Idioms - 1 Flashcards
Correct and common incorrect variations
- John was able in seeing the fireworks from his rooftop.
- John was able of seeing the fireworks from his rooftop.
- John was able to see the fireworks from his rooftop.
- John was able for seeing the fireworks from his rooftop.
able to+ base verb
- John was able to see the fireworks from his rooftop.
- John was able in seeing the fireworks from his rooftop.
- John was able of seeing the fireworks from his rooftop.
- John was able for seeing the fireworks from his rooftop.
جان توانست آتش بازی را از پشت بام خود ببیند.
- Ants have the ability to lift anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight
- Ants have the ability for lifting anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight.
- Ants have the ability of lifting anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight.
- Ants have the ability in lifting anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight..
ability to+ base verb
* Ants have the ability to lift anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight
* Ants have the ability for lifting anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight.
* Ants have the ability of lifting anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight.
* Ants have the ability in lifting anywhere from 20 to 100 times their weight..
مورچه ها توانایی بلند کردن 20 تا 100 برابر وزن خود را دارند
- The community board acceded at Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house.
- The community board acceded to Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house
- The community board acceded for Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house.
- The community board acceded to do Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house.
accede to+ noun
- The community board acceded to Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house
- The community board acceded at Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house.
- The community board acceded for Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house.
- The community board acceded to do Polly’s request to have the dumpster removed from in front of her house.
انجمن با درخواست پولی برای برداشتن زبالهدان از جلوی خانهاش موافقت کرد
to agree to a demand, proposal etc, especially after first disagreeing with it
- The police needed a warrant in order to gain access in the suspect’s house.
- The police needed a warrant in order to gain access of the suspect’s house.
- The police needed a warrant in order to gain access for the suspect’s house.
- The police needed a warrant in order to gain access to the suspect’s house.
access to+ noun
* The police needed a warrant in order to gain access to the suspect’s house.
* The police needed a warrant in order to gain access in the suspect’s house.
* The police needed a warrant in order to gain access of the suspect’s house.
* The police needed a warrant in order to gain access for the suspect’s house.
پلیس برای دسترسی به خانه مظنون نیاز به حکم قضایی داشت
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed as being the greatest actor of his generation.
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed for being the greatest actor of his generation.
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed as the greatest actor of his generation.
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed with having been the greatest actor of his generation.
acclaimed as+ noun
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed as the greatest actor of his generation.
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed as being the greatest actor of his generation.
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed for being the greatest actor of his generation.
- After his performance in the Oscar-winning film, he was acclaimed with having been the greatest actor of his generation.
پس از بازی در فیلم اسکار، او به عنوان بزرگترین بازیگر نسل خود شناخته شد.
publicly praised by a lot of people
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied by a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied with a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied along with a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied together by a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
accompanied by+ noun
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied by a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied with a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied along with a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
- Even though they weren’t frightened, the kids had to be accompanied together by a parent when they went to see the horror movie.
با وجود اینکه آنها نمی ترسیدند، اما وقتی بچه ها برای دیدن فیلم ترسناک می رفتند، باید پدر و مادرشان همراهی می کردند.
- The group was arranged in the photo according of height.
- The group was arranged in the photo according to height.
- The group was arranged in the photo according by height.
- The group was arranged in the photo according for height.
according to+ noun
- The group was arranged in the photo according to height.
- The group was arranged in the photo according of height.
- The group was arranged in the photo according by height.
- The group was arranged in the photo according for height.
گروه در عکس بر اساس قد مرتب شده بود.
- He couldn’t account to his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
- He couldn’t account as to his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
- He couldn’t account as for his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
- He couldn’t account for his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
account for+ noun
- He couldn’t account for his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
- He couldn’t account to his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
- He couldn’t account as to his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
- He couldn’t account as for his whereabouts on the night of the murder and was held in police custody until his lawyer arrived.
Account as a verb takes “for”
Means “provide an explanation for” or “represent.”
او در شب قتل نتوانست محل اختفای خود را توضیح دهد و تا رسیدن وکیلش در بازداشت پلیس نگه داشته شد.
- The bank foreclosed on the home on account of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
- The bank foreclosed on the home by account of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
- The bank foreclosed on the home on accounting of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
- The bank foreclosed on the home on the account of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
on account of+ noun
- The bank foreclosed on the home on account of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
- The bank foreclosed on the home by account of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
- The bank foreclosed on the home on accounting of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
- The bank foreclosed on the home on the account of the owner’s upside-down mortgage.
