Critically Ill Child Flashcards
Pediatric Assessment Triangle:
appearance, work of breathing, circulation to skin.
Pediatric Assessment Triangle: appearance, work of breathing, circulation to skin.
what to assess?
Pediatric Assessment Triangle: appearance, work of breathing, circulation to skin.
how to assess for work of breathing?
abnormal SOUNDS (stridor, wheeze)
abnormal POSITION
Pediatric Assessment Triangle: appearance, work of breathing, circulation to skin.
how to assess for circulation to skin?
pallor, mottling, cyanosis
how is the airway in peds changed that can lead to a harder airway management?
- huge head
- smaller airway diameter
- obligate nose breathers– will not breath through mouth– will be apneic before breathing throuhg mouth
- large tongue, tonsils and adenoids.
how are breathing structures changed in peds that make it harder to breath ?
- more horizontal ribs
less developed cheset muscles
more rleiance on diaphragm and ab muscles
smaller airways
fewer alveoli
reduced functional residual capacity
increasd O2 consumption
- weaker resp muscles and more vulnerable lungs can lead to easier fatiguability and prone to hypoxia
Circulation Considerations: blood volume is relatively __ but absolute volume is __.
Systemic vascular resistance is __ → __ BP
Hypotension late sign of _: compensatory mechanisms include (increased __ and increased __)
There is a fixed __ __ in infants/younger children, and thus need to increased HR for adequate CO
Less blood __, __ BP, reliant on increased __ can lead to tachycardia and hypotension. CANNOT REGULAT CONTRACTILITY Provide fluids!
Circulation Considerations: blood volume is relatively larger but absolute volume is smaller.
Systemic vascular resistance is LOWER → LOWER BP
Hypotension late sign of shock: compensatory mechanisms include (increased HR and increased vasoconstriction)
There is a fixed stroke volume in infants/younger children, and thus need to increased HR for adequate CO
Less blood volume, lower BP, reliant on increased HR can lead to tachycardia and hypotension. Provide fluids!
normal RR in infant
noraml RR in toddler
normal RR in preschooler
normal RR in child
normal RR in adolescent
adult. 12-16
determining minimum systolic BP
70+(2x age in years)
using the pediatric assessment triangle, come up with general diagnosis with these presentations:
(don’t look at the asnwers)

Ill Neonate Presenting complaints: problems with…
• Eating: poor feeding, vomiting
• Sleeping: lethargy, irritability, excessive crying
• Pooping: not passing stools, passing blood
• Peeing: decreased urine output
• Other: high/low temperature, difficulty breathing, jaundice, query seizures Investigations:
• Sick or not sick? Abnormal appearance (lethargic, seizing), abnormal breathing (apnea, laboured),
abnormal circulation (blue, mottled). If SICK, GET HELP! • Physical Exam: as above
management of a crtically ill child
Management: the first 5 minutes– identify critically ill child, move to resus room, resus team, standard precautions, monitor, full vitals, O2, establish IV, beside glucose, ABC