General Procedures Flashcards
Most effective way to kill bed bugs
Heat treatment (min 30 minutes)
Second most effective way to kill bed bugs
Polypropylene suits will be stored on
each frontline and reserve MICU, as well as the Shift Duty Officer (SDO) vehicles
If a patient (bed bug) is needing transport. Place a ___ on the patient prior to placing them in the MICU or on the stretcher. If this is not possible then
Polypropylene suitplace a yellow disposable blanket on the stretcher
When Members respond to a location and observe bed bugs while on scene. All members who have entered the location will
put on a Polypropylene suit prior to getting in the MICU or the fire apparatus
When Members are informed prior to returning to their assigned quarters that bed bugs were present at the responding location. MICU personal will notify ___, who will then
SDOlocate an extra MICU and have it taken to the station of the contaminated MICU
When Members are informed prior to returning to their assigned quarters that bed bugs were present at the responding location. Procedure for switching MICUs
One medic will put on a Polypropylene suit and drive the contaminated MICU to the shop for Decon. The other medic will follow in the reserve MICU. At the shop the medic will place a sign in the window “MICU Awaiting Decon for Bed Bugs/ Out of Service”
If PPE found to be infested…secure in plastic bag and take to station to
Wash in PPE Extractor on Hot Water setting for longest duration setting.
In the event a station is believed to be infested with bed bugs the ___ will be notified and will direct procedures depending on severity
On-Call Administrative Chief
Each Battalion Chief shall conduct a safety meeting with the fire companies under their supervision during
the quarterly inspection
Minor accidents with no injuries, no damage to another person’s property, and when damage to City property is less than $1,000 will be handled the following way:
a. Station Captain will logb. Company Officer will complete a City Vehicle Damage Form #08048c. The Company Officer and/or the Driver of the vehicle will prepare a memod. The Company Officer will notify their Battalion Chief, who will investigate and send paperwork, to Fire Administration within twenty-four (24) hours.e. The Memo of Investigation must make a recommendation of fault or not at fault.1) If the Assistant Chief and Battalion Chief make differing determinations the case is referred to the Safety Review Committee. The committee’s recommendation is then forwarded to the Fire Chief
If member found at fault… first occurrence, second, third
1) First occurrence in 12 months, a note is placed in the member’s personal history file2) Second occurrence in 12 months, Written Reprimand3) Third occurrence in 12 months, the appropriate civil service action is taken against the member
For accidents over $1,000…differences
-estimate of damages from shop within 24 hrs-IPD completes a State Accident Report ST-3
The officer who was the responsible operator’s supervisor at the time damage occurred will complete reports and send through the chain of command to Fire Administration within ___ hours of being notified
If the damage is under $100 (i.e., small dings or dents), the damage occurred over an extended period of time, and the operator cannot be determined, the Station Officer will
only log the damage in the Station Log Book
All personal injury accidents require a Form ___ to be completed, regardless of whether medical attention is sought
Composition of Safety Review Committee
-Asst Chief Special Services (chairman)-Department Safety Officer-Captain-Driver-FF-alternate (any rank)
The Chairman and ___ will constitute a quorum
4 members
Members of Safety Review Committee are appointed by
the Chairman
Chairman has no vote unless
a tie
Maintains a ledger of all employees and a log of incidents presented to the Safety Review Committee
Committee Secretary (Administrative Assistant, or designee)
The findings of the Committee will be recorded in writing and routed to the following persons:
1) The employee’s Battalion Chief2) The employee(s) involved in the incident3) Risk Management
If the employee elects to appeal the Committee’s decision, employee must notify ___, in writing, within ___ days of receipt of the Committee’s findings. The appeal will be forwarded to the Fire Chief
their Battalion Chief, 5The Chief of Department ruling will be final
NFPA states that 92% of those who die in fires started by children are
Children make up __% of all fire deaths. Of these school age deaths, 64% are less than __ years of age
Elementary school sized children are not allowed to wear
bunker gear, especially the helmet
If an event is scheduled with a school, (i.e. a class winning a lunch with the firefighters), the principal must be told that during an emergency the crew might not make it. In these cases, a backup plan should be
have 521, 522, and/or the Battalion Chief cover the appointment
Aerial Device - Methods used to inspect a structural component without physically altering or damaging the materials
Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
Aerial devices shall be tested in accordance with the most recent version of
NFPA 1914
Aerial and apparatus pump testing conducted (4)
-annually-major repairs/overhaul-unusual operating conditions-exceeded manufacturers recommended usage
Annual testing for aerial devices and apparatus pump testing shall be coordinated by
Assistant Chief, Special Services
Results of the annual test and accompanying records shall be maintained at Fire Administration for a period not to exceed
1 year after the aerial device is “retired” from service (same for pump testing)
Fire apparatus pumps shall be tested in accordance with the most recent version of
NFPA 1901
Fire administrative assignments are regulated by
the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Time worked by a member in the Fire Prevention Branch, who subsequently transfers to the Fire Suppression Branch, will not be credited as
an administrative assignment
A “tour-of-duty” is a forty-hour per week assignment that has a minimum service time of
24 months (time volunteered will not count…previous assignments will count if a minimum of 18 months was served)
Drivers must be certified by TCFP as “Firefighter Basic” as well as employed as a firefighter for a minimum of ___ to be eligible to become a TCFP Fire Service Instructor 1
3 years
Before an administrative investigation is conducted, a ___ must be initiated against the IFD member
formal complaint
Administrative Investigation - The member’s ___ shall be present during the interview process
superior officers
The ___ is used for the protection of a member against self incrimination during the course of an internal or administrative investigation.
Garrity Rule/Warning (required to sign prior to start of interview process)
Members who are the subject of an administrative investigation shall be given copies of the following:
1) Written Complaint2) Garrity Warning3) Notice of Administrative Investigation4) Confidentiality Agreement
Once the investigative process has begun, the investigator should submit their findings to the Chief of Department no later than ___ unless one of the following apply: (3)
the close of business on the ninetieth (90th) calendar day-criminal investigation-advisement of investigator or city attorney-member required to submit Determination of Physical and Mental Fitness
Upon completion of the administrative investigation, the investigator shall determine the classification of the allegation(s) as one of the following and will submit their findings to the Chief of Department: (4)
a. UNFOUNDED: act did not occur.b. EXONERATED: act occurred but was justifiedc. NOT SUSTAINED: information insufficient to prove or disapproved. SUSTAINED: the allegation is supported by reasonable proof the act occurred.
