IGNORE - General - Orthopaedics COPY Flashcards
What is the treatment for scaphoid fractures?
- Proximal fractures
- Undisplaced distal fractures
- displaced distal fractures
Proximal - all proximal need surgical fixation
Undisplaced distal - immobilise In a cast for 6 weeks
Displaced distal - Surgical fixation
What are the feature of a Montegia Fracture
Proximal bones affected
Ulnar fracture in proximal 1/3
proximal radial head dislocation
Clue: Mugger
What are the features of a Galaezi fracture
Distal Bones affected
Distal Radial fracture
dislocation of distal radio - ulnar joint
Clue: Mugger
Hip Fracture
What are the treatment options for extra-capsular hip fractures
- Stable - Dynamic Hip Screw
- Unstable - Either Dynamic Hip Screw or IM nail (esp if reverse oblique)

Hip Fracutres
What are the treatment options for Intracapsular hip fracutres
- Undisplaced - Internal fixation
- Displaced - Internal fixation or Total hip replacemnt
Elderly (both displaced and un displaced)
- good mobility - Total Hip Replacment
- poor mobility - hemi arthroplasty
NB: undisplaced could have internal fixation

Describe a Smiths Fracture
Distal radius fracture with volar angulation
Descibe a Collies Fracture
Distal radius fracture + dorsal angulation
What is Potts Fracture
Bimalleolar ankle fracture caused by forced foot eversion
What is a Holstein Lewis Fracture
A HolsteinLewis fracture is a fracture of the distal third of the humerus resulting in entrapment of the radial nerve
Conservative treatment includes reduction and use of a functional brace
Vascular injury may require open surgery
What is a bennetts fracture
Compresesion fracture of the base of the first metacarpal
What structures pass posteriorally to the Medial Maleolus?
Tom Dick And Nervous Harry
- Tibailis Posterior Tendon
- Flexor Digitorum Longus
- Posterior Tibial Artery
- Tibial Nerve
- Halicus Longus
What structures pass posteriorally to the lateral maleolus
superficial to superior peroneal retinaculum
- Sural nerve
- Short saphenous vein
deep to superior peroneal retinaculum
- Peroneus longus tendon
- Peroneus brevis tendon
What is the blood supply to the scaphoid bone?
Dorsal carpal branches
what structure is in the closest proximity to the hamate
What is the treatment for distal radial fractures?
Treatment is mostly conservative, if affecting the joint surface or angulated then for surgical fixation
What is the treatment for proximal humeral fractures?
- If impacted - Colar and cuff
- if displaced - ORIF
An 18 year old athlete attends orthopaedic clinic reporting pain and swelling over the medial aspect of the knee joint. The pain occurs when climbing the stairs, but is not present when walking on flat ground. Clinically there is pain over the medial, proximal tibia and the McMurray test is negative. What is the most likely cause of this patient’s symptoms?
Pes anserinus bursitis