Aenied scholarship Flashcards
Jenkyns on Creusa
Creusa is a kind of ideal roman matrona, who allows Aeneas to move on
Ellen Oliensis on women
tends to mean that women make trouble and men restore order
Morton Braund on Juno
-the aeneid can also be read as the story of the wrath of Juno
Edith hall on Aeneas
Aeneas is a pious hero
Nusbaum on Aeneas in bk 2
did absolutly everything that he could do to help before leaving troy for italy
Nusbaum on book 2
the end of Troy becomes, in Virgil, the beginning of Rome; from the ashes of Troy will rise the Phoenix of Rome
Buckley on the death of Turnus
“For when Aeneas kills Turnus, Virgil employs the verb, condere, which means not just ‘to stab’, but also ‘to found’. When Aeneas puts Turnus to the sword, he sets in motion the foundation of the Roman race
Olinesis on Mercury book 4 quote - women are ‘unstable creatures, always changing’
-‘statement relflects gender norms of Roman society, which emphasised the irrationality and instability of women’
Connolly on women and war
-‘women of the aeneid are deeply affected by the ravages of war, both as direct targets of violence and witnesses to its horrors’