After returning to quarters, PPE decontamination will be performed using
mild detergent, warm water, and brushes
An ___ shall be run immediately following the cleaning of hoods to decontaminate the washing machine for future use
empty bleach cycle
Clean your face piece, regulator, and APR with
70% Isopropyl Alcohol
Wash Your Hood Sunday will be recorded in
the Station Log Book upon completion
The member driving should not be involved in operation of the phone unless
absolutely necessary
Battalion Chiefs, Company Officers, the SDO and MICU ___ are responsible for the cell phone assigned to their company
Educational and Advanced Levels of State Certification Incentive Pay is authorized per
City Ordinance
Members applying for incentive pay shall submit such request on
IFD Form 82
Citizen Rideout Program open to (7)
-Interested citizens-IFD family/significant others (over 16…over 18 for all others)-city officials-visiting fire personnel-students of fire service-ER personnel-ICFAAA
Observers may ride for a block of ___ between ___
4 hours0800 hours and 2000 hours (may begin at 0700 for IFD child)
Observers may ride out once every
6 months
Observers will be issued an ___ and are required to wear a ___ during all emergency responses
I.D. badge stating the words “Citizen Observer”safety vest
For Citizen Complaints, members shall utilize IFD Form
Complaints or questions regarding Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be referred to
EMS Battalion Chief
Complaints or questions regarding fire and EMS response will be referred to
Assistant Chief, Operations
Complaints, questions, and/or claims for damages for personal injury or damages to personal property will be referred to
City of Irving Office of Risk Management
The Irving Fire Department (IFD) personnel will not handle any weapon unless
absolutely necessary and law enforcement officers are unavailable
___ is your personal observations of the scene you encounter
Situational Awareness
___ includes the conditions of the scene and what parties are in attendance, both visibly and out of sight. What is within the patient’s reaching distance, and what are the potential risks and hazards.
Environmental Awareness
If a patient is willing, and able, to secure their weapon, have them
place the weapon in their home or in the trunk of their vehicle
If the patient refuses to secure their weapon, the patient is now considered to be
refusing medical care (scene is deemed unsafe and IFD personnel should move to a safe location and return only when law enforcement has secured the scene.)
If a weapon is found on an unconscious person while doing a physical exam
immediately request law enforcement, if not already on scene. The weapon should be secured by an IFD member until law enforcement arrives
While waiting for law enforcement to arrive, the weapon may be secured in
the narcotics lock box (if size allows)
A ___ is required from the receiving law enforcement officer upon taking possession of the weapon
report number (forward to EMS Batt Chief)
When performance issues or unacceptable conduct has been identified, supervisor(s) must decide whether to solve the issue through, but not limited to the following: (3)
- Training2. Employee Assistance Plan3. Corrective Actions
When progressive action is initiated against a member, the member’s Captain, Battalion Chief or Fire Marshall will complete a
Personnel Form (IFD form 22)
Non-disciplinary steps (4)
1) Informal Discussion2) Formal Counseling3) Letter of Caution4) Written Reprimand (copy given to member and original hand delivered to Chief)
The ___ administers all disciplinary action and such actions are confirmed by the City of Irving Civil Service Commission
Chief of Department
Before the Chief of Department administers discipline, the member shall be afforded a disciplinary hearing consisting of the following steps: (3)
- Notice of Pre-disciplinary Determination/Termination Hearing2. Pre-disciplinary Determination/Termination Hearing (Loudermill Hearing)3. Disciplinary Determination/Termination meeting (where disciplinary action taken)
Drugs with high risk for abuse, but have proven to be safe and effective for medical use, when used properly. Examples are Morphine and Fentanyl
Schedule 2
Extreme risk for abuse and has no safe or accepted medical use. Examples are LSD, PCP, and crack cocaine
Schedule I
Examples of Schedule IV drugs are
Valium and Versed
The Controlled Substance Order Form
DEA Form 222
The receiving entity of controlled substances. Each fire station is considered one and has a separate license issued by the DEA
Mid-Level Practitioner – MLP
The location from which controlled substances are issued. The property room located in Fire Administration at 845 W. Irving Blvd. is considered a licensed one by the DEA
Max amounts of Fentanyl and Versed carried by MICUs
Schedule II (Fentanyl) – 16Schedule IV (Versed) – 6
The vials placed on the ASAP vehicle will be assigned to
Station 10
The convention center medical kit inventory will be done at a minimum
during the first week of each month
The vials placed in the convention center medical bag will be assigned to
Station 8
Controlled substances can be ordered anytime the assigned quantity for each respective piece of equipment drops below
The Shift Duty Officer (520) cannot resupply
controlled substances
Equipment requesting resupply of controlled substances should first contact ___, to determine the best time to come to the property room
the EMS Battalion Chief
DEA form #222 will be pulled for the station where the equipment is
normally stored
DEA 222 form (green copy) – to be mailed to ___ for returned Fentanyl
DEA monthly
As mandated by the DEA, a ___ inventory of record for each type and dosage of controlled substances will be done. A copy of the inventory form will be placed in a separate file and maintained for a minimum of ___
bi-annualtwo years
All records related to the issuance, storage, and usage of controlled substances will be retained a minimum of
two years
Anytime a controlled substance vial or container is found to be broken, is accidently broken, or appears to have been altered (including broken seals) it must be reported to the station officer, who will in turn, notify the Shift Duty Officer. This will also be noted in the station log book. A ___ will be completed as soon as possible and submitted through channels to Fire Administration
Controlled Substance Discrepancy Report
Broken/Altered Vial - An entry will be made on the IFD Controlled Substance Log, with the date, time, and vial number included. Under patients name the entry ___ will be entered
The ___ will be responsible for completing DEA Form 106 “Report of Theft or Loss of Controlled substances” and making all required notifications with the Texas Department of State Health Services
EMS Battalion Chief
___ will have responsibility for conducting periodic audits and inventory counts to ensure compliance with the Controlled Substance Policy
Shift Duty Officers (SDO)
The ___ or ___ will review all patient records where a controlled substance was dispensed or drawn up
SDO or EMS Battalion Chief
Should the number of needed paramedic students not be met by promotional list or volunteers, then members will be selected based on the following criteria:
The least senior firefighter with a minimum of one year since completing probation shall be the first selected
Every EMT and paramedic must become certified or licensed by
the Texas Department of State Health Services
Failure to graduate EMT school on initial attempt will result i
Initial failure of the NREMT exam (EMT B) will result in
a written reprimand and formalized coaching
Second failure of NREMT (EMT B) exam will result in
time off without pay not to exceed 15 calendar days and a formal notice that acknowledges the member’s awareness of the consequences of a third and final failure
Third failure of NREMT (EMT B) exam will result in
Failure on the first attempt (Paramedic) will result in
a written reprimand, as well as reassignment to a 40 hour work schedule at the training academy in preparation to re-attend the next available paramedic school
