Immunologia 1 Flashcards
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs)
Receptors of innate immune system that recognize common molecular pattern on pathogen surfaces
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
Molecules specifically associatedwith groups of pathogens that are recognized by cells of the innate immune system
Any molecule that on its own is able to elicit an adaptiveimmune response on injectioninto a person or animal
Any substance that enhances the immune response to an antigen with which it is mixed
Perustuu reseptoreihin, jotka tunnistavat mikrobeista peräisin olevia rakenteita, mm. lipopolysakkaridit, lipoproteiinit, mikrobien nukleiinihapot ja flagelliini. Reseptorit jaetaan 4 ryhmään: Toll-reseptorit, RIG-I-reseptorit, NOD-reseptorit ja lektiinireseptorit
Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
Innate receptors on macrophages, dendritic cells, and some other cells, that recognize pathogens and their products, such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Recognition stimulates the receptor-bearing cells to produce cytokines that help initiae immune responses
RIG-I-like helicases
Family of intracellular proteins that detect viral RNAs, initiating a signalling pathway that leads to interferon production
NOD-like receptors (NLRs)
Large family of proteins containing a nucleotide-oligomerization domain (NOD) associated with various other domains, and whose general function is the detection of microbes and of cellular stress
Intracellular proteins with a nucleotide-oligomerization domain (NOD) anda leucine-rich repeat domain that bind components of bacterial cell walls and activate the NFkB pathway initiating inflammatory responses
Lectin pathway
Complement activation pathway that is triggered by mannose-binding lectins (MBLs) or ficolins bound to bacteria
Mannose-binding lectin (MBL)
Mannose-bindingprotein present in the blood. It can opsonize pathogens bearing mannose on their surfaces and can activate the complement system via the lectin pathway, an important part of innate immunity
Carbohydrate-binding proteins that can initiatelectin pathway of complement activation, members of the collectin family and bind to the N-acetylglucosamine present on the surface of some pathogens
Family of calcium-dependent sugar-binding proteins (lectins) containing collagen-like sequences, example of mannose-binding lectin
Coating of the surface of a pathogen by antibody and/or complement that makes it more easily ingested by phagocytes
Komplementin tehtävät (7)
- Mikrobien lyysi (MAC)
- Opsonisaatio
- Tulehdusreaktion välittäminen, välittäjäaineiden vapauttaminen syöttösoluista, sileän lihaksen supistaminen, verisuonten läpäisevyyden lisääminen
- Kemotaksis ja fagosyyttien aktivaatio
- Immunokompleksien ja muiden molekyyliaggregaattien käsittely
- Vaurioituneiden solurakenteiden eliminaatio
- Spesifisen immunivasteen voimistuminen
Membrane-attack complex (MAC)
Protein complex composed of the terminal complement proteins, which assembles on pathogen surfaces to generate a membrane-spanning hydrophilic pore, damaging the membrane and causing cell lysis
Rapid-onset allergic reaction to antigen that occurs throughout the body. In most severe cases systemic reaction leads to potentially fatal anaphylactic shock as a result of circulatory collapse and suffocation due to tracheal swelling. Usually results from binding of antigen to IgE antibody on connective tissue mast cells leading to disseminated release of inflammatory mediators
Small chemoattractant protein that stimulates migration and activation of cells, especially phagosytic cells and lymphocytes, have a central role in inflammatory responses
Lyhytikäisiä granulosyyttejä, monilohkoinen tuma, tuhoavat mikrobeja akuutissa tulehdusreaktiossa, pystyvät fagosytoimaan leimautuneita kohteita
Most numerous type of white blood cell in human peripheral blood, phagocytic cells with multilobed nucleus and granules that stain with neutral stains, enter infected tissues and engulf and kill extracellular pathogens
Antigeenin esittelyyn soluvälitteisen immuunireaktion käynnistyksessä erikoistuneita soluja, jaetaan myeloidisiin ja plasmasytoidisiin. Kudoksissa fagosytoivat mikrobeja, vaeltavat imusolmukkeisiin, jossa esittelevät antigeenin lymfosyyteille
