IFD EOG Flashcards
Who can place the ASAP in service?
Who can place the ASAP in service?
The ASAP has sufficient room in the patient care compartment
The ASAP has sufficient room in the patient care compartment to carry
The ASAP will be housed and available at
The ASAP will be housed and available at
Lockbox with keys for the building housing the ASAP is locat
Lockbox with keys for the building housing the ASAP is located ___. Code is available through ___. Equipment keys are located ___.
Weekly preventative maintenance on all IFD apparatus located
Weekly preventative maintenance on all IFD apparatus located at 5982 Riverside will be the responsibility of
Radio ID for ASAP
Radio ID for ASAP
An engine company shall be dispatched to automatic fire alar
An engine company shall be dispatched to automatic fire alarms at
The Alarm Office shall dispatch an engine and truck to all a
The Alarm Office shall dispatch an engine and truck to all automatic fire alarms received from
It is especially important that the alarm system is not sile
It is especially important that the alarm system is not silenced or reset until
If the Fire Dept is unable to reset an alarm…
If the Fire Dept is unable to reset an alarm…
Company Officers shall not ___ into automatic alarm control
Company Officers shall not ___ into automatic alarm control boxes nor disconnect the wiring to such alarms
In the event a Company Officer encounters an automatic alarm
In the event a Company Officer encounters an automatic alarm that cannot be reset and the Company Officer is unable to contact a responsible party for the address involved, the Company Officer shall
Company Officers and MICU personnel will notify the Alarm Of
Company Officers and MICU personnel will notify the Alarm Office of all responses that did not involve a valid reason for the alarm.
Mild CO exposure:
Mild CO exposure:
Medium CO exposure:
Medium CO exposure:
Extreme CO exposure:
Extreme CO exposure:
CO Investigations: Ask occupants to step outside and ask the
CO Investigations: Ask occupants to step outside and ask them about any health symptoms they may be experiencing. If signs of CO poisoning are present,
Take the first CO reading
Take the first CO reading
CO level 0-9ppm
CO level 0-9ppm
CO level 10-34ppm
CO level 10-34ppm
CO level 35ppm or greater
CO level 35ppm or greater
A primary consideration for fire personnel during such an ev
A primary consideration for fire personnel during such an event (CD) is
Level 1 CD
Level 1 CD
Level 2 CD
Level 2 CD
Level 3 CD
Level 3 CD
The tactic to be used for fighting structure fires within th
The tactic to be used for fighting structure fires within the Disturbance Area.
___ are preferred since these allow for quick disengagement.
___ are preferred since these allow for quick disengagement. Only absolutely necessary ___ should be attempted, and company integrity must be maintained.
Task Force Group consists of
Task Force Group consists of
In an effort to avoid intensifying an emotional situation th
In an effort to avoid intensifying an emotional situation the words “riot” and “civil disturbance” will not be used over the radio; the abbreviation ___ will be used.
Operational Procedures for Level 1 CD (Standby)
Operational Procedures for Level 1 CD (Standby)
Operational Procedures for Level 2 CD (Threat)
Operational Procedures for Level 2 CD (Threat)
Operational Procedures for Level 3 CD (Actual Disturbance)
Operational Procedures for Level 3 CD (Actual Disturbance)
All companies responding to an address within the perimeter
All companies responding to an address within the perimeter (CD) will enter together and leave together, along with
CD - All responding personnel (including EMS) will wear ___
CD - All responding personnel (including EMS) will wear ___ when responding within the perimeter.
CD - Apparatus should be ___ so as to ensure a rapid means o
CD - Apparatus should be ___ so as to ensure a rapid means of escape.
(CD) Ambulances clearing the hospital will not return to the
(CD) Ambulances clearing the hospital will not return to the CDIII unless
CD - The minimum EMS response inside the Disturbance Area is
CD - The minimum EMS response inside the Disturbance Area is
CD - Response to structure fires within the perimeter will c
CD - Response to structure fires within the perimeter will consist of
CD - When using 5” LDH for supply lines, ___ are not to be u
CD - When using 5” LDH for supply lines, ___ are not to be used
At structure fires in a CD, search procedures?
At structure fires in a CD, search procedures?
During the early stages of a CD, the Alarm office will perio
During the early stages of a CD, the Alarm office will periodically broadcast
The ___ is responsible for ensuring that all calls within th
The ___ is responsible for ensuring that all calls within the Disturbance area are answered
All requests for assistance of engine or truck company perso
All requests for assistance of engine or truck company personnel will be made through
If engine/truck arrives on a code 84 before the MICU
If engine/truck arrives on a code 84 before the MICU
At major accidents, assign at least one person to
At major accidents, assign at least one person to
Major Accident (fuel spill) - Try and maintain a ___ barrier
Major Accident (fuel spill) - Try and maintain a ___ barrier for a safety margin.
If it is absolutely necessary to disconnect the battery cabl
If it is absolutely necessary to disconnect the battery cables (fuel spill), what should be utilized?
Automobile accidents involving persons trapped and requiring
Automobile accidents involving persons trapped and requiring the use of rescue saws or torches. (notable things 4)
If no one answers the door (EMS), before forcing entry…
If no one answers the door (EMS), before forcing entry…
Once emergency is abated, while attempting to re secure the
Once emergency is abated, while attempting to re secure the building, companies will
Responsible for attempting to secure the building (forced en
Responsible for attempting to secure the building (forced entry EMS)
In the event that damage has been done during forcible entry
In the event that damage has been done during forcible entry and no resident has returned prior to our securing the building and leaving the scene
When you cant secure a building after an automatic alarm (n
When you can’t secure a building after an automatic alarm (no responsible party to leave it with), you should
Anytime CPR is started before FD arrival, if possible get
Anytime CPR is started before FD arrival, if possible get
Resuscitation not attempted when
Resuscitation not attempted when
EMS - All personnel will be required to know the correct pro
EMS - All personnel will be required to know the correct procedures for completing these tasks correctly and quickly.