Failure on the second attempt (Paramedic) would result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination
Initial failure of NREMT (Paramedic) exam will result in
a written reprimand
A second failure of NREMT (Paramedic) exam will result in
reassignment to a 40 hour work schedule at the training academy for a minimum of 15 days, in preparation to retest and consideration for disciplinary action
A third failure of the NREMT (Paramedic) exam will result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination
Approximately ___ prior to a certification expiring, the EMS Battalion Chief will audit the training records supplied by the EMSTS to determine if the EMT or paramedic has obtained the required minimum number of hours of continuing education as required by the Texas Department of State Health Services
8-10 weeks
Skills testing and knowledge verification - Testing may be administered at the request of
the Medical Director or the EMSTS
The patient care report is utilized for the following reasons: (5)
- It is part of the patients medical record2. It is a legal document3. It is used for billing purposes4. It is a quality improvement instrument5. It is a record of those situations that are determined to be a false alarm, a disregarded response and when no patient is located
A completed patient care report will be delivered to the receiving facility by fax or hard copy within ___ of the delivery of the patient.For patients not transported, the completed patient care report will be finished within ___ of the call
one business day3 business days
All public fire hydrants will be serviced and verified annually during the months of
March, April and May
Company areas and shift sections of responsibility is at the discretion of the ___ and are assigned to each engine and truck company on a rotating basis
Station Captains
Notable step in hydrant checking - After flowing…
Remove the oil filler plug again, check the level of the oil and add oil if needed
In the event property owner shrubs, bushes, etc., are obstructing a fire hydrant, members of the department will not remove same. Report these conditions to the ___. The ___ will be requested to correct the condition. Members of the department may remove high grass and weeds
Assistant Chief Operations by emailParks Department
a. Water bubbling up around the fire hydrant when fully opened: indicatesb. The hydrant barrel fails to drain after closing: indicatesc. Leaks around hydrant outlets: indicatesd. Insufficient clearance to attach a suction hose: indicatese. Low water pressure: indicates
a. Water bubbling up around the fire hydrant when fully opened: indicates the drain, (weep) holes are not closing.b. The hydrant barrel fails to drain after closing: indicates that the drain holes are blocked and not open.c. Leaks around hydrant outlets: indicates a faulty gasket or cross- threading.d. Insufficient clearance to attach a suction hose: indicates the fire hydrant is set/settled too deep in the ground.e. Low water pressure: indicates obstructions in the water main
Hydrants “in-service: needs repair” shall be designated by
tying a strip of orange surveyor’s tape around the hydrant barrel below the bonnet and above the 2 1⁄2” outlets
Hydrants “out of service” shall be designated by
placing a yellow “Hydrant Out of Service” bag over the hydrant and securing it with duct tape
Spare caps for fire hydrants shall be carried on each fire apparatus as follows:
1 - 4” cap2 - 2 1/2” caps
Requests for replacement hydrant caps will be emailed to the
Property Coordinator
Above Ground Storage Tanks should have a dip measurement taken under
the yellow painted cap
___ are responsible to order fuel deliveries for all fire stations
Personnel at the City Warehouse
The amount of fuel in UST’s is reported to the City Warehouse by Fire Administration on ___ based upon the Fuel Stick Reading spreadsheets filled out by station personnel
Mondays and Thursdays prior to 10:00 hours
Fuel is delivered to fire stations on ___
Tuesdays and Fridays
Power to the fuel pump(s) is controlled by a switch located in the fire station. For safety purposes…
a member acting as a lookout shall be located at the switch at all times while fuel is being dispensed
The vehicle’s odometer reading shall be entered as ___
whole miles only
When dispensing fuel for equipment other than vehicles, enter __ in the column titled “Meter”. Fuel utilized for power tools, rescue and other gasoline powered equipment is charged to Equipment ___. Fuel utilized for station lawn equipment is charged to Equipment ___
Fire Apparatus and MICU’s should avoid filling with Diesel at these two (2) facilities due to
higher percentage blends of Bio-Diesel
In the event a City of Irving Fuel Card is lost, members shall immediately notify their direct supervisor who shall report such loss to
Assistant Chief/Administration
Fuelman Cards issued to MICUs shall only be used to purchase fuel for the onboard generator ONLY. The exception to this procedure would be when
the MICU has been deployed in a Mutual Aid situation
Facilities that accept Fuelman Cards can be found on the internet at
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requires a visual inspection be performed and documented every ___ for all spill buckets
sixty (60) days
As such, all stations with USTs shall conduct a visual inspection of the spill bucket(s) ___ to ensure they are tight, free of any liquid, free of all dirt and debris, and the appropriate cover is in place
the first Monday of even numbered months
A Fire Department Engine Coach may be provided for
line of duty funerals
A Stationary Honor Guard consisting of two (2) members shall be posted during ___. They shall stand at attention at the entrance to the viewing area or by the casket, whichever the family chooses
viewing hours and one hour prior to the funeral services
Entering the Chapel - Members should enter
single file following the pallbearers
The Bell Ceremonial Team shall consist of
Two Axe Bearing Bell Guards, one Bell Ringer and one Ceremony Speaker
The Memorial Bell shall be treated with the utmost respect, it shall never be struck or rung at any event other than ___. The only exception to this would be for rehearsal by the Department’s Bell Team
a funeral or memorial service
Flags at Fire Department facilities shall be flown at half mast as follows:1. Line of duty deaths -2. Non-line of duty deaths -3. Retired -
- Line of duty deaths - flown at half mast from the date of the death through the date of the burial.2. Non-line of duty deaths - flown at half mast the day of the funeral.3. Retired - flown at half mast the day of the funeral
The Fire Department badge shall be shrouded midway with a 1” wide black band during ___. This shall apply only for active and retired members of any Fire Department
the funeral only
Scratches and dents shall not be cause to fail a ladder if it passes
the appropriate load test
Captains assigned to ___ are responsible for the proper testing and documentation
Station 11
Station 11 Captains shall compile all test records of ladders assigned to their shift and shall forward the completed records to the Assistant Chief, Operations prior to
January 5th of the year following the test year
When to test ladder is pretty straightforward…except halyard…
If only repair was replacing halyard…ladder does not need to be tested
Prior to scheduled testing at Station 11, ladders must be
Dirty hose shall not be allowed to remain on the apparatus for more than
24 hrs
Use of ___ on hose threads or couplings is detrimental to the rubber lining and is prohibited
Fire Department vehicles must not be driven over un-bridged fire hose smaller than ___ unless absolutely necessary
5” (if bridged, you can drive over 3” and 5”)
If no bridge available…
-tarp wrapping the hose-cross at an angle-assign a lookout (bridge or no bridge)
Under no circumstances will ___ be driven over five-inch (5”) hose
sedans or other vehicles having a low under-frame clearance
When large quantities of hose are to be exchanged, the ___ will coordinate movement of same with the ___.