بانک خانه را به دلیل وام مسکن وارونه صاحب خانه توقیف کرد.
Note: This is a grammatically correct alternative to “because of” or “due to,” however it is generally not preferred to those other options.
- Dora was accused for petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister for grand larceny.
- Dora was accused with petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister with grand larceny.
- Dora was accused of petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister of grand larceny.
- Dora was accused about petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister over grand larceny.
accuse X of Y;
accused of+ noun/gerund
- Dora was accused of petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister of grand larceny.
- Dora was accused for petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister for grand larceny.
- Dora was accused with petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister with grand larceny.
- Dora was accused about petty theft, but the prosecutor accused Dora’s sister over grand larceny.
charge (someone) with an offence or crime
دورا متهم به سرقت کوچک بود، اما دادستان خواهر دورا را به سرقت بزرگ متهم کرد
Note: “Accused of” is often followed by “being” and then a noun or adjective (e.g., accused of being a thief, accused of
being lazy).
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted of them before they entrusted her for the project.
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted about them before they entrusted her about the project.
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted regarding them before they entrusted her regarding the project.
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted with them before they entrusted her with the project.
acquaint with + noun;
acquaint X with Y
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted with them before they entrusted her with the project.
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted of them before they entrusted her for the project.
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted about them before they entrusted her about the project.
- She joined her new coworkers for happy hour in the hopes of getting better acquainted regarding them before they entrusted her regarding the project.
او برای ساعاتی خوش به همکاران جدیدش پیوست به این امید که قبل از اینکه پروژه را به او بسپارند، با آنها بهتر آشنا شود.
Note: The verb entrust can also take this construction. to deliberately find out about something
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced their demands.
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced with their demands.
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced to their demands.
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced at their demands.
acquiesce to+ noun/gerund
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced to their demands.
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced their demands.
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced with their demands.
- After the workers went on strike, the company acquiesced at their demands.
پس از اعتصاب کارگران، شرکت به خواسته های آنها تن داد.
to do what someone else wants, or allow something to happen, even though you do not really agree with it
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting into life without children in the house.
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting to life without children in the house.
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting with life without children in the house.
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting about life without children in the house.
adapt to+ noun/gerund;
adapt X to Y
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting to life without children in the house.
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting into life without children in the house.
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting with life without children in the house.
- When their daughters went off to college, the couple had a difficult time adapting about life without children in the house.
Note: Means “adjust to.”
وقتی دخترانشان به دانشگاه رفتند، این زوج برای تطبیق با زندگی بدون بچه در خانه مشکل داشتند.
- The curriculum was adapted for students who spoke English as a second language.
- The curriculum was adapted at students who spoke English as a second language.
- The curriculum was adapted around students who spoke English as a second language.
adapted for+ noun/gerund
- The curriculum was adapted for students who spoke English as a second language.
- The curriculum was adapted at students who spoke English as a second language.
- The curriculum was adapted around students who spoke English as a second language.
Note: Means “made suitable for.”
برنامه درسی برای دانش آموزانی که انگلیسی را به عنوان زبان دوم صحبت می کنند، متناسب شده است.
- He was deeply affected from the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
- He was deeply affected about the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
- He was deeply affected by the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
- He was deeply affected of the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
affected by+ noun
- He was deeply affected by the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
- He was deeply affected from the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
- He was deeply affected about the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
- He was deeply affected of the combat scenes in the film and had to leave the theater.
او به شدت تحت تأثیر صحنه های جنگی فیلم قرار گرفت و مجبور شد تئاتر را ترک کند.
- She was afflicted with a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
- She was afflicted by a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
- She was afflicted of a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
- She was afflicted from a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
afflicted with/by+ noun
- She was afflicted with a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
- She was afflicted by a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
- She was afflicted of a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
- She was afflicted from a disease so rare that few healers had ever heard of it.
to affect someone or something in an unpleasant way, and make them suffer
او به بیماری آنقدر نادر مبتلا بود که کمتر شفا دهنده ای تا به حال در مورد آن چیزی شنیده بود.