If consent to treat is refused by the parents or guardians a
If consent to treat is refused by the parents or guardians and Fire Department personnel reasonably believe the injury or illness of the child constitutes a significant risk, death, or disability, Fire Department personnel will
Three conditions for a confined space
Three conditions for a confined space
Permit required confined space has one or more of the follow
Permit required confined space has one or more of the following conditions (4)
Properly Trained Confined Space Members:
Properly Trained Confined Space Members:
The Alarm Office will dispatch ___ when a rescue is known to
The Alarm Office will dispatch ___ when a rescue is known to involve a confined space
Considerations for first due companies while awaiting TRT:
Considerations for first due companies while awaiting TRT:
Technical Rescue Team minimum staffing
Technical Rescue Team minimum staffing
Con Space - Cold Zone contains (3)
Con Space - Cold Zone contains (3)
Con Space - Warm Zone contains (4)
Con Space - Warm Zone contains (4)
Con Space - Hot Zone contains
Con Space - Hot Zone contains
Minimum Staffing positions for Confined Space (7)
Minimum Staffing positions for Confined Space (7)
Confined Space Rescue System minimum IFD standard (7)
Confined Space Rescue System minimum IFD standard (7)
Respiratory protection must be worn if the oxygen concentrat
Respiratory protection must be worn if the oxygen concentration is below
Confined Space - No entry may be made into oxygen enriched a
Confined Space - No entry may be made into oxygen enriched atmosphere. Ventilation is required to lower the oxygen concentration below ___ before entry is made
A ___ must be performed and confirmed on all electrical powe
A ___ must be performed and confirmed on all electrical power, machinery, valves and gates before confined space entry
The ___ will complete and maintain the “Confined Space Incid
The ___ will complete and maintain the “Confined Space Incident Organizational Board”.
The entire rescue system will be evaluated by the TRT Safety
The entire rescue system will be evaluated by the TRT Safety Officer when (2)
Confined Space - All rescue commands will come from the ___
Confined Space - All rescue commands will come from the ___ or ___
Drug Lab response:-IPD on location-IPD not on location
Drug Lab response:-IPD on location-IPD not on location
Unless emergency circumstances require intervention, IFD wil
Unless emergency circumstances require intervention, IFD will not ___ drug-making operation in progress.
The scene and its contents are under ___ jurisdiciton
The scene and its contents are under ___ jurisdiciton
Which elevator doors lock?
Which elevator doors lock?
Most popular elevator door
Most popular elevator door
The lock that secures hoist-way doors is called an
The lock that secures hoist-way doors is called an
4 steps in any elevator rescue
4 steps in any elevator rescue
Position Indicator panel is usually located
Position Indicator panel is usually located
After electrical power is removed, the cars ___ must be act
After electrical power is removed, the car’s ___ must be activated.
Methods for opening hoist-way doors (easiest to hardest)
Methods for opening hoist-way doors (easiest to hardest)
Interlock locations for different doors:-center-opening-two-
Interlock locations for different doors:-center-opening-two-speed-single-slide
Before doors are opened completely to let passengers out, ff
Before doors are opened completely to let passengers out, ff should
There is a point, both above and below a landing, after whic
There is a point, both above and below a landing, after which it becomes unsafe to evacuate passengers through the doors. That point occurs when
When removal of passengers through doors becomes too hazardo
When removal of passengers through doors becomes too hazardous, there are three alternatives.
Side rescue - When lacking a plank, ff should ___ when eleva
Side rescue - When lacking a plank, ff should ___ when elevators are dangerously too far apart
Who should be tied off for elevator top rescue
Who should be tied off for elevator top rescue
For blind hoist-way, to find car when power is still on? Wit
For blind hoist-way, to find car when power is still on? With power off?
Elevator should be stopped at least ___ below the fire floor
Elevator should be stopped at least ___ below the fire floor
Companies should carry a ___ when using elevators
Companies should carry a ___ when using elevators
___ all elevators not in use during a major fire
___ all elevators not in use during a major fire
Never pass a fire floor except in an elevator (2)
Never pass a fire floor except in an elevator (2)
The elevator lobby switch (and car switch) should be turned
The elevator lobby switch (and car switch) should be turned to ___, this will ___
To cancel an incorrect floor signal, the emergency switch sh
To cancel an incorrect floor signal, the emergency switch should be
Should a malfunction prevent the elevator from running, put
Should a malfunction prevent the elevator from running, put the emergency switch on
Steps for automatic elevators during a fire (4)
Steps for automatic elevators during a fire (4)
Severe weather policy can be instituted by (4)
Severe weather policy can be instituted by (4)
Permission to discuss EMS-related info can be given by (3)
Permission to discuss EMS-related info can be given by (3)
All requests for signatures verifying birth will be referred
All requests for signatures verifying birth will be referred to
If movement of a deceased pt is required and it is determine
If movement of a deceased pt is required and it is determined that no further actions are warranted, the body will be
When IPD requests a MICU to standby, the appropriate ___ wil
When IPD requests a MICU to standby, the appropriate ___ will be dispatched to the scene to make a size-up.