Hose Record Officer (HRO) (a station 3 captain)Property Coordinator
When new hose is replacing out of date hose, the new hose will be properly tested and placed in service within
10 days
New or replacement hose will NOT be marked with
any form of company identification
Charged hose lines will not be hoisted above
the third floor
Charged hose lines hanging vertically on ladders shall be secured with a hose strap
fifty feet (50’) behind the coupling
The in-service life of fire hose:• 1 3⁄4′′ -• 2 1⁄2′′ -• 3′′ -• 5′′ -
• 1 3⁄4′′ - 5 years• 2 1⁄2′′ - 10 years• 3′′ - 10 years• 5′′ - 7 years
Extra hose for each station.• Orange 1 3⁄4′′ -• Yellow 1 3⁄4′′ -• Green 1 3⁄4′′ -• 3′′ -
• Orange 1 3⁄4′′ - 4 sections• Yellow 1 3⁄4′′ - 2 sections• Green 1 3⁄4′′ - 1 section• 3′′ - 2 sections
The serial numbers shall be a five (5) digit number. The first two (2) digits shall be the ___ and accepted. The last three (3) digits shall be the
year the hose is receivednumber of the individual section of hose
The standard hose bed load:3” -5” -1 3⁄4” -
3” - 500 or 8005” - 1000+50+25(1-3 sections)1 3⁄4” - 700 or 800(front bumper) or 1000(3 preconnects)
All fire hose purchased after July, 1987 will have the test pressure stenciled on each section of hose. Fire hose will be tested at that pressure for
5 minutes
Any station unable to complete their hose test in the scheduled time will be able to finish testing in
July or August for Stations 1 through 7 and in December for Stations 8 through 11
When a large shipment of hose arrives, the HRO will be responsible to see that the new hose is tested within ___ of arrival. The arriving hose will be delivered to ___.
7 daysStation 9
A member who is injured in the line of duty shall be entitled to injury leave with pay for a period not to exceed ___ provided the member is unable to perform duty as determined by a proper medical authority. Any extensions of injury leave beyond that shall be at the discretion of ___.
one (1) yearCity Council
A City of Irving Report of Injury to an Employee (Form #8050) must be fully completed, signed by the employee, and forwarded to the Fire Administration within ___ of the occurrence, if possible
twenty-four (24) hours
State form for workers’ comp incidents…must be filled out by member or supervisor and by the the doctor…needs to be returned to supervisor no later than ___ following the visit.
Texas Workers’ Compensation Work Status Report (DWC 73)24 hrs
Members are prohibited from ___ while on injury leave
working off duty or subbing
Members working overtime at special events, scheduled by ___, are eligible for injury leave
the department
___ or ___ will determine possible Modified Duty Assignments
The Chief of Department or Assistant Chief, Special Services
In order for an employee to be eligible for a Modified Duty Assignment he/she must present a statement from their attending physician stating that the employee will be able to resume the essential functions of his/her normal assignment within ___
120 days
Modified Duty medical exam intervals
-when estimated time expires from previous exam-every 30 days minimum-upon request of Chief or Asst Chief SS
Award Recommendation Committee consists of ___ members. At least one is a ___.
5 members (at least 1 per shift, no more than 2)paramedic
Award Committee meets at least
This is the highest award given. It is awarded to those personnel who perform particularly heroic deeds that involve great risk for severe injury or loss of their own life. Without this performance, the loss of a life or lives would be certain.
Medal of Honor
Awarded to those personnel that perform exceptional deeds involving a substantial amount of risk and the possibility of personal injury
Medal of Valor (not usually recommended for normal activities)
Awarded to those persons performing in an outstanding manner far above what is normally expected. Does not require an unusual threat to life or personal safety
Medal of Commendation (may be used for exceptional normal activities)
May be awarded to any firefighter for the saving of a human life as the result of fire fighting or emergency rescue operations
Lifesaving Award
This award is given for lifelong dedication to the fire department
The “Shaky” Gene Holder Lifetime Achievement Award
Awarded to recognize the efforts of one or more people for a job or assignment that was performed, (with or without risk), in a manner that was above and beyond the call of duty
Certificate of Merit / Unit Citation
Awarded for off-duty activities in the community not necessarily Fire Department related
Community Service Award
May be awarded to any civilian for the saving of a human life as the result of direct intervention in an emergency situation.
Citizen Life Saving Award
Citizen Recognition Award
1) A significant contribution to the success of an emergency effort.2) A selfless act in support of other citizens involved in an emergency situation3) Support provided to the Irving Fire Department through equipment or monetary donations or services rendered
Recommendation for any award, commendation, or certificate of merit can be made by
anyone, either a civilian or members of the fire department
All nominations must be in ___ before the Awards Banquet. The Fire Chief or his/her designated representative will issue a memo each year during ___ to remind all personnel
90 daysSeptember
The ballots will be distributed during
the first full week of October
All fire stations and facilities shall have ___ fire inspections
annual (All fire alarms, sprinkler systems, smoke alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors shall be tested annually. Any system designed into the building to remove hazards such as exhaust fumes shall be inspected annually and comply with manufacturer’s standards.)
It shall be the responsibility of the ___ to maintain, where required, battery replacements (station detectors I think)
Station Captain
A report of all annual inspections of life safety systems, to include fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems, shall be completed by
a State certified inspecting contractor
Any unconfined open flame or device that can propagate fire to the building or other combustible materials (training)
Live Fire (Fires confined to burn barrels will not be considered a live fire)
An area defined by a 50-foot perimeter area around all sides of the burn building
Operations Area
Live Fire - Assure that the following minimum instructor positions are in place (5)
1) Instructor-in-Charge2) Safety Officer3) Attack line(s)4) Back-up line(s)5) Required functional crew officers
Designate a ___ to which all participants, including instructors, shall report should evacuation of the burn building be necessary
predetermined location
Assure that the participating student-instructor ratio shall not be greater than ___ for live fire training evolutions
Supervises and controls the loading of fuel into the burn building
Safety Officer
Complete the portions of the IFD Live Fire training that involve verifying the fire load, times, PAR’s and critique
Safety Officer
A drawing of the burn building shall be utilized during the briefing session showing all
interior rooms, hallways, exterior openings and vent openings
The location of victims (mannequin victims only) can be withheld as long as
the “possibility of victims:” is discussed in the pre-burn briefing session
Only Class A material shall be used, in only the amounts necessary, to create the desired fire size. The maximum fire load in any one room shall be
three (3) wood pallets and two (2) bales of hay
The use of ___ shall be prohibited for use in live fire training evolutions
flammable or combustible liquids
Removed debris will be placed well away from the building (minimum of ___)
A minimum flow rate of ___ is required for all attack line(s) and back-up line(s)
ninety-five (95) gallons per minute
The decision to ignite the training fire shall be made by the
instructor-in-charge in coordination with the safety officer
The instructor designated to ignite the training fire shall light the fire with ___ provided by the Training Division
the propane ignition device (Flares will not be used)
Students participating in the operation of fire suppression during the live fire training shall not stand up in the building until
the fire has been brought under control
Approximately ___ of HDX 40-weight oil per vehicle will be maintained at each station for purposes of adding oil between changes, if needed
2 quarts
Maintain an inventory to include all minor tools and equipment assigned to the apparatus. This inventory will be sealed in a clear vinyl sheet protector and kept in
the apparatus glove compartment where it will be readily available
Report any lost or misplaced equipment prior to ___ to their Battalion Chief and record same in station log book
0900 (Gen Proc 13.3 says report within 1 hr or your fault…)
All fire department vehicles will be washed where?
