imperial image essay plans Flashcards


role of the imperial family


para 1 - Pater Patriae
-leges Iuliae - 18-17BC
set of laws to return to traditional roman values
encourgaed marriage and childrearing
those who did not marry could not attend games including the Ludi Romani - games dedicated to Jupiter
made adultery a crime - link to A punishemnt of his daughter and grandaughter - Julia the Elder exiled in 17 Bc - and Julia the younger in 8 AD
this is mentioned in suetonius 65 - A was disgraced and had them remved to not ruin his image - ‘guilty of every form of vice, and banished them’
-paterfamilias - principle role - takes part in religious fesitvals
-Horace Odes 3.6 - neglected the temples and need to rebuild them to return to moral standards
“Romans, though you’re guiltless, you still expiate your fathers’ sins”
closest the romans have got to loosing a war - punic wars

-promoting heirs - not make the same mistake as Caesar - needs to have direct heirs
coin of Gaius and Lucius - 2bc - 4AD - names the as princeos iventitus
his sons - most important title
suetonius 64 - taught his grandsons… for the most part of himself
presented Gaius in 13 BC at Troy games - alluede to his divine ancestry and Lucius was presented to the soliders in Gaul - links to Augustus influence in the military
denarius of them and julia

Livia - ideal roman matrona
helped with the support of A campaigns - weave clothes and allowed him to been shown in the conservatives eyes

Tiberius and Drusus
Horace Odes 4.4 - they have returned parthian standards - which was a sore spot for the romans as militray embarssment by crassus
comapred ‘like a lion-cub’ - young but successful - power waiting to be discovered
device of hannibal -

Ara Pacis - commisoned by senate in 13 BC
shows imperial fam in procession - they are in the future
here’s an abundance of children in this procession, which include his own adopted children and grandchildren however the other unnamed ones could symbolise Augustus’ hope for a rise in birth rates among the aristocratic class. They also symbolise further fertility and growth of Rome and Augustus’ dynastic hopes for the future. It seems that Augustus was confident in that his heirs will rule Rome, extending that thought from Aeneas and Romulus onwards, that lineage has always been destined for political greatness.
civil dress - role as figurehead and strong leader

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