In the event at a station with an engine and truck company a
In the event at a station with an engine and truck company and there is only one (1) Paramedic available, this Paramedic will be assigned to
(EMS) Lost or damaged equipment will be reported to the
(EMS) Lost or damaged equipment will be reported to the
Daily inventory of reserve MICUs will be done by ___ hours e
Daily inventory of reserve MICUs will be done by ___ hours each day when possible
Reserve MICUs will be dispatched to emergency alarms when (2
Reserve MICUs will be dispatched to emergency alarms when (2)
When private ambulances are used, Alarm office will notify
When private ambulances are used, Alarm office will notify
An unattended MICU exists when
An unattended MICU exists when
Emergency re-supply chain…
Emergency re-supply chain…
Items that must be recovered before leaving the hospital (on
Items that must be recovered before leaving the hospital (one notable item)
When an emergency transfer is requested, the sending hospita
When an emergency transfer is requested, the sending hospital has to have a ___ completed and ready to go with the patient.
Emergency Transfers - Paramedics may deviate from original d
Emergency Transfers - Paramedics may deviate from original destination only under the following circumstances: (2)
The transport of individuals is limited to hospitals that
The transport of individuals is limited to hospitals that
All persons under the age of eighteen (18) are considered mi
All persons under the age of eighteen (18) are considered minors and do not have the right to refuse treatment and/or transport, except in the follow situations: (3)
Situations in which MICU personnel may choose not to transpo
Situations in which MICU personnel may choose not to transport a person (4)
MICU overload when
MICU overload when
When should SDO be notified of an exposure
When should SDO be notified of an exposure
Full “Sharps” container will be properly sealed and sent to
Full “Sharps” container will be properly sealed and sent to ___ for disposal.
In instances where a needle cannot be placed immediately int
In instances where a needle cannot be placed immediately into a “Sharps” container the needle may be
Puddles of blood and other fluids should be disinfected with
Puddles of blood and other fluids should be disinfected with
Uniforms that become contaminated with blood or body fluids
Uniforms that become contaminated with blood or body fluids should be
These may request the department or health authority to orde
These may request the department or health authority to order the testing of another person who may have exposed the person to a reportable disease (4)
Within ___ of the (exposure) incident, a person must submit
Within ___ of the (exposure) incident, a person must submit a sworn affidavit delineating the reasons for the request.
Texas DSHS or its designee must determine that the exposure
Texas DSHS or its designee must determine that the exposure occurred in a manner capable of transmitting a reportable disease, (including HIV), as defined in
If occupational exposure is claimed by an employee of the Te
If occupational exposure is claimed by an employee of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the ___ shall serve as the Department’s designee
To qualify for workers’ compensation or any other similar be
To qualify for workers’ compensation or any other similar benefits for compensation (exposure)
When cleaning stretcher, pay particular attention to
When cleaning stretcher, pay particular attention to
If the ambulance is to remain out of service for longer than
If the ambulance is to remain out of service for longer than ___ at the hospital for the purpose of cleaning, the paramedics will notify the alarm office of the need to remain out of service and provide the approximate time they will be out of service
Accountability - Minimum crew size is ___, each crew require
Accountability - Minimum crew size is ___, each crew requires a minimum of ___ portable radio
Initial Accountability Officer
Initial Accountability Officer
Each member will be issued ___ name tags
Each member will be issued ___ name tags
Implementation of the PASSPORT system will occur at any inci
Implementation of the PASSPORT system will occur at any incident that
If an accountability location has not been designated for a
If an accountability location has not been designated for a point of entry to the hazard zone, the crew entering the hazard zone will take their PASSPORT to
The ___ will serve as the initial accountability location.
The ___ will serve as the initial accountability location.
Once established, all crews reporting to the (high-rise) bui
Once established, all crews reporting to the (high-rise) building will deliver their PASSPORTS to
High-Rise - Once the Personnel/Equipment Divisions/Groups ar
High-Rise - Once the Personnel/Equipment Divisions/Groups are established, the ___ will collect the PASSPORTS of all crews assigned to fire combat positions
A PAR will be required for the following situations: (6)
A PAR will be required for the following situations: (6)
___ is used to communicate incident emergencies or high-risk
___ is used to communicate incident emergencies or high-risk hazards.
Immediately following the declaration of “Emergency Traffic”
Immediately following the declaration of “Emergency Traffic” and after the member has described the type of emergency and/or change in conditions, Alarm Office personnel will
During a ___, crew leaders will act quickly to remove all fi
During a ___, crew leaders will act quickly to remove all firefighting tools, and hose lines from the hazard area
Upon the declaration of an emergency evacuation, the followi
Upon the declaration of an emergency evacuation, the following actions will be taken in rapid succession (4)
Code 3 speeds:-congested or narrow-major streets-center lane
Code 3 speeds:-congested or narrow-major streets-center lane or oncoming-school zones
Procedure for loading 5 hose (4)
Procedure for loading 5” hose (4)
Plymovent will be attached when
Plymovent will be attached when
Boat 8 - Rescue doors shall remain in the stowed position an
Boat 8 - Rescue doors shall remain in the stowed position and will be deployed to the lowered position only during
Fire Boat 8 shall be placed in operation upon request of the
Fire Boat 8 shall be placed in operation upon request of the OIC of a scene of event with a minimum ___ staff
An on-shore spotter will be assigned in all water rescues. T
An on-shore spotter will be assigned in all water rescues. The spotter’s sole responsibility is to
Water rescue options
Water rescue options
If spotter loses sight of a victim(s) or rescuer
If spotter loses sight of a victim(s) or rescuer
Fire Boat 8 will be housed adjacent to 780 Lake Carolyn in t
Fire Boat 8 will be housed adjacent to 780 Lake Carolyn in the boathouse. Fire Boat 8 trailer will be housed ___. Trailer requires a ___ ball for towing. (Ball and receiver are kept with the trailer.)