- The little boy was afraid about the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
- The little boy was afraid over the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
- The little boy was afraid of the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
- The little boy was afraid from the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
afraid of+ noun/gerund
- The little boy was afraid of the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
- The little boy was afraid about the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
- The little boy was afraid over the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
- The little boy was afraid from the dark, so his parents bought a nightlight for his room.
پسر کوچک از تاریکی می ترسید، بنابراین والدینش برای اتاقش چراغ خواب خریدند.
- He had agreed into the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
- He had agreed to the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
- He had agreed as to the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
- He had agreed over the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
agree to+ base verb;
agree to+ noun
- He had agreed to the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
- He had agreed into the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
- He had agreed as to the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
- He had agreed over the terms in writing, so his lawsuit against the company did not hold up in court.
to say yes to an idea, plan, suggestion etc
او به صورت کتبی با شرایط موافقت کرده بود، بنابراین شکایت او علیه شرکت در دادگاه به نتیجه نرسید.
- Let’s try to agree on a date.
- Let’s try to agree with a date.
- Let’s try to agree about a date.
agree/disagree on+ a matter for decision
- Let’s try to agree on a date.
- Let’s try to agree with a date.
- Let’s try to agree about a date.
- Even if you don’t agree over his opinions, you can still respect them and try to collaborate together with him.
- Even if you don’t agree in his opinions, you can still respect them and try to collaborate in partnership with him.
- Even if you don’t agree with his opinions, you can still respect them and try to collaborate with him.
agree/disagree with+ noun/pronoun
- Even if you don’t agree with his opinions, you can still respect them and try to collaborate with him.
- Even if you don’t agree over his opinions, you can still respect them and try to collaborate together with him.
- Even if you don’t agree in his opinions, you can still respect them and try to collaborate in partnership with him.
with a person, opinion or policy
to believe that a decision, action, or suggestion is correct or right:
I don’t agree with hitting children.
حتی اگر با نظرات او موافق نیستید، باز هم می توانید به آنها احترام بگذارید و سعی کنید با او همکاری کنید.
Note: Other verbs that take this construction are: collaborate, comply, sympathize.
- The tutor aided the student in preparing for the test.
- The tutor aided the student to prepare for the test.
- The tutor aided the student at preparing for the test.
- The tutor aided the student of preparing for the test.
aid in + noun/gerund;
aid X in Y
- The tutor aided the student in preparing for the test.
- The tutor aided the student to prepare for the test.
- The tutor aided the student at preparing for the test.
- The tutor aided the student of preparing for the test.
استاد راهنما به دانش آموز در آماده شدن برای آزمون کمک کرد.
- Note: You give aid to or for a person, country, etc., but you aid in an activity.
- Note: NEVER use prepposition, if “Aid” used as a verb
- The department allocated the government grant for enhanced training initiatives for the officers.
- The department allocated the government grant as enhanced training initiatives for the officers.
- The department allocated the government grant to enhanced training initiatives fo the officers.
- The department allocated the government grant into enhanced training initiatives for the officers.
allocate X to Y
* The department allocated the government grant to enhanced training initiatives for the officers.
* The department allocated the government grant for enhanced training initiatives for the officers.
* The department allocated the government grant as enhanced training initiatives for the officers.
* The department allocated the government grant into enhanced training initiatives for the officers.
این اداره کمک مالی دولت را به طرح های آموزشی پیشرفته برای افسران اختصاص داد.
- A one-hour meeting doesn’t allow sufficient time for the board to discuss this quarter’s agenda, so we should allow for such discussion when scheduling the next meeting.
- A one-hour meeting doesn’t allow sufficient time to the board to discuss this quarter’s agenda, so we should allow more time to such discussion when scheduling the meeting.
allow X for Y;
allow for X
- A one-hour meeting doesn’t allow sufficient time for the board to discuss this quarter’s agenda, so we should allow for such discussion when scheduling the next meeting.
- A one-hour meeting doesn’t allow sufficient time to the board to discuss this quarter’s agenda, so we should allow more time to such discussion when scheduling the meeting.
یک جلسه یک ساعته به هیئت مدیره زمان کافی برای بحث در مورد دستور کار این سه ماهه نمی دهد، بنابراین باید در زمان برنامه ریزی جلسه بعدی اجازه چنین بحثی را بدهیم.
Note: Allow X for Y means to allocate an amount; allow for X means to take into consideration or make a provision for something.
