Ill-Appearing Neonate Flashcards
Resp rate normal is ___/min
- ___ breathing: breathe quickly for a few seconds, then slowly for a few seconds.
- Obligate ___ breathers.
Normal heart rate is ___/min, BP___ (term neonate).
Acrocyanosis and perioral cyanosis are common and normal
Resp rate normal is 30-60/min
- Periodic breathing: breathe quickly for a few seconds, then slowly for a few seconds.
- Obligate nose breathers.
Normal heart rate is 90-180/min, BP 60/40 (term neonate).
Acrocyanosis and perioral cyanosis are common and normal
- Name the most important diagnosis in the differential for a sick neonate
Differential Diagnosis
Everything else.
Key organisms for neonatal sepsis
Organisms: GBS, E.coli, Listeria, staph
Symptoms of neonatal sepsis and management
Symptoms of neonatal sepsis: irritable, and lethargic, do not rely on a fever (temp may be low, normal or high).
Other sites of infection are not readily identifiable on PE: Bacteremia, UTI, meningitis.
Neonates with fever often will be these 3 causes.
Investigations: Full septic workup: CBC, blood culture, urine culture (catheter sample), CSF culture (lumbar puncture)
Management: ABCs/ resuscitation, hospital admission, antibiotics
- Ampicillin and gentamicin, OR ampicillin and ceftriaxone.

5 T’s of cyanotic heart lesions (which shunts blood from __- to ___)
Cyanotic heart lesions: from RIGHT to LEFT
5Ts; Tetralogy of fallot (boot shaped heart), transposition of the great arteries, total anomalous pulmonary venous return (snowman).
- tetralogy of fallot
- transposition of the great arteries
- total anomalous pulmonary venous return

in a ventriculo-septal defect (VSD), blood is shunted from the __ to the __. Main presentation is:
LEFT TO THE RIGHT. Presents with CHF: respiratory distress, wheezing?crackles, tiring or diaphroesis with feeds, FTT.
- not enough blood getting to the body, pulmonary hypertension because too much blood running through right system.
___ emesis is ___ in color and is a surgical emergency until proven otherwise.
Bilious emesis is a surgical emergency until proven otherwise
key finding of necrotizing enterocolitis on XRAY
NEC; pneumatosis intestinalis. Air leaks from bowel wall and goes up to the right)

- List 10 things to do in the first 5 minutes of management of any sick neonate
I. recognize they are a critically ill child
Ii. Resuscitation room
Iii. resuscitation team
Iv. standard precautions.
V. monitor, full vitals
Vi. O2
Vii. IV/IO/UVC with bedside glucose
Viii. airway
Ix. breathing
X. circulation.