Access - The entry gate at 780 Lake Carolyn shall be opened
Access - The entry gate at 780 Lake Carolyn shall be opened by combination lock ___ or ___
Knox Box on the Boat House gate will contain
Knox Box on the Boat House gate will contain
An Investigator will be requested on all fires involving one
An Investigator will be requested on all fires involving one or more of the following situations: (10)
For problematic fire situations, send an e-mail toFor code r
For problematic fire situations, send an e-mail toFor code related issues, send an e-mail to
Diesel powered pumpers will operate at full capacity for app
Diesel powered pumpers will operate at full capacity for approximately
Drivers will be responsible for topping off their fuel tanks
Drivers will be responsible for topping off their fuel tanks at
For on-scene fuel delivery, IC will direct the request to
For on-scene fuel delivery, IC will direct the request to
IC should provide at least ___ lead time for a fuel delivery
IC should provide at least ___ lead time for a fuel delivery
The Hydrocarbon Spill Kit will consist of: (9)
The Hydrocarbon Spill Kit will consist of: (9)
Petro seal gloves and buckets are reusable. Absorbent, 55 ga
Petro seal gloves and buckets are reusable. Absorbent, 55 gal drums, plastic bags, petro seal gloves are available through
On return to the station (hydrocarbon spill), the Company Of
On return to the station (hydrocarbon spill), the Company Officer shall fill out a HazMat Run Report (IFD Form 5) in duplicate. When the hazardous waste satellite barrel reaches ___ capacity, contact Water Utilities
Steps for first arriving companies on a HazMat (7)
Steps for first arriving companies on a HazMat (7)
The Haz-Mat Team will respond to all Haz-Mat incidents with
The Haz-Mat Team will respond to all Haz-Mat incidents with
The Haz-Mat Safety Officer will be a separate and distinct p
The Haz-Mat Safety Officer will be a separate and distinct position from
HazMat Entry Team Officer responsibilities (notable 3)
HazMat Entry Team Officer responsibilities (notable 3)
Haz Mat - The purpose of a ___ is to assure the health and s
Haz Mat - The purpose of a ___ is to assure the health and safety of personnel operating at the scene.
HazMat - Triage should be established in
HazMat - Triage should be established in
Zone where decon occurs
Zone where decon occurs
HazMat - Cold Zone…functions located here
HazMat - Cold Zone…functions located here
Systematic cleaning of Entry Team personnel to allow them to
Systematic cleaning of Entry Team personnel to allow them to safely remove chemical- protection suits.
Decon site will be clearly designated using
Decon site will be clearly designated using
Sequence of tasks for decon (5)
Sequence of tasks for decon (5)
Removal of large particles of contaminants from external sur
Removal of large particles of contaminants from external surfaces of PPE
Emergency decontamination typically is reserved for
Emergency decontamination typically is reserved for
PPE for Decon Team members shall be determined by the ___ bu
PPE for Decon Team members shall be determined by the ___ but as a minimum shall be
All IFD members who are certified fire fighters and perform
All IFD members who are certified fire fighters and perform fire- fighting duties will be trained at the ___ Level.
IFD Hazardous Materials Technicians shall receive a minimum
IFD Hazardous Materials Technicians shall receive a minimum of ___ of training in addition to that required for first responders at the operations level
HazMat team members required minimum ce hours? HazMat techs
HazMat team members required minimum ce hours? HazMat techs required to also complete
All Officers assigned to Fire Suppression shall be trained t
All Officers assigned to Fire Suppression shall be trained to the level ___. All Officers shall complete the IFD annual Competency assessment
In a HazMat mass casualty, the only differences in the overa
In a HazMat mass casualty, the only differences in the overall command structure are the additions of
The ___ will serve to protect contaminated personnel/victims
The ___ will serve to protect contaminated personnel/victims from further exposure or contamination
“Area of Refuge” will be established within the ___
“Area of Refuge” will be established within the ___
HazMat - The establishment of the Area of Refuge shall be th
HazMat - The establishment of the Area of Refuge shall be the responsibility of
In a HazMat mass casualty, primary triage is conducted by
In a HazMat mass casualty, primary triage is conducted by
HazMat - Who makes the final triage decision before transpor
HazMat - Who makes the final triage decision before transport
Every patient believed to have been exposed or contaminated
Every patient believed to have been exposed or contaminated is to receive, at a minimum,
Decon priority
Decon priority
Approval to move deceased victims is required from the ___ i
Approval to move deceased victims is required from the ___ in cases of accident or from ___ in cases of crime
HazMat - The “Triage/Treatment Area” shall be located in
HazMat - The “Triage/Treatment Area” shall be located in
Hospital most equipped to handle large number of pts (HazMat
Hospital most equipped to handle large number of pts (HazMat)
Other hospitals that can take 1-2 pts at a time (decon)
Other hospitals that can take 1-2 pts at a time (decon)
HazMat medical surveillance program will be administered und
HazMat medical surveillance program will be administered under the supervision of
4 instances for HazMat physicals
4 instances for HazMat physicals
To ascertain the members ability to continue in their assig