- Gina’s parents didn’t allow on her going out on Saturday night, but she was permitted on watching a movie.
- Gina’s parents didn’t allow her for going out on Saturday night, but she was permitted for watching a movie.
- Gina’s parents didn’t allow in her going out on Saturday night, but she was permitted as to watching a movie.
- Gina’s parents didn’t allow her to go out on Saturday night, but she was permitted to watch a movie.
allow X to Y;
allow to+ base verb
- Correct:
Gina’s parents didn’t allow her to go out on Saturday night, but she was permitted to watch* a movie.
- Correct:
* Gina’s parents didn’t allow on her going out on Saturday night, but she was permitted on watching a movie.
* Gina’s parents didn’t allow her for going out on Saturday night, but she was permitted for watching a movie.
* Gina’s parents didn’t allow in her going out on Saturday night, but she was permitted as to watching a movie.
پدر و مادر جینا به او اجازه ندادند شنبه شب بیرون برود، اما او اجازه داشت یک فیلم تماشا کند.
Note: Similar verbs that take this construction are encourage, force, permit, persuade.
- In Josh’s country, there was no alternative of his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
- In Josh’s country, there was no alternative to his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
- In Josh’s country, there was no alternative from his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
- In Josh’s county, there was no alternative in comparison to his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
alternative to+ noun/gerund
- In Josh’s country, there was no alternative to his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
- In Josh’s country, there was no alternative of his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
- In Josh’s country, there was no alternative from his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
- In Josh’s country, there was no alternative in comparison to his internet provider, so he couldn’t switch to a more reliable service.
در کشور جاش، هیچ جایگزینی برای ارائهدهنده اینترنت او وجود نداشت، بنابراین او نمیتوانست به سرویس مطمئنتری روی بیاورد.
- The negotiations never amounted in a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount in $100 billion.
- The negotiations never amounted as a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount as $100 billion.
- The negotiations never amounted into a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount into $100 billion.
- The negotiations never amounted to a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount to $100 billion.
Sum, result
amount to+ noun
- The negotiations never amounted to a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount to $100 billion.
- The negotiations never amounted in a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount in $100 billion.
- The negotiations never amounted as a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount as $100 billion.
- The negotiations never amounted into a vote because the committee determined that expenses related to the measure would amount into $100 billion.
Note: Meaning “sum to” or “result in.” Verb may be conjugated.
مذاکرات هرگز به رای نرسید زیرا کمیته تعیین کرد که هزینه های مربوط به این اقدام بالغ بر 100 میلیارد دلار خواهد بود.
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous to giving birth.
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous for giving birth.
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous of giving birth.
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous as giving birth.
analogous to+ noun/gerund
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous to giving birth.
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous for giving birth.
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous of giving birth.
- The pretentious artist claimed that creating the sculpture was analogous as giving birth.
این هنرمند پرمدعا ادعا کرد که ایجاد این مجسمه مشابه زایمان است.
similar to another situation or thing so that a comparison can be made
The report’s findings are analogous with our own.
- The teacher explained the complex hierarchy of the royal court by drawing an analogy to a modern-day corporate structure.
- The teacher explained the complex hierarchy of the royal court by drawing an analogy with a modern-day corporate structure.
analogy to/with + noun/gerund
* The teacher explained the complex hierarchy of the royal court by drawing an analogy to a modern-day corporate structure.
* The teacher explained the complex hierarchy of the royal court by drawing an analogy with a modern-day corporate structure.
معلم سلسله مراتب پیچیده دربار سلطنتی را با تشبیه یک ساختار شرکتی امروزی توضیح داد.
- Lorna was angry over her neighbors because they were late to the potluck and didn’t bring a dish.
- Lorna was angry at her neighbors because they were late to the potluck and didn’t bring a dish.
angry at+ [person/entity]
- Lorna was angry at her neighbors because they were late to the potluck and didn’t bring a dish.
- Lorna was angry over her neighbors because they were late to the potluck and didn’t bring a dish.
angry with (sometimes at) a person for doing something.
لورنا از دست همسایههایش عصبانی بود، زیرا آنها دیر به غذا رسیدند و ظرفی نیاوردند.
- The teachers were angry about the ongoing lack of support from the administration.
- The teachers were angry from the ongoing lack of support from the administration.
angry about+ [situation/condition/event]
- The teachers were angry about the ongoing lack of support from the administration.
