Res Gestae Flashcards
when were was the Res Gestae written
13-14 AD
where was the Res Gestae located
inscribed on bronze pillars set up outside the mausoleum of A - requested in his will
-pillars are know lost but the text was reproduced acroos the empire
how is it structured and what is the context of each section
35 paragraphs. 4 sections.
* 2-14: Political career (offices & political
honours; including what Augustus refused).
* 15-24: Public benefactions (lists donations
of money, land & grain to citizens &
soldiers; lists public works & gladiatorial
spectacles; emphasises done with Augustus’
own money).
* 25-33: Military achievements (lists military
deeds & alliances forged)
* 34-35: Political statement (returns Republic
to Senate; Augustus honoured by the people
& Senate)
what is the style of the res gestae
-1st person
-2500 words
-focused on life of A and his achievements
-focus on actions in Rome, not in the empire
-does not lie - all main events and actions were public knowledge
-A presents himself positively and not objective
what are some of the things that are wrong with the res gestae
-enemies not mentioned by name
-no direct refernce to civil wars
-term faction covers MA, supporters and the battle of Mutina
-Brutus and Cassius are knwon as ‘those men who had murdered my father’
-Sextus Pompius and his followeres are knwon as ‘pirates’
-Imperium maius not mentioned
-A exceptional tribunical powers not mentioned
-frequent refrences to the Senta eand magistrates and that A is acting on their behalf - sticking to republican rules - not allude to fact he is a sort of dictator
what is the prupose of the res gestae
-A writes own story fro, his own perspective
-leaves a +ve account of his legacy
-present sbest possible verdion of himslef
-PR move
-first amoung equals and has resotred traditional government
-some extent it works - may have contributed to A being remembered as a good emperor
-later authors refrence it in own works
what are the themes of the res gestae
-pater patriae
mentions in the RG of dedication to his father
RG 2 - ‘I drove into exile the murderers of my father’
RG15 - ‘I paid under my fathers will’
RG20 - ‘I completed the forum Julium (…) works begun and almost finished by my father’
mentions in the RG of establishing peace
RG 12 - the senate resolved that altar to the augustan peace should be consecrated
RG13 - tradition records that ( the gateway of Janus) was shut only twice, but while i was leading citizen (..) it should be shut on three occasions
RG 25 - i made the sea peacful and freed it of pirates
RG 34 - after i had extinguished the civil wars
mentions in the RG of religion and morals
RG 6 - the senate and people of rome agreed that i should be appointed supervisor of laws and morals
RG 7 - i am pontifex maximus, augur, quindecimivir sacris etc
RG 8 - i brought back into use many exemplary practices of our ancestors
RG 20 - i resotred 82 temples of the gods
RG 34 - on account of my (..) piety
mentions in the RG of the building programme
RG 19 - i built the senate house
RG 20 - i restored the channels of the aqueducts - even though it was Agrippa