by a backwards step
-being aware of and acknowledging one’s mental processes including ego defence mechanisms
Acting out
- refers to performing an action to express unconscious emotional conflicts
- it is the ‘return of the repressed’
Repetition compulsion
- person repeats a traumatic event over and over again
- occurs during Id vs Superego conflicts
Working through
-a process of unlearning prior misconceptions and learning new constructions
Franz Alexander
-corrective emotional experience
-activation of parts of the patient’s personality that is normally hidden may occur