- The teachers were angry from the ongoing lack of support from the administration.
معلمان از عدم حمایت مداوم دولت عصبانی بودند.
- The combination of chicken and waffles didn’t appeal at him, so he ordered a burger instead.
- The combination of chicken and waffles didn’t appeal to him, so he ordered a burger instead.
- The combination of chicken and waffles didn’t appeal in him, so he ordered a burger instead.
appeal to+ [person/entity]
- The combination of chicken and waffles didn’t appeal to him, so he ordered a burger instead.
- The combination of chicken and waffles didn’t appeal at him, so he ordered a burger instead.
- The combination of chicken and waffles didn’t appeal in him, so he ordered a burger instead.
To seem attractive and interesting to someone.
ترکیب مرغ و وافل برای او جذابیتی نداشت، بنابراین به جای آن برگر سفارش داد.
- On the surface, Sam appeared at having it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
- On the surface, Sam appeared to have it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
- On the surface, Sam appeared as having it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
- On the surface, Sam appeared he had it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
appear to+ base verb
- On the surface, Sam appeared to have it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
- On the surface, Sam appeared at having it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
- On the surface, Sam appeared as having it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
- On the surface, Sam appeared he had it all together, but inside he was panicked and dismayed.
Note: Other verbs that can take this construction are claim, decide
در ظاهر، سم به نظر می رسید که همه چیز را با هم داشته باشد، اما در درون او وحشت زده و ناامید شده بود.
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved about her decision to take a year off before college.
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved with her decision to take a year off before college.
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved of her decision to take a year off before college.
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved at her decision to take a year off before college.
approve/disapprove of+ noun/gerund
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved of her decision to take a year off before college.
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved about her decision to take a year off before college.
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved with her decision to take a year off before college.
- Lisa’s parents strongly disapproved at her decision to take a year off before college.
والدین لیزا به شدت با تصمیم او برای مرخصی یک سال قبل از کالج مخالفت کردند.
- Today is the last day to apply about the job.
- Today is the last day to apply for the job.
apply for+ noun
- Today is the last day to apply for the job.
- Today is the last day to apply about the job.
امروز آخرین روز برای درخواست کار است.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., argued for equality in American society.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., argued at racial segregation in American society.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., argued against racial segregation in American society.
argue for/against+ noun/gerund
- Martin Luther King, Jr., argued for equality in American society.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., argued against racial segregation in American society.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., argued at racial segregation in American society.
Note: Another verb that takes this construction is fight.
مارتین لوتر کینگ جونیور برای برابری در جامعه آمریکا بحث می کرد.
مارتین لوتر کینگ، جونیور، علیه تبعیض نژادی در جامعه آمریکا استدلال می کرد.
- The co-op board members argued at each other vociferously, but they always reached an amicable compromise by the end of their meetings.
- The co-op board members argued to each other vociferously, but they always reached an amicable compromise by the end of their meetings.
- The co-op board members argued with each other vociferously, but they always reached an amicable compromise by the end of their meetings.
argue with + noun/pronoun
- The co-op board members argued with each other vociferously, but they always reached an amicable compromise by the end of their meetings.
- The co-op board members argued at each other vociferously, but they always reached an amicable compromise by the end of their meetings.
- The co-op board members argued to each other vociferously, but they always reached an amicable compromise by the end of their meetings.
اعضای هیئت مدیره تعاونی به شدت با یکدیگر بحث می کردند، اما همیشه در پایان جلسات خود به یک سازش دوستانه می رسیدند.
- Television streaming services are not so popular nationally as cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
- Television streaming services are not as popular nationally as cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
- Television streaming services are not more popular nationally as cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
- Television streaming services are not as popular nationally than cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
as X as Y
- Television streaming services are not as popular nationally as cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
- Television streaming services are not so popular nationally as cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
- Television streaming services are not more popular nationally as cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
- Television streaming services are not as popular nationally than cable services, although their market share is rapidly growing.
Note: Used for comparisons.
خدمات پخش تلویزیونی در سطح ملی به اندازه خدمات کابلی محبوب نیستند، اگرچه سهم بازار آنها به سرعت در حال رشد است.
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director for next Monday.
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director as on next Monday.
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director as to next Monday.
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director as of next Monday.
as of+ [time/date]
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director as of next Monday.
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director for next Monday.
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director as on next Monday.