inside the apparatus bay at their respective fire station or at the City of Irving Fleet Maintenance facility
Items on the Preventative Maintenance Report indicated with an asterisk should be
checked daily
Preventative Maintenance Reports will be retained for ___ and will then be discarded
1 yr
When repairs are completed, the Preventative Maintenance Report will be signed by the person completing repairs and placed in
apparatus glove compartment
Fire Boat outboard motor and internal pump motor serviced every
Every one-hundred (100) hours or yearly, (whichever occurs first)
Station 8 Captains will notify Assistant Chief, Special Services within ___ to date of authorized maintenance due date
ten (10) hours or one (1) month prior
Tools shall be started and run for
a period of time sufficient to reach, and operate at, normal operating temperatures
Stations will maintain a file entitled “Minor Tool and Equipment Inventory” in their station file cabinet. Completed copies shall be maintained for a period of
24 months
Having ___ apparatus at the City Shop for repairs or maintenance at a given time should be avoided
two (2) or more
Maintenance and repair of departmental radio equipment shall be reported to
the Lieutenant in the Alarm Office
Maintenance and repair of departmental cellular telephones shall be reported to
the Alarm Office Battalion Chief
Computer problems encountered while completing TEXFIR reports are directed to
Melony Branham
Maintenance and repair of medical equipment shall be reported to and coordinated by
the SDO
Low-pressure extinguishers shall be tested
every twelve (12) years
High-pressure extinguishers shall be tested
every five (5) years
Stations equipped with an auxiliary generator will check the fluid levels and general appearance of the generator(s) on
Monday of each week
Station generators are set to run automatically for ___ to exercise the engine
thirty (30) minutes at 0900 every Monday
When auxiliary generators operate for any reasons, including the automatic Monday operation, it must be documented on
the IFD Auxiliary Generator Operation Form, IFD Form 3
Stations with auxiliary generators will maintain a file entitled “Auxiliary Generator” in their station file cabinet. Completed copies of IFD Form 3 shall be maintained in the file for a period of
twenty-four (24) months
The ___ will select a candidate for the position of Chaplain. The Chaplain will be appointed by ___.
Irving Professional Firefighters Associationthe Chief of Department
After appointment, the Chaplain will be issued the following equipment (4)
1) A Class A uniform.2) A Chaplain’s badge.3) A cell phone, at the discretion of the department.4) Chaplain’s business cards
In the event that a member of the department is seriously injured or killed in the line of duty, the Chaplain, the Chief of Department and/or an Assistant Chief shall
drive to the appropriate location to make a face-to-face notification to the appropriate family member(s) and assist the member’s family with transportation to the hospital
In the event the Chaplain is on duty at the time of the emergency, the Chaplain shall
be relieved of duty (unless the Chaplain is out on a call).
The Chaplain, under the authority of the Chief of Department shall be able to
relieve a member of duty
In the event that lost or misplaced equipment is not reported to the Battalion Chief/SDO within the ___, the Company Officer on duty will be responsible for the lost or missing item
1 hr
Marking tools - Company identity should be ___. Reserve equipment shall be marked with
black or white depending on backgrounda “safety yellow” color
Station Captains shall see that all support vehicles and trailers assigned to their station are inventoried on
the fifteenth (15th) day of each month
Station Captains shall notify the appropriate Battalion Chief by email of any inventory discrepancies found prior to ___ on the day of inventory
Inventory Control Sheets shall be retained for
1 yr
Station Captains shall submit a ___ requesting the addition or deletion of items on the Inventory Control Sheets
memo to Chief of Department
Mileage reimbursement shall only be paid for a ___ period
one (1) month
Travel reimbursement requests are due in Fire Administration no later than ___ station to station travel was made
the fifth (5th) day of the following month
Station use hose shall never be
placed/used on fire apparatus
Fuel shall be changed ___. Unused fuel should be poured into the lawnequipment fuel can(s) and be used for such purpose
the firstMondayof the month
Personnel may not work more than forty-eight (48) hours on an MICU without a twenty- four (24) hour break off an MICU. ___ is an exception to this requirement
Holdover Overtime
Personnel who request a shift of Vacation Leave, ___ from the requesting date, may not sign up for OT during that shift of Vacation Leave
2 shifts or less
A Member who has informed their Battalion Chief they wish to work the Leave portion of their Kelly Day may sign up on the daily overtime list. However, they are only authorized to be hired ___
for a max of 12 hrs (If they are selected for overtime and the amount of overtime available is over 12 hours, the member will be passed over initially. The overtime will be awarded to the next eligible member on the daily overtime list. Once remaining eligible members on the OT daily signup list has been exhausted, a 24 hour shift may be divided to 12 hours each between the Kelly Day member and a Mandatory OT member. If a Kelly Day member was initially passed over to award 24 hours OT to another on the daily signup list, the Kelly Day member is still eligible for 12 hours OT)
Minimum Staffing Levels
Battalion 1 - 38 membersBattalion 2 - 41 membersA vacancy will exist any time the daily staffing level falls below 79 members
Officer minimum staffing will consist of
15 officers (to include one (1) officer per station, one (1) Shift Duty Officer (SDO) Captain, and two (2) field Battalion Chief positions)
A vacancy occurs on the HazMat Team when ___ HazMat Technicians are available for assignment
less than six (6) (if OT hired for less than 6, they will be placed at St 8)
If Haz-Mat staffing at Station 8 is above 6 and an officer is needed elsewhere, the ___ may be moved
Lieutenant (This would not include moving the Lieutenant to Station 11 if this brings Station 8 below 6 Haz-Mat Techs for that day)
If a Probationary Firefighter is assigned to station 8 the result may be less than 6 Haz-Mat members are assigned to station 8 that day. In this instance, the Battalion Chief may
use the total of Haz-Mat members at stations 11 and 8 to maintain 6 Haz-Mat Technicians, with a minimum of 5 Haz-Mat technicians would be assigned to station 8
A vacancy occurs on the Technical Rescue Team (TRT) when ___ rescue technicians are available for assignment
less than three (3)
A vacancy occurs on the Swift Water Rescue Team (SWRT) when ___ swift water rescue technician is available for assignment.