To ascertain the member’s ability to continue in their assignment (hazmat) a staff officer in fire admin will review
A reserve of manpower and equipment located two floors below
A reserve of manpower and equipment located two floors below the fire floor
Established on all second-alarm high rise fires. It shall be
Established on all second-alarm high rise fires. It shall be located two floors below the fire floor next to the Resource Area
An area established three or more floors below the fire floo
An area established three or more floors below the fire floor for the purpose of bringing persons evacuated from above
An area located outside the building that equipment reports
An area located outside the building that equipment reports to when dispatched unless they have a pre-determined assignment or the IC gives them an assignment before arrival
Staging Area Officer is
Staging Area Officer is
All personnel moving up a high-rise shall carry (besides the
All personnel moving up a high-rise shall carry (besides the obvious) (2)
Engine companies at a high rise carry (6)
Engine companies at a high rise carry (6)
Truck Companies at a high rise carry (6)
Truck Companies at a high rise carry (6)
Automatic assignments at a high-rise:-no indication of fire
Automatic assignments at a high-rise:-no indication of fire
Automatic assignments at a high-rise:-indication of fire
Automatic assignments at a high-rise:-indication of fire
First two drivers assignment at high-rise fire
First two driver’s assignment at high-rise fire
High rise psis
High rise psi’s
All fire personnel reporting to the Resource Group shall car
All fire personnel reporting to the Resource Group shall carry
___ is often the best method of saving lives and preventing
___ is often the best method of saving lives and preventing extension of high rise fire
It is very important that possibilities for ventilation be d
It is very important that possibilities for ventilation be determined during
Critical steps to a successful high rise operation: (4)
Critical steps to a successful high rise operation: (4)
7 Benchmarks for hybrid vehicle emergency
7 Benchmarks for hybrid vehicle emergency
The first-arriving IFD unit activates the ICS by
The first-arriving IFD unit activates the ICS by
ICS Command options
ICS Command options
___ will be initiated to assist in managing all incidents wh
___ will be initiated to assist in managing all incidents where a full First Alarm is transmitted or where an equivalent number of IFD units are on scene
All changes in the location and/or assignment of Command wil
All changes in the location and/or assignment of Command will result in
When two incidents are simultaneously in progress, on both r
When two incidents are simultaneously in progress, on both radio frequencies, all administrative radio messages are to be held until
Minimum radio messages to Dispatch from Command (6)
Minimum radio messages to Dispatch from Command (6)
Divisions are ___ in nature. Groups are ___ in nature.
Divisions are ___ in nature. Groups are ___ in nature.
Numerical designations will not be used for Divisions except
Numerical designations will not be used for Divisions except in
Level I Staging:
Level I Staging:
Level II Staging:
Level II Staging:
Vests identifying Division or Group Officers are carried in
Vests identifying Division or Group Officers are carried in
The only key to the Lock Box is with
The only key to the Lock Box is with
Buildings where Lock Boxes are installed should have a small
Buildings where Lock Boxes are installed should have a small Fire Department alert decal installed on
Building owners/occupants desiring to install a Lock Box may
Building owners/occupants desiring to install a Lock Box may obtain an Application/Order Form at
The key shall be ___ anytime the vehicle is being sent off f
The key shall be ___ anytime the vehicle is being sent off for repairs at locations other than ___
Loss of any of these keys or the transmitter must be reporte
Loss of any of these keys or the transmitter must be reported immediately, through channels, to
There are three (3) places to find a Knox Keyed Padlock on a
There are three (3) places to find a Knox Keyed Padlock on a motorized gate:
Pedestrian Walk Gates - Emergency procedure in case lock sho
Pedestrian Walk Gates - Emergency procedure in case lock should fail to function: (4)
High rise buildings with stairwell doors that lock to preven
High rise buildings with stairwell doors that lock to prevent entry onto the floor from the stairwell will have a switch in ___ to deactivate the lock mechanism
Buildings with controlled access systems may have a switch t
Buildings with controlled access systems may have a switch to deactivate the system in
“MAYDAY” Unless redirected by their Division/Group Superviso
“MAYDAY” Unless redirected by their Division/Group Supervisor or the Incident Commander, all crews must
If the “MAYDAY” message is not acknowledged after ___ attemp
If the “MAYDAY” message is not acknowledged after ___ attempts using the Push-To-Talk, the firefighter should utilize ___ on the radio.
When transmitting a “MAYDAY” message, the firefighter should
When transmitting a “MAYDAY” message, the firefighter should utilize
MayDay - Injured or lost ff responsibilities (6)
MayDay - Injured or lost ff responsibilities (6)
Mayday - Incident Command responsibilities (notable 2)
Mayday - Incident Command responsibilities (notable 2)
Mayday - Alarm Office responsibilities (notable 2)
Mayday - Alarm Office responsibilities (notable 2)
The Dallas County Mutual Aid Plan involves only ___. This pl
The Dallas County Mutual Aid Plan involves only ___. This plan does not provide for ___.
