Doctors Acadamy - Head and Neck COPY Flashcards
what is the blood supply to the scalp?
- Supratrochlear Artery
- Supra orbital Artery
- Posterior audicular
- Occipital
what sinus is at risk during a mastoidectomy ?
sigmoid sinus
What are the 4 parasympathetic ganglion?
Cillary ganglion
Pterygopalentine ganglion
Submandibular ganglion
otic ganglion
what is the typical form of eye involvement in a patient with giant cell arteritis
what is the typical biopsy finding in giant cell arteritis
inflammatory infiltration of the arterial wall at the transition between tunica adventitia and tunica media
What is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland?
- Prolactin
- LH
- GH
What is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland?
- Oxytocin
- Vasopressin (ADH)
what structures travel within the cavernous sinus
- Abducens Nerve
- Carotid Plexus
- internal carotid artery
Which structures travel within the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus
- Oculomotor Nerve
- Trochlear Nerve
- othamlmic (V1) and Maxillary (v2) branches of trigeminal
What is the nerve supply for the sensation of the external ear?
Upper 1/3 = Auriculotemporal (v3)
Middle 1/3 = Lesser Occipital (Cervical plexus)
Lower 1/3 = Greater Auricular Nerve (Cervical Plexus)
External Ear Canal = auricular branch of vagus
What is the nerve supply to the middle ear (sensation)
CN 9 - Glossopharyngeal
what is the nerve supply to the inner ear
CN 8 - vestibulocochlear
what is the nerve supply to the nose
External nasal branch of the anterior ethmoidal nerve
What 4 strucutres lie in close proximity to the parotid gland
- Facial Nerve
- Auriculotemporal nerve
- Superficial temporal artery
- retromandibular vein
which 2 veins contribute to the formation of the external jugular vein
- Posteiror auricular vein
- poterior division of the retromandibular vien
What are the contents of the anterior traingle
- Vagus nerve
- Hypoglossal Nerve
- Ansa Cervicularis
- Nerve to Mylohyoid
- Small branch of spinal accessory nerve
- external carotid
- facial artery
- common carotid artery
- facial veins
- internal jugular vein
- anterior jugular vein
Where are psomomma bodies found?
The Thymus
They are also commonly seen in papillary thyroid cancer
What condition would you suspect in a patient with bilateral parotid gland swelling?
- Sjograns if there are associated Autoimmune conditions e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis + dry eyes and mouth etc
- Sarcoidosis can cause bilateral parotid swelling
- Mikulicz - presentation is similar but no dry eyes/ or arthritis
In what condition do you see Asteroid Bodies
Where are Hassels Corpuscles found
In the medulla of the thymus
What are the features of Folicuar Thyroid cancer? what is the managment? what is the spread? and how do you monitor for it?
Demographic / Features: Females, iron defficient areas. Single Nodule
Managemet: total thyroidectomy +/- radioiodine
Spread: Haematogenous Spread (To the lung most commonly)
Monitor: Thyroglobulin
What are the features of Papillary Thyroid cancer? what is the managment? what is the spread? and how do you monitor for it?
Most common thyroid cancer (75%)
Features: Females, previous irradiation to neck. Multinodular. Papillary Projections. Psommoma bodies and orphan ani nuclei
Managment: Total thryoidecomy + central lymph node clearance if nodes involved
Monitor: Thyroglobulin
Spread: Lymphatic
What are the features of Anaplastic Thyroid cancer and what is the managment?
Common in Elderly Females
Local invasion is common
Managment: palliative debulking and palliactive chemotherapy.
What are the features of Medullary Thyroid cancer? what is the managment? what is the spread? and how do you monitor for it?
Features: They are tumours of the parafolicular C cells. Associated with MEN 2a and 2b. Multinodular.
Treatment: Total thyroidectomy + bilateral neck disection
Spread: Lymph and haem spread
Monitor: Calcitonin
What is the blood supply to the thyroid?
- Inferior thyroid artery (from thyrocervical trunk)
- Superior thyroid artery (From external carotid)
What antibodies are seen in Hashimotos thyroiditis
Anti TPO & anti thyroglobulin both raised
What abnormality of the parathyroid glands are most often found in MEN2 ?
What is the contents of the posteior traingle
- Accesory nerve
- Phrenic Nerve
- Trunks of brachial plexus
- branches of the cervical plexus
- subclavian artery
- External Jugular
What is the blood supply of the parathyroid glands
Inferior Thryoid Artery (Thyrocervial Trunk) - gives majority of blood supply
Superior thyroid artery (External Carotid)
in what facial layer would a haematoma form post thyroidectomy
pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia
which muscle splits the superficial from the deep lobe of the submandibular gland
between which two muscles do pharyngeal pouches commonly arise
between the thyropharyngeas and the cricopharyngeas
what structures are commonly sacrificed in a radical neck disection
- sternocleidomastoid muscle (always)
- internla jugular vein
- accessory nerve