less than one (1)
New members will be added at the bottom of the list and assigned the maximum number of OT hours once they have
completed their final probationary hearing
A short notice overtime list consisting only of those members living within ___ will be maintained by ___
a twenty (20) mile radius of Fire Station 4Battalion 1
Communication Division personnel may not work more than
thirty-six (36) hours without a twelve (12) hour break (Exception: Communication Division personnel shall not work any overtime that would require the member to be on duty for two (2) consecutive nights without a twelve (12) hour break)
When an Alarm Office member is re-assigned to field operations, their OT hours are converted with a factor of
1.325 (.754 when the reverse happens)
Incidental Overtime – Special Operations Detail. Selection of personnel to work such overtime shall be made by
an Assistant Chief or the Chief
The least senior member who is on duty and has completed ___ shall work mandatory overtime when warranted
their final probationary review
Protected Healthcare (medical) Information excludes
employment records maintained by the department on its own employees
The ___ for the IFD will act as the Department’s Privacy Officer
EMS Coordinator (the Assistant Chief, Special Services…according to Rules/Regs, the Admin Chief is the EMS Coordinator)
Responsible for reviewing all requests for release of protected medical information except those allowed by law for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations…will also review and respond to all complaints and inquiries in regard to the department’s HIPAA compliance efforts
Privacy Officer
No one is allowed a copy of the Patient Form except for
the receiving facility
The following is a list of situations in which PHI can be shared with the police verbally (5 notable ones…11 total)
- Patient is a victim of a crime.2. Patient is in custody of the police.3. Reporting of legally specified wounds (i.e., gunshot, stabbing).4. Fire Department personnel reasonably believe the patient is a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. (pt must be informed)6. Patient is deceased and police are handling notification of medical examiner, coroner, justice of the peace, or funeral director. Fire department personnel can also give PHI directly to medical examiners, coroners, justice of the peace, funeral directors or their designees
Information that is contained on a patient’s ___ is not PHI by itself and can be given to law enforcement for their reporting requirements
driver’s license and automotive insurance card
It is also permissible to give law enforcement information about a patient’s ___ at the scene of a motor vehicle collision as well as the MICU ___.
location in or around automobileshospital destination
Storage facility key holders are assigned to
official City of Irving employees whose normal job duties include the management of records for the entire city
All fax machines that could be used to send or receive PHI will be physically located in
spaces that are not accessible to the public or by other employees of the city not covered by a confidentiality agreement
A HIPAA required Notice of Privacy Practices will be posted
inside all MICUs (and on City website)
Patients have a right to receive an accounting of certain disclosures of the patient’s protected health information in the ___ prior to the date of the patient’s request.
6 yrs
The Fire Department may elect to accept the restriction or not. It is not encouraged to accept restrictions on the use of PHI other than those
imposed by law
It will be the ___ responsibility to coordinate disciplinary actions, under the Rules and Regulations of the Irving Fire Department, for any employee of the department who is found to be in violation of these procedures (PHI privacy)
EMS Coordinator’s
If a patient is concerned their privacy rights have been violated, or they disagree with a decision that has been made about access to their medical records, they may contact
the Department’s Privacy Officer (EMS Coordinator)
Recognizing employee performance can have direct and measurable influence on
their motivation
Tendency to let one highly favorable or unfavorable trait affect their judgment of all the other traits
The Halo Effect
Tendency to steer away from assigning extreme ratings
Central Tendency
Common errors made in evaluations (4)
-Halo Effect-Bias/Prejudice-Over-Emphasis on Isolated Events-Leniency-Evaluation of potential worth-Central Tendency
PDE’s are due by
the 5th day of the month immediately following a member’s work anniversary month
The Assistant Chief of Operations shall notify all immediate and secondary supervisors when any IFD member PDE’s are due. This notification should take place between
the 1st and the 5th day of each month
Evaluations shall be forwarded to
Human Resources to be filed in the employee’s Personnel File
Members may request permission from the OIC to take photographs of an emergency scene for the intent of future training of fire department personnel or historical documentation of the incident. These photographs will be reviewed by the ___ for distribution
Training Academy Captain
Serve as a consensus group in making recommendations and in preparing fitness standards for the Department
Certified Fitness Coordinators
CFC duties/responsibilities (4)
a. Task Testb. Coordinate repair, maintenance, and inventory of fitness equipment.c. Prescribe physical fitness workout programs.d. Assist members in reaching their fitness goals.
Prior to beginning the workout program, the member must submit a licensed physician statement within ___ of the unsuccessful FFTT.
15 calendar days
Members failing to complete the FFTT (1st try) within the DAT will receive
formal coaching session, PIP, Letter of Caution.
Members on personal sick/injury leave or Workers’ Compensation leave for more than ___ are required to take the FFTT within ___` of their return to regular (non-modified) duty
60 consecutive days15 calendar days
CFC will complete a ___ and tailor a workout for member failing FFTT.
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (workout log also kept in members station file)
Members failing to complete the FFTT (2nd try)
-Written reprimand (next failed tries get temp suspension, indefinite susp)
If a Member is perceived to be in less than a satisfactory fitness level causing a safety concern, the Member’s first line supervisor or above may assign the Member in question to perform the FFTT. To receive approval to administer the FFTT to the member in question, the supervisor must first present the case to
Assistant Chief, Operations
The ___ will chair a PFP Coordinating Committee that addresses all issues involving Pre-Fire Planning and Database Management
Communication Battalion Chief
All PFP under construction are saved on
the stations external hard drive located at the station creating the plan. No incomplete plans are saved anywhere else in the network including the J:\ drive folders or individual desktops
Verify PFP’s Information at least
Hazardous conditions are shown with ___ on a pre-fire plan
red font (truss construction alone does not require the use of red on a pre-fire plan)
The legal representative of a deceased patient is authorized to receive a copy of Patient Form or other medical record related to such patient upon presentation of all of the following (3)
a. Positive identificationb. Proof of legal representative status (such as Power of Attorney, marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.)c. Death certificate
Subpoenas received for medical records that indicate the patient is a party to legal action may be released without involvement of the
City Attorney. All others must be submitted to the City Attorney for approval to release
Written Requests from Patient or Parent or Guardian of Minor Patient will be approved provided the written request is
Particulates and other products of combustion can reduce ___ of garments and increase your clothing’s ability to ___.
