Important Concepts from Unit 5 notes Flashcards
true/false: worldviews can change over time
______: the social beliefs, practices, or senses of self that make the existing organization of social relations, no matter how unequal they may be, appear simply natural and right, or otherwise encourage us to reproduce existing systems of power and inequality even when we recognize them as unfair
true/false: ideology isn’t always linked to power and inequality, like worldview
false, it ALWAYS is
art and other expressive forms are often ___: they may serve as a commentary on cultural and social beliefs, behaviours and identities
anthropologist ____, notes how telling jokes is sometimes a strategy used by the Aymara people of Bolivia to ease otherwise uncomfortable social situations
Andrew Miracle
Angelique Haugerud studied the impacts of which satirical group in the United States?
Billionaires for Bush
parody and satire are often used by individuals to…?
threaten social norms, by criticizing how things are currently organized and pointing out alternate ways of organizing society
satire, parody, and other forms of comedy are often thought as, “________”
just play, this allows it to be an effective form of social protest because comedy will rarely be banned by governing censorship, but may also not always be taken very seriously
_______ argues that in Brazil, football/futebol, works to build political unity and allegiance to the nation
Janet Lever, different social groups/classes support different local teams in Brazil but everyone comes together under the nation to support World Cup/Olympic teams
Garry Kildea and Jerry Leach’s 1974 documentary about Papua New Guinea was called ________
Trobriand Cricket
the changing of rules of _____ in Papua New Guinea by the Trobrianders is an example of sport transforming dominant social beliefs and values
_________ defines art as “all the ideas, forms, techniques, and strategies that humans employ to express themselves creatively and to communicate their creativity and inspiration to others”
Kenneth J. Guest
_________ defines art as objects which are “beautifully made” and “demonstrate a certain technically achieved level of excellence”
Alfred Gell
The German playwright and theorist ___________, for instance, devised an entire theory and practice of theatre in 1920s Germany that was designed to disrupt audiences’ emotional absorption in plays in order to prompt them to instead think critically and rationally about the social, political, and economic dynamics of the events depicted on stage
Bertolt Brecht
______: the perception through one’s senses in contrast with the perception through intellect and logic
true/false: Anthropologists of art have largely disputed the idea that there is any sort of simple or universal relationship between artistic forms and human response across cultures, a “universal aesthetic”
________ has studied the sculpture practices of the Baule people of West Africa for several decades
Susan Vogel
true/false: For the Baule, art objects are “animate presences, indistinguishable from persons, spirits, and certain prosaic things” and their ability to evoke meaning and emotional responses from audiences derives from this status and their ability to act
what is a Gbagba dance?
a daylong performance by the Baule of Ivory Coast, West Africa that enacts and teaches basic lessons about how the Baule view the world
how does the shortfilm “Por Primera Vez” reinforce the legitimacy of the new Cuban State?
reinforcing the belief that the new Cuban state would “rescue” the countryside, bringing in technology and modernity it lacked
using Charlie Chaplin’s movie “Modern Times”, ironic undermining of the documentary’s own promise and suggesting that the socialist state (unlike capitalist) will be able to deliver technology to all citizens
the aesthetic aspirations of Cuban filmmakers who want to be modern
Lila Abu-Lughod has tracked the reception of an _____ television series called “Hilmiyya Nights” that is broadcast during _______
- Egyptian
- Ramadan
true/false: in her fieldwork, Abu-Lughod found that this message of nationalist unity (in Himiyya Nights) was often lost on viewers
____: the collective activity of the various people and institutions involved in shaping the production, distribution, and consumption of what is considered art within any given context
art worlds
Anthropologist ________ notes that many of the objects that are in fine arts museums today originally had different social purposes
Shelly Errington
One potent example of how material objects can change their social meanings as they enter into and are taken up by contemporary art worlds includes that of the Haisla Nation’s G’psgolox ______
totem pole
myths are a verbal ____
what is the biggest Canadian myth?
multiculturalism: that we are a country of people from all different backgrounds, that coexist in peace and equality- when this is not the case!
true/false: myths operate to uphold dominant social beliefs over the decades
who were the two most influential anthropologists that argued that myths uphold dominant social beliefs
bronislaw malinowski (Trobriand origin myths, myths alter as societal conditions and hierarchy change) and claude levi-strauss (myths were tools through which a society represented and managed contradictions)
where did many of the concepts from Levi-Strauss’s theory of myths come from?
derived from linguistics as developed by Ferdinand de Saussure
whats an example of social change impacting rituals?
same-sex marriage, same process as a heterosexual couple but consolidates the acceptance of same-sex marriage
French anthropologist _____ first came up with the idea of rites of passage, then ______ later elaborated on this basic concept
Arnold Van Gennep
Victor Turner
what are the three phases of rites of passage?
transition (liminal)
what are the seven main behaviors that are associated with religious practice? (review definitions on page 232)
physiological exercise
Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic among the Azandes was published in 1937 by ______
EE Evans-Pritchard
true/false: EE Evans-Pritchard argued that witchcraft served as a way of explaining and accounting for unfortunate events as well as a means of exerting social control over the actions of others
true! he viewed witchcraft as a form of social regulation, that is provides an additional explanation that science cannot account for