Dendritic cells
Bone marrow derived cells found in most tissues, two main types: conventional (myeloid) and plasmacytoid
Conventional (myeloid) dendritic cells
Take up antigen in peripheral tissues, activated by contact with pathogens, travel to lymph nodes and stimulate T-cell responses
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Main function in an infection is to produce large amounts of the antiviral interferons as a result of pathogen recognition through receptors such as TLRs, can also take up and present antigens
Suoliston immuunijärjestelmä
Suolen imusolut kolmella erikoistuneella alueella:
- Peyerin levyt
- Yksittäisinä lymfosyytteinä lamina propriassa
- Yksittäisinä lymfosyytteinä epiteelisolukerroksessa
Gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT)
Organized lymphoid tissues closely associated with gastroinestinal tract, comprising Peyer’s patches, appendix, and isolated lymphoid follicles found in intestinal wall. They have an anatomically compartmentalilze structure typicalof peripheral lymphoid organs and are sitesat which adaptive immune responses are initiated. Connected to mesenteric lymph nodes by lymphatic vessels
Peyer’s patches
Organized peripheral lymphoid organs under epithelium in small intestine, especially ileum, and in whichadaptive immune response can be initiated. Contain lymphoid follicles and T-cell areas, part of GALT
MHC-molekyylit (ihmisellä HLA) toimivat alustana tunnistettavan peptidin esittelemiselle ja siihen sitoutuu T-solun koreseptori (CD4/CD8), jaetaan kahteen luokkaan: MHC I & II
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
Cluster of genes on human chromosome 6 that encodes a set of membrane glycoproteins called the MHC-molecules. MHC also encodes proteins involve in antigen processing and othe aspects of host defence. Genes for MHC are most polymorphic in human genome
Mannose receptor
Receptoron macrophages that is specific for mannose-containing carbohydrates that occur on surfaces ofpathogens but not on host cells
Mesenteric lymph nodes
Lymph nodes located in connective tissue (mesentery) that tethers intestine to rear wall of abdomen, drain the GALT
MHC class I molecules
Polymorphic proteins encoded in MHC and expressed on most cells in the body, cell-surface proteins that present antigenic peptides generated in the cytosol to CD8 T cells, interact with T-cell co-receptor CD8
MHC class II molecules
Polymorphic proteins encoded in MHC and expressed on some cells of the immune system, primarily specialized antigen-presenting cells. Cell-surface proteins that present antigenic peptides derived from internalized extracellular pathogens to CD4 T cells, interact with T-cell co-receptor CD4
MHC molecules
Highly polymorphic glycoproteins encoded by MHC class I and II genes, which are involved in presentation of peptide antigens to T cells, also known as histocompatibility antigens
MHC restriction
Peptide can only be recognized by a T cell if it is bound to particular self MHC molecule. Consequence of events that occur during T-cell development
Auttaja T-solut
Ilmentävät apumolekyyliä CD4 ja tunnistavat MHC luokan II esittelemiä antigeeneja. Toimivat muiden immuunipuolustuksen solujen ja immuunivasteen säätelijöinä aktivoiden
Helper T cells
Effector CD4 T cells that stimulate B cells to make antibody in response to antigenic challenge
Co-receptor for T-cell receptors that recognize peptide antigens bound to MHC class II molecules, binds to lateral face of MHC molecule
Co-receptor for T-cell receptors that recognize peptide antigens bound to MHC class I molecules, binds to lateral face of MHC molecule
Ilmentävät apumolekyyliä CD8 ja tunnistavat MHC luokan I esittelemiä antigeenejä. Tärkeitä virusinfektioiden torjunnassa, aikaansaavat infektoituneen solun apoptoosin
Cytotoxic T cells
T cells that can kill other cells, typically CD8 T cells defending against intracellular pathogens that live or reproduce in the cytosol
Regulatory T cells
Effector CD4 T cells that inhibit T-cell responses and are involved in controlling immune reactions and preventing autoimmunity