First call for Mutual Aid gets
First call for Mutual Aid gets
Second (etc…) call for Mutual Aid gets
Second (etc…) call for Mutual Aid gets
Mutual Aid - A max of ___ truck companies may be provided
Mutual Aid - A max of ___ truck companies may be provided
All requests for Mutual Aid assistance will be submitted to
All requests for Mutual Aid assistance will be submitted to
Should the number of in-service engine companies be reduced
Should the number of in-service engine companies be reduced below ___, Alarm Office personnel will promptly notify the on-call Assistant Chief or the Chief of Department of the situation and be guided by his/her instructions
North and South Zone for Mutual Aid.a. Irving North: IFD res
North and South Zone for Mutual Aid.a. Irving North: IFD response cards located on or north of Northgate Drive. (Fill-in companies to ___)b. Irving South: IFD response cards located south of Northgate Drive. (Fill-in companies to ___)
IFD Mutual Aid Guide will not accompany the fill-in companie
IFD Mutual Aid Guide will not accompany the fill-in companies to the emergency operation that prompted the call for Mutual Aid, but will
When IFD companies respond to an emergency scene in another
When IFD companies respond to an emergency scene in another jurisdiction, the ___ will be sent with them
Consideration should be given to staffing reserve engines wh
Consideration should be given to staffing reserve engines when fewer than ___ remain in service. As a minimum, reserve engines should be staffed on the ___ alarm
Communications with Mutual Aid fill-in companies shall be by
Communications with Mutual Aid fill-in companies shall be by ___ when such companies are at the fire stations
Specialty teams which may be available through the Dallas Co
Specialty teams which may be available through the Dallas County Fire Chiefs Mutual Aid Plan include:
MCI Response Plan - Companies in the extrication area are un
MCI Response Plan - Companies in the extrication area are under the direction of the ___
The immediate area where rescue operations and the assessmen
The immediate area where rescue operations and the assessment and categorization of casualties are being performed
Kits provided to division officers, which contain checklists
Kits provided to division officers, which contain checklists, forms and other supplies needed to manage individual divisions during an MCI
MCI - When needed, an EMS Branch Director shall be assigned
MCI - When needed, an EMS Branch Director shall be assigned by the IC and shall be in charge of the
A ___ shall be assigned for each triage area. This person wi
A ___ shall be assigned for each triage area. This person will be responsible for all EMS operations within the division and shall work closely with rescue personnel to coordinate rescue operations
Priority 1 (Red) –
Priority 1 (Red) –
Priority 2 (Yellow) –
Priority 2 (Yellow) –
Priority 3 (Green) –
Priority 3 (Green) –
Priority 4 (Black) –
Priority 4 (Black) –
Triage priorities will be assessed at (3)
Triage priorities will be assessed at (3)
The following information shall be marked or indicated on th
The following information shall be marked or indicated on the tag:
Tags shall be attached to the victims in the following locat
Tags shall be attached to the victims in the following locations:
Transportation Group shall utilize the triage tags as follow
Transportation Group shall utilize the triage tags as follows: (3)
The ___ will coordinate with the authority responsible for f
The ___ will coordinate with the authority responsible for facilities in arranging for temporary morgue facilities and transportation
The EMS Branch Director will consult with ___ as needed conc
The EMS Branch Director will consult with ___ as needed concerning appropriate procedures to safeguard the health of personnel assigned to move the fatalities
At the conclusion of the incident or at the end of an assign
At the conclusion of the incident or at the end of an assignment at the MCI scene, all personnel should participate in a mandatory
Once the incident has ended, the Chief of Department shall d
Once the incident has ended, the Chief of Department shall designate the Chaplain, Assistant Chaplain, ICISF trained and/or National Fallen Firefighter Psychological First Aid trained member to follow up with each individual within
If it is determined that a formal debriefing needs to be con
If it is determined that a formal debriefing needs to be conducted the debriefing should occur within ___ and participation should be strongly encouraged but not mandatory.
Follow up should be performed between ___ post-incident and
Follow up should be performed between ___ post-incident and then again at ___. If the incident is a large scale disaster with long term involvement by personnel (Natural Disaster like a Tornado or a Terrorist event, etc.), a follow up at ___ should be performed.
The standard response for a Haz-Mat incident will include __
The standard response for a Haz-Mat incident will include ___. If the assessment of the situation determines that full encapsulating PPE entry will be required, an ___ shall also be requested.
Water Rescue Response:1. High Water Rescue2. Open Water Resc
Water Rescue Response:1. High Water Rescue2. Open Water Rescue3. Swift Water Rescue
Technical Rescue Response:
Technical Rescue Response:
The IFD radio system is part of the City of Irving’s truncat
The IFD radio system is part of the City of Irving’s truncated 800 MHz system known as a ___ system.
Radio channels 5-16
Radio channels 5-16
Public Safety 1 can be used in the following circumstances (
Public Safety 1 can be used in the following circumstances (3)
The Emergency Indicator button does not work on channels
The Emergency Indicator button does not work on channels
When Simplex is used, at least one member, with two radios,
When Simplex is used, at least one member, with two radios, (mobile and portable), must remain
Whenever there is a transmission within the range of one of
Whenever there is a transmission within the range of one of these radios (Batt Chief, 520, BCX)…
When transmitting on the mobile hand held microphone or the
When transmitting on the mobile hand held microphone or the portable radio, the speaker’s mouth should be approximately ___ from the microphone
When wearing the SCBA voice amplifier, hold the radio microp
When wearing the SCBA voice amplifier, hold the radio microphone approximately ___ from the amplifier for best results
Police assistance - The standard response to our Code 3 req
Police assistance - The standard response to our Code 3 request will receive
Any unspecified police assistance request will receive
Any unspecified police assistance request will receive
Transmission of the term “Code Blue”: Dispatch will know the
Transmission of the term “Code Blue”: Dispatch will know there is immediate danger and will generate a
At shift change, the Station Officer will ensure all MDCs un
At shift change, the Station Officer will ensure all MDCs under their assignment have been
Make no changes to the MDC settings other than
Make no changes to the MDC settings other than
Each Battalion Chief is responsible to ensure all companies