the flame resistanceconduct electricity
___ is NOT recommended for cleaning protective clothing
Hand cleaning in a utility sink
Gloves - Squeeze out excess water but do not
wring the gloves as this can cause damage
Clean footwear in
utility sink using mild detergent, water and soft brush (do not machine clean or dry footwear)
Advanced inspection (PPE) will be performed by
the Property Coordinator and/or contract cleaning/repair organization
PPE that is no longer of use for emergency operations but is not contaminated, defective or damaged must be retired but can be used in
non-live fire training when appropriately marked for such use
Exchange of items for like items where garments are of improper size due to the individual experiencing significant weight changes, item shrinkage, etc., may be permitted only if approved by
the Chief or Assistant Chief, Administration
Property Room hours
0700 until 1000 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week excluding city holidays
Public Relations oppurtunities - On the fire scene (3)
the use of runners and salvage covers and a good clean up job after the fire has been extinguished
Total of the attitudes, impressions and opinions of a localized community in its relationship with the Fire Department
Community relations, insofar as it relates to the Fire Department,
The most important means of gaining the good will and confidence of the people is to foster among members of the Fire Department an attitude of
courtesy and objectivity toward the people with whom they come in daily contact
The ___ will determine areas that are safe and will assist the media in obtaining video and pictures within the safe areas
The ___ has responsibility for all press release information
Calls from the news media or other interested parties to the Alarm Office regarding the emergency will be routed to
the Assistant Chief, Special Services
Do not permit lawyers, civilians, reporters, or photographers to interview you, or photograph you or our equipment, while in the station without permission of
an Assistant Chief or the Chief of the Department
Alarm Office will inform personnel that an ambiguous or dangerous situation exists by utilizing the term
“Caution Response”
A ___ is used to assist the IC in conducting the Formal PIA
“talking points worksheet”
A Formal Post Incident Analysis will be initiated as soon as possible for the following incidents (7)
- Third alarm fire.2. Any fire in which a fatality occurs.3. Any incident occurring in which a firefighter is injured requiring admission to medical facility.4. Significant hazardous materials incident requiring decontamination procedures.5. Mass causality incident involving the transport of ten patients or more.6. Incident requiring the response of a specialty team where a compliment of apparatus equal to a one alarm assignment.7. At the discretion of the Incident Commander or the request of a company officer
The ___ shall coordinate and take the lead in a Formal PIA
Members who personally experience, witness, or ___ a Near-Miss event shall complete a Near-Miss report prior to___.
are made aware ofthe end of that shift
The Informal Post Incident Analysis may occur at any type incident and should be utilized at ___ before companies clear the location
all incidents requiring a one alarm or greater response
Within 72 hours of the conclusion of any Post Incident Analysis, the IC will generate a memo directed to Chief of Department if any of the following are identified (4)
- Firefighter safety issues2. Areas needing improvement through training;3. Operation deficiencies requiring guideline changes;4. Other items of interest that will positively enhance operations
Responsible for coordinating the flow of information concerning departmental policies and operations and on specific statements concerning issues that could arise concerning the department
The ___ will serve as the PIO and will report to the scene of all major incidents to coordinate media information
On-Call Administrative Chief
If the incident is deemed a Level I - Criminal Incident, the ___ will be contacted to respond to the scene
Fire Marshal
PIO - Level I - CRIMINAL INCIDENTS shall be defined as (3)
a. Any Fire related incident that appears to be criminal in natureb. Any Fire event that appears to be Terroristic in naturec. Any Fire event that results in any fatalities or serious injuries
All Level I Incidents will require coordination from the ___ (3) to properly disseminate information to the media
Fire Marshal, (PIO), and Fire Chief
-multi alarm-HazMat or other requiring major evac-extended complicated rescue-serious accidents involving fire vehicles that result in injury or fatality
All Level II media events will be handled by the ___ serving as PIO
On-Call Chief
-small scale but still of interest to media
All Level III media events will be handled by the ___ serving as PIO
On-Call Assistant Chief or Battalion Chief
Designation of Helmet and Reflective Trapezoid Colors
1) White Helmet a) Battalion Chiefs and Fire Marshal – Yellow b) Assistant Chiefs – Orange c) Fire Chief – Orange with Silver Stripe2) Red Helmet – yellow3) Black Helmet – a) Probationary Firefighters – Silver b) Firefighters – Yellow c) Drivers and Inspectors – Yellow with Silver Stripe d) Lieutenants – Orange
Should any item of personal protective equipment be damaged while the Property Coordinator is not on duty,member is directed to notify
Battalion Chief
Basis of public relations
The City will pay for a maximum of ___ vacation accrual upon member’s retirement
2 yrs
___ schedules vacation time for the entire shift
Battalion 2 Chief
A total of __ Officers per shift, including the Battalion Chiefs, can be scheduled off at the same time
During the vacation selection process members are only to schedule the amount of time they are projected to have on the books as of ___ of the current year
September 30th
Members must notify the Battalion Chief by ___ when they only want the twelve (12) hour Kelly Day off
1900 of the member’s previous shift
Kelly Days - When the twenty-four (24) hour period must be split, the member who ___ shall get their choice of taking off the day or night hours
makes the request first
Minimum staffing for each specialty team discipline shall be maintained prior to granting scheduled leave
No Answer - Just noting
All selections for scheduled leave shall begin no earlier than ___ and shall be completed no later than ___. Battalion 2 Chiefs shall notify their shifts members a minimum of ___ in advance of the exact date the selections shall begin
August 1, August 15two weeks
Scheduled leave must be canceled by ___. Such cancellations shall be in twenty four (24) hour increments only
0700 (beginning of shift) a minimum of two (2) of the requesting member’s shifts in advance
If the canceled scheduled leave date is ___ or less, and creates an open slot where one did not previously exist, at 1900 hours on the shift following the cancellation, the Battalion Chief will award the leave.
14 calendar days
When unscheduled leave is requested before 1900 of the member’s previous shift, there must be a buffer of ___ above minimum staffing scheduled to work that shift for such leave to be granted and leave must be for twenty-four (24) hours
Battalion Chiefs are authorized to grant VOD any time after 0700 at the beginning of their shift when staffing is greater than __ above minimum staffing levels
Personal leave may create
Personal Leave requests may be granted no more than ___ prior to the requested leave date. Personal Leave is required to be utilized in ___ increments
one shift2 hr
In those unusual cases where a Chief Officer can prevent the department from incurring an overtime expense by granting an employee’s request for a deviation from the leave policy, that Chief Officer is authorized to exercise such initiative
No Answer
In the IFD, an SCBA will consist of (one weird one…full list is 9)
Voice Amplifier
Who checks 4th SCBA
10 sets of APR filters are on
T2, T7, BCs, 522, 521
Cylinder checked for full charge. Full charge is considered to be greater than __ percent of rated service pressure
Cylinder pressure gauge and remote gauge checked to read within __ percent of each other
IFD Form 9 retained for
36 months
The Weekly Inspection of SCBA, RIT-Pak, and Ska-Pak on reserve apparatus and specialty vehicles will be documented on
IFD Form 7
It will be the policy of the Irving Fire Department that all SCBA, RIT-Pak, and Ska-Pak apparatus will have a functional flow test and inspection how often?
