Images Flashcards
Hollenhorst plaque
- Cholesterol
- associated with atherosclerosis and risk for stroke
- usually seen at arterial bifurcations
* parasitic nematode Toxocara canis
RPE defect
** window defect, appears as yellow-white. Well demarcated circular lesion present in mid-peripheral retina
** benign
Posterior embryotoxon
*anteriorly displaced Schwalbe line
* no treatment at this time
* RTC: annual for CEE
S/S red, itchy eyes with swollen eyelids, chemosis
* mast cell degranulation, leading to increased vascular permeability which causes fluid and proteins to leak into subcutaneous spaces
Myelinated nerve fiber layer
* white feathery margins typically extending from the optic disc
Myelinated nerve fiber layer
* white feathery margins typically extending from the optic disc
*remnants of embryological posterior hyaloid artery that failed to atrophy
(Hyaloid artery supplies blood to developing eye during fetal development)
Patient wears silicone hydrogel CLs
Mucin balls
* occur with silicone hydrogel lenses that are too flat
* mechanical rubbing of CL stimulates goblet cells to produce extra mucin which form balls that embed into corneal epithelium
*ignore black lesion
Terrien marginal degeneration
* bilateral superior corneal thinning
* blur from high ATR astigmatism
* men in their 30’s
* longstanding may see pseudopterygium
* tx: correction, if unsuccessful tectonic or penetrating ketatoplasty
Corneal farinata
* small white specs in the interpalpebral zone of posterior stroma
* bilateral
* no tx required
Congenital zonular cataract
Make sure you know the layers!
Fibrous disciform scar in exudative AMD
* formed by formation of choroidal neovascular membrane
Transillumination defects seen in patient with tyrosinase-negative albinism
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
* painless, sectoral hemorrhage of conjunctival vessel into subconjunctival space
* clear demarcation line at the limbus of cornea
Butterfly macular dystrophy
* pattern dystrophy
* yellow/gray deposits within macular region in a triadiate pattern
* treatment not necessary and prognosis good
* autosomal dominant, 2nd to 5th decades of life
Conjunctival melanocytoma
* slow growing black lesion of conjunctiva
* rare
* mass not freely movable over sclera and tends to be homogenous in color and lack cystic spaces
Advanced glaucoma visual field loss
* very small island of central vision left
* patient is considered legally blind due to there being less than 20 degrees of vision in horizontal meridian of the better seeing eye
Lens vacuoles
* view with retro illumination
* pooling of water in lens due to aggregation of crystalline proteins which are less water-soluble now
* due to aging, cataract formation, diabetes
Left homonymous hemianopsia
* lesion in right visual pathway distal to optic chiasm
* respects vertical midline
Left homonymous hemianopsia
* lesion in right visual pathway distal to optic chiasm
* respects vertical midline
Fleischer ring
* epithelial iron deposit at the surrounding base of the cone in keratoconus
* best seen under slit lamp with blue light
Non-ischemic central retinal vein occlusion
* caused by formation of thrombus near or at the lamina cribrosa leading to compression of central retinal vein by CRA which impedes blood flow return
* blood accumulates causing endothelial cell damage leading to formation of a thrombus leading to retinal hemorrhages
Preretinal hemorrhage (boat shaped)
* blood trapped between vitreous cortex and ILM
* associated with PDR
* caused by blood loss from neovascularization of disc or elsewhere resulting in entrapment of blood between posterior aspect of hyaloid and retinal surface
Epithelial ingrowth
* proliferation of epithelial cells at the flap interface after LASIK
* flap may need to be relifted and cells removed if interfering with vision
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
* white flaky material deposits along pupillary margin
* unilateral
* transillumination defects limited to iris sphincter
* material can accumulate in TM causing increase in IOP —> glaucoma
Full thickness macular hole
Supernumerary puncta
* more than 1 punctum
Large mutton fat keratic precipitates
* granulomatous anterior uveitis