Each Battalion Chief is responsible to ensure all companies within their Battalion have successfully logged on to their MDC by
The fire department’s performance objective for alarm answer
The fire department’s performance objective for alarm answering times are: Not more than __ seconds for at least __ percent of the alarms received and not more than __ seconds for at least __ percent of the alarms received
Turnout times-Fire/special ops-EMS
Turnout times-Fire/special ops-EMS
___ travel time for the arrival of the first arriving engine
___ travel time for the arrival of the first arriving engine company at a fire suppression incident and ___ travel time for the deployment of an initial full alarm assignment at a fire suppression incident not less than 90 percent of the time
___ travel time for the arrival of a unit with first respond
___ travel time for the arrival of a unit with first responder with automatic external defibrillator (AED) or higher level capability at an emergency medical incident not less than 90 percent of the time
RIC guidelines shall be implemented at
RIC guidelines shall be implemented at
A permanent RIC shall be in place before
A permanent RIC shall be in place before
As a minimum, the RIC shall assemble the following tools: (8
As a minimum, the RIC shall assemble the following tools: (8)
When a general recall is ordered, Fire Prevention members sh
When a general recall is ordered, Fire Prevention members shall
After requesting and receiving approval from the Chief Offic
After requesting and receiving approval from the Chief Officer contacted, the Alarm Office personnel will also recall ___ to assist them with Fire Communications when it is necessary
When a limited recall is ordered, the shift to be first reca
When a limited recall is ordered, the shift to be first recalled will be ___. On a general recall, ___ will be recalled
The ___ will be responsible to record and report the actual
The ___ will be responsible to record and report the actual amount of overtime worked by each off-duty member recalled
Benchmarks for implementing a Rehab Group (6)
Benchmarks for implementing a Rehab Group (6)
Rehab crew general assignments (2nd alarm)
Rehab crew general assignments (2nd alarm)
If any member presents with any of the following conditions
If any member presents with any of the following conditions they need to be medically evaluated
Carbon monoxide level above __ will be considered mandatory
Carbon monoxide level above __ will be considered mandatory transport
Company Officers should ensure each crew member undergoes re
Company Officers should ensure each crew member undergoes rehab following
The forms to log companies in and out (rehab) and to record
The forms to log companies in and out (rehab) and to record medical evaluation and treatment will be located on
Canteen 1925 will initially report to
Canteen 1925 will initially report to
Each RIC that enters the building will require the formation
Each RIC that enters the building will require the formation of
The most significant problem and difference between lost and
The most significant problem and difference between lost and trapped ff is that
The Alarm Office maintains a list of approved demolition con
The Alarm Office maintains a list of approved demolition contractors. This list is available at the National Demolition Association website, and maintained at all times at
Rope Rescue Operations level training hour requirement? Tech
Rope Rescue Operations level training hour requirement? Technician level?
Rope Rescue System Minimum IFD Standard (notable item)
Rope Rescue System Minimum IFD Standard (notable item)
All-purpose marker that is used in documenting search proced
All-purpose marker that is used in documenting search procedures to help eliminate duplication of effort
The secondary search will be documented by
The secondary search will be documented by
When the police department encounters incidents involving ba
When the police department encounters incidents involving barricaded persons, hostage situations, and active shooters or other immediate life threatening tactical situations
When the police department encounters incidents involving hi
When the police department encounters incidents involving high risk warrants
Reason to prevent activation as a Tactical Paramedic Team me
Reason to prevent activation as a Tactical Paramedic Team member…
The ___ will be paged by the Fire Dispatch CAD system on all
The ___ will be paged by the Fire Dispatch CAD system on all tactical paramedic deployments
Notable tactical paramedic duty
Notable tactical paramedic duty
The TRT, as well as Water Utilities, will be called on rescu
The TRT, as well as Water Utilities, will be called on rescues involving: (4)
___ are all an effective barrier for the TIC and may cause a
___ are all an effective barrier for the TIC and may cause a reflective image.
The thermal imager is NOT___ and could produce a spark
The thermal imager is NOT___ and could produce a spark
Thermal imaging cameras will be issued to:
Thermal imaging cameras will be issued to:
The TIC shall be cleaned as needed with
The TIC shall be cleaned as needed with
Trench Rescue Training Hours
Trench Rescue Training Hours
Trench: In general, a temporary and narrow excavation in whi
Trench: In general, a temporary and narrow excavation in which the ___. For purposes of this policy, this will be defined by any manmade or natural depression, hole, trench, or earth wall, of ___.
Unsafe Trench: If any of the following are present the IFD w
Unsafe Trench: If any of the following are present the IFD will consider the trench unsafe (6)
OSHA 29CFR 1926.650(b) states that any trench deeper than __
OSHA 29CFR 1926.650(b) states that any trench deeper than ___ feet must be made safe with the use of sheeting and shoring and/or a trench box when the trench goes below ___ feet
Notable considerations for first due companies while awaitin
Notable considerations for first due companies while awaiting TRT (2)
Minimum Staffing Positions (Trench): (7)
Minimum Staffing Positions (Trench): (7)
___ will be utilized on ALL trench rescue incidents
___ will be utilized on ALL trench rescue incidents
Egress Ladders: Ground ladders for trench egress will be pla
Egress Ladders: Ground ladders for trench egress will be placed in a minimum of __ places within the trench. Placing will be as close as is practical to the rescue area and not more than __ away from the rescue area
Shoring Panels: A minimum of __ sets of shoring panels will
Shoring Panels: A minimum of __ sets of shoring panels will be placed
Continuous air quality monitoring of the rescue area and pro
Continuous air quality monitoring of the rescue area and proper ventilation as needed throughout the incident
Vehicle fires in parking garages will be dispatched as
Vehicle fires in parking garages will be dispatched as
The Company Officer of the first arriving engine will assume
The Company Officer of the first arriving engine will assume command, perform a thorough size-up and have his crew
The second arriving engine crew will ___. They will carry (5
The second arriving engine crew will ___. They will carry (5)