twice a year (Semi-Annual Test)
The Semi-Annual Tests will be performed during the months of ___ of each year
January-April and July-October (July-Oct…batteries will be changed on the SCBA, RIT-Pak, and Ska-Pak)
SCBA, RIT-Pak, and Ska-Pak will be repaired and maintained in accordance to the NFPA standard in effect at the time of
DO NOT use ___ to speed dry the SCBA components
shop air or other air containing lubricants
Eyewear with straps or temple bars that pass through the face piece-to-face seal area shall be
Fit test equipment will be calibrated and certified ___ by the manufacturer
Fit Tests will be administered (3)
a. When face piece is initially issuedb. Once a year, as a minimum. Annual Fit Testing for all IFD personnel will begin in the month of July.c. As needed due to changes in facial features
Maintenance on Breathing Air Compressor - Maintenance records will be maintained for a period of not less than
5 yrs
Breathing air samples from each compressor will be submitted to an accredited testing laboratory on a ___ basis
Air sample test results will be maintained for a period of not less than
5 yrs
Fill log records for Station 2, Station 11, and 555 shall be maintained for a period of
5 yrs
An EBSS connection shall not be initiated if the “donors” cylinder has less than ___ of air remaining
600 L (1500 psi)
IFD SCBA cylinders have a service life of ___ from original hydrostat date.
15 yrs
All stations will be inspected ___ by the Battalion Chief
Station supplies shall be ordered on Operative IQ by ___ on the first and third Friday in each month
A ___ supply of expendable supplies should be an adequate stock level to be maintained at each station
one month
It is recognized that a station may occasionally have a justifiable need for other item(s) that are not listed on the order form. In such cases, the Station Captain will request the item(s) by emailing ___ and explaining the need
the Assistant Chief/Administration
Station Supplies - Approved items and quantities will be delivered to the stations the following
Wednesday or Thursday
The ___ will require an employee to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing if there is reasonable suspicion that the employee is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol during work hours
Fire Chief
Substance Abuse Testing - The documentation, which supports the determination, must be submitted to
the Fire Chief and the Human Resources Director
Any employee who undergoes drug and/or alcohol testing for reasonable suspicion will be, at the Fire Chief’s discretion, placed on ___ until test results are confirmed
paid leave
Sub calls shall be applicable only to (3)
-members assigned to 24-hour shift duty-Fire Prevention Specialist assigned to the Fire Prevention Division-members below the classification of Battalion Chief assigned to the Communications Section
Sub calls for more than __ of the member’s consecutive shifts must be approved by the Battalion Chief
2 (Battalion Chief will determine any impact the request would have on operational effectiveness and forward the request to the Assistant Chief, Operations for notification purposes only)
Firefighters will not be allowed to operate any fire department emergency apparatus until they have successfully completed the following (3)
1) All requirements set forth in the IFD Emergency Operating Guideline: 5.5 Emergency Vehicle Operations.2) A “first-alarm” district test3) IFD Engine/Pumper Operations, Truck/Aerial Operations, and Emergency Ambulance Operations classes
Fire Equipment Operators will not be allowed to fill the out-of-class officer position until they have successfully completed
the IFD Basic Fire Officer Orientation Class
Lieutenants, Captains will not be allowed to fill the out-of-class officer position until they have successfully completed
the IFD Fire Officer Development Class and maintain written documentation in their personnel file
Conduct a minimum of ___ of station level training each calendar month
4 hrs
A certification year begins each ___ and ends the following ___.
November 1, October 31
Firefighter CE is broken down into two (2) categories:Level 1 -Level 2 -
Level 1 – Training intended to maintain previously learned skillsLevel 2 – Fire service training or education intended to develop new skills
Level 1 training must be conducted by a ___. No more than ___ per year in any one subject
certified instructor (interactive computer-based CE that is supervised and verified by a certified instructor is acceptable)4hrs
___ may conduct a Level 2 training class
Any certified instructor (no hour per subject limit on Level 2 except EMS which is 4 hrs/yr)
The CE requirement for renewal shall consist of a minimum of ___ of training to be conducted during the certification period
18 hrs
If an individual has completed a commission approved academy in the ___ prior to his or her certification expiration date, a copy of that certificate of completion will be acceptable documentation of CE for that certification renewal period.
12 months
All documentation of training used to satisfy the CE requirements must be maintained for a period of ___ from the date of the training
3 yrs
Any person who is a member of a paid or volunteer fire department who is on extended leave for a cumulative period of six (6) months or longer due to ___ may be exempted from the CE requirement for the applicable renewal period
a documented illness, injury, or activation to military service
Each Battalion Chief is required to visit and participate in at least one company level training session each ___ and at least one drill every ___.
month6 months
CE requirements -Structural Fire Personnel –HazMat Technician –Wildland FF –Fire Service Instructor –Fire Inspection Personnel –Arson/Fire Investigator –Head of Fire Dept -
-Structural Fire Personnel - 2 hrs-HazMat Technician - 8 hrs-Wildland FF - 4 hrs-Fire Service Instructor - 2 hrs-Fire Inspection Personnel - 2 hrs-Arson/Fire Investigator - 2 hrs-Head of Fire Dept - 2 hrs
Testing Objectives to be met by Recruit and Probationary Firefighters
-70 on Driver/Operator Exam-75 on Medical Director’s test for those already certified-80 on all Irving tests
In order to allow adequate time for the Probationary Review Board to reach a decision, all re-testing must be successfully completed no later than
one month out from end of probation (retest only for those that scored at least a 70)
Probationary Firefighter Review Board consists of
-Assistant Chief, Special Services-Battalion Chief, Training/Communications-Training Captain-Training Lieutenant-Training FEO-Firefighter’s Battalion Chief(s); and the two (2) Captains the Firefighter was assigned to during the probationary period
Testing Objectives to be met by Probationary Fire Prevention Specialists
-70 on the Texas Fire Commission Examination for Fire Inspection personnel-75 on TCOLE-80 on Irving test
Probationary Fire Prevention Specialist Review Board consists of
-Assistant Chief, Special Services-Fire Marshal-Assistant Fire Marshal-Fire Prevention Lieutenant
Female interns will not be assigned to
Stations 2 and/or 4
The Station Officer(s) and all preceptors that are available shall have a “Table Talk” or “Round Table” session with each intern on their ___ of their internship
5th shift (or halfway point) - A short written summary of this “round table” session will be forwarded to the EMS Battalion Chief
Applications for transfer ambulance service permits will be coordinated by
EMS Battalion Chief
Work Periods-Support Personnel –Communications Division –MICU/Fire -
-Support Personnel - seven (7) consecutive days which shall begin at 0800 each Sunday and end at 0800 the following Sunday.-Communications Division - average 40-hour work week, with a work period beginning at 0700 January 1 and ending at 0700 the following January 1-MICU/Fire - 27 day recurring work period 0700 - 0700
Complaints shall be handled and addressed at
the lowest appropriate level within the IFD