IFT Knowledge Flashcards
Name the five IFTSA competitions
Chapter of the Year Competition, College Bowl Competition, Product Development Competition, Undergraduate Research Paper Competition, Graduate Research Paper Competition, Developing solutions for developing countries
Who was the first president of ift?
Samuel C. Prescott
When was ift founded?
Where was the 25th IFT National Meeting held?
Washington, D.C.
Who was the first executive committee secretary?
Col. Charles S. Lawrence
In what year was student member classification established?
Good manufacturing practice regulations of the FDA are subdivided into six categories. Name three of them.
Sanitation, Thermally processed low acid foods, Acidified foods, Cocoa products and confectionary, smoke and smoke flavored fish, frozen raw breaded shrimp.
Who were the first Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer of the IFT?
Roy Newton (V.P.) and George Hucker (Sec.-Treasurer)
What are the governing bodies of the IFT?
Council-(elected by members of region sections as representatives) & Executive Committee-elected by council and members at large.
How many classes of membership are there and what are they?
Four: Students, Members, Professional Members, and Members Emeritus
What is the difference between professional members and members?
Only professional members may,vote and hold elected office.
How many divisions of the IFT are there?
How many regional sections of the IFT are there?
Where was the first IFT National Meeting held?
What Organization financially supports IFT?
The IFT Foundation
Who was the first female IFT president?
Mary K. Wagner (1997-1998).
Name five committees of IFTSA.
Finance, competitions, Development and communication, IFT Relations, Membership Experiences,