The first arriving truck should be positioned for
The first arriving truck should be positioned for
When possible, members assigned to Station 1 shall be certif
When possible, members assigned to Station 1 shall be certified to the minimum of
___ is responsible for coordinating all training for the Wat
___ is responsible for coordinating all training for the Water Rescue Team
Each Water Rescue Team member will receive a minimum of __ h
Each Water Rescue Team member will receive a minimum of __ hours of continuing education each year
Any situation where dragging or diving operations are necess
Any situation where dragging or diving operations are necessary
Drownings, entrapments and other perils that occur in swimmi
Drownings, entrapments and other perils that occur in swimming pools, ponds, dammed levees, and other areas in which water is not flowing in a downstream manner. Rescues will be made by
Required in areas where contact rescues are not possible and
Required in areas where contact rescues are not possible and a boat rescue is required. Rescues of this nature may be performed by
Required when victims are imperiled in areas of moving water
Required when victims are imperiled in areas of moving water where water depth, velocity, and terrain, increase risk to victims and rescuers requiring special precautions. The initial emergency response is
Underwater Recovery Response
Underwater Recovery Response
Water Rescue - The Incident Command System should rapidly be
Water Rescue - The Incident Command System should rapidly be initiated with ___ and ___ assigned as a minimum
If conditions are such that a victim may be washed downstrea
If conditions are such that a victim may be washed downstream faster than the Search Team can travel, a ___ will be assigned well downstream to a location where resources can be staged prior to the arrival of the victim
A priority assignment is to insure that all members within _
A priority assignment is to insure that all members within ___ of water are wearing personal flotation devices
The second priority is to assign an Upstream Spotter 50-100
The second priority is to assign an Upstream Spotter 50-100 yards upstream from the rescue site to
Downstream Safety(s) shall be assigned below the rescue site
Downstream Safety(s) shall be assigned below the rescue site to ___. The Downstream Safety(s) should be equipped with a minimum of
Water Rescue - The ___ will be the Logistics Section Command
Water Rescue - The ___ will be the Logistics Section Commander
All members assigned to the Water Rescue Team shall complete
All members assigned to the Water Rescue Team shall complete the Irving Fire Department water rescue curriculum within
An annual record of individual skills-maintenance training w
An annual record of individual skills-maintenance training will be maintained on the
Rescue priorities are
Rescue priorities are
___ will also be worn by all members actively involved in re
___ will also be worn by all members actively involved in rescue operations (besides the obvious)
Never secure a rope to a rescuer. The exception to this rule
Never secure a rope to a rescuer. The exception to this rule is when a Water Rescue Team member uses
Station 1 Captains will assure that Water Rescue Team equipm
Station 1 Captains will assure that Water Rescue Team equipment is inspected on ___ for defects and damage
Equipment constructed of metal (carabiners, figure-eight des
Equipment constructed of metal (carabiners, figure-eight descenders, rescucenders, etc.) will be inspected for fractures, cracks or defects by being X-rayed if they have been dropped over
After completing assignments in flood waters or natural wate
After completing assignments in flood waters or natural waterways, all affected members must
Level 1 Decon procedures should be used in areas where
Level 1 Decon procedures should be used in areas where
Level 1 Decon procedure
Level 1 Decon procedure
Level 2 Decon procedures should be used any time
Level 2 Decon procedures should be used any time
___ should be the top priority of the IC and the ranking Wat
___ should be the top priority of the IC and the ranking Water Rescue Team member on scene. (HazMat contaminated water)
Level 2 Decon - All personnel should have a ___ medical chec
Level 2 Decon - All personnel should have a ___ medical check following their exposure
Level 2 Decon - After exiting the water, even for short peri
Level 2 Decon - After exiting the water, even for short periods during the rescue operations, members should go through a
Level 2 Decon procedure
Level 2 Decon procedure
Gross Decon Wash stages (2)
Gross Decon Wash stages (2)
Notification procedures that alert approaching motorists to
Notification procedures that alert approaching motorists to adapt their normal driving to accommodate the emergency traffic control measures ahead of them
The distance or space between personnel and vehicles in the
The distance or space between personnel and vehicles in the temporary work zone and nearby moving traffic
The protected work area at a vehicle-related roadway inciden
The protected work area at a vehicle-related roadway incident created by the “block” from apparatus and other emergency vehicles. Encompasses the temporary work zone and the buffer zone
The action of merging several lanes of moving traffic into f
The action of merging several lanes of moving traffic into fewer moving lanes
The physical area of a roadway within which emergency person
The physical area of a roadway within which emergency personnel perform their fire, EMS, and rescue tasks at a vehicle-related incident
The lanes of a roadway within which approaching motorists ch
The lanes of a roadway within which approaching motorists change their speed and position to comply with the traffic control measures established at an incident scene
Traffic Safety - IFD and IPD will notify their respective Di
Traffic Safety - IFD and IPD will notify their respective Dispatch when on-scene for
Use Fire Department apparatus to block
Use Fire Department apparatus to block
Position apparatus to protect
Position apparatus to protect
At intersections, or where the incident is near the middle l
At intersections, or where the incident is near the middle lane of the roadway, protect
Highway - Establish an upstream block occupying a minimum of
Highway - Establish an upstream block occupying a minimum of ___, or ___upstream of the initial block provided by the first-arriving apparatus
Once the apparatus has been positioned for proper blocking t
Once the apparatus has been positioned for proper blocking the rear tiller driver will
A ___ should be used to audibly warn all operating personnel
A ___ should be used to audibly warn all operating personnel of a concern for the actions of an approaching motorist
IFD crews are not to move involved vehicles from the roadway
IFD crews are not to move involved vehicles from the roadway until
If no Private Entity Blocking Apparatus has arrived on-scene
If no Private Entity Blocking Apparatus has arrived on-scene within ___ the IC will notify Dispatch. Dispatch may also prompt on-scene crews for this information