- Jackson will begin his tenure as interim director as to next Monday.
جکسون از دوشنبه آینده کار خود را به عنوان مدیر موقت آغاز خواهد کرد.
- All I ask from a movie is that it make me laugh.
- All I ask of a movie is that it make me laugh.
- All I ask to a movie is that it make me laugh.
ask of+ noun;
ask X of/for Y
- All I ask of a movie is that it make me laugh.
- All I ask from a movie is that it make me laugh.
- All I ask to a movie is that it make me laugh.
تنها چیزی که از یک فیلم می خواهم این است که من را بخنداند.
Note: “Ask of” means “demand from.”
- If the panel cannot be repaired, I will ask for a refund.
- If the panel cannot be repaired, I will ask into a refund.
ask for+ noun;
ask X for Y
- If the panel cannot be repaired, I will ask for a refund.
- If the panel cannot be repaired, I will ask into a refund.
اگر پنل قابل تعمیر نباشد، من درخواست بازگشت وجه می کنم.
Note: “Ask for” means “request.”
- The English professor asked the class whether they preferred Updike or Cheever.
- The English professor asked the class if they preferred Updike or Cheever.
- The English professor asked the class regarding whether they preferred Updike or Cheever.
- The English professor asked the class about whether they preferred Updike or Cheever.
Introduces an uncertainty
ask X whether Y;
ask whether+ noun clause
- The English professor asked the class whether they preferred Updike or Cheever.
- The English professor asked the class if they preferred Updike or Cheever.
- The English professor asked the class regarding whether they preferred Updike or Cheever.
- The English professor asked the class about whether they preferred Updike or Cheever.
استاد انگلیسی از کلاس پرسید که آیا آپدایک را ترجیح می دهند یا چیور.
Note: Introduces an uncertainty. Other verbs that pair with “whether” to introduce uncertainties include the following: depend on; determine; dispute; question; wonder.
- The press associated his contentious divorce with his subsequent decision to retire from the NFL, but the two events were unrelated.
- The press associated his contentious divorce along with his subsequent decision to retire from the NFL, but the two events were unrelated.
- The press associated his contentious divorce to his subsequent decision to retire from the NFL, but the two events were unrelated.
associate with + noun/gerund;
associate X with Y
- The press associated his contentious divorce with his subsequent decision to retire from the NFL, but the two events were unrelated.
- The press associated his contentious divorce along with his subsequent decision to retire from the NFL, but the two events were unrelated.
- The press associated his contentious divorce to his subsequent decision to retire from the NFL, but the two events were unrelated.
مطبوعات طلاق جنجالی او را با تصمیم بعدی او برای بازنشستگی از NFL مرتبط کردند، اما این دو رویداد ارتباطی نداشتند.
- The mother assured her son of the loud noise’s being just a car backfiring.
- The mother assured to her son that the loud noise was just a car backfiring.
- The mother assured her son that the loud noise was just a car backfiring.
assure X that Y;
assure that+ noun clause
- The mother assured her son that the loud noise was just a car backfiring.
- The mother assured her son of the loud noise’s being just a car backfiring.
- The mother assured to her son that the loud noise was just a car backfiring.
مادر به پسرش اطمینان داد که صدای بلند فقط یک ماشین است که تهش صدا میده.
- Alice had to leave work early to attend on a family crisis.
- Alice had to leave work early to attend about a family crisis.
- Alice had to leave work early to attend for a family crisis.
- Alice had to leave work early to attend to a family crisis.
attend to+ noun
- Alice had to leave work early to attend to a family crisis.
- Alice had to leave work early to attend on a family crisis.
- Alice had to leave work early to attend about a family crisis.
- Alice had to leave work early to attend for a family crisis.
Note: Meaning “deal with” or “give attention to.”
آلیس مجبور شد کار را زودتر ترک کند تا به یک بحران خانوادگی رسیدگی کند.
- The wedding will be attended of prominent politicians and Hollywood celebrities alike.
- The wedding will be attended by prominent politicians and Hollywood celebrities alike.
- The wedding will be attended with prominent politicians and Hollywood celebrities alike.
attended by+ noun
- The wedding will be attended by prominent politicians and Hollywood celebrities alike.
- The wedding will be attended of prominent politicians and Hollywood celebrities alike.
- The wedding will be attended with prominent politicians and Hollywood celebrities alike.
در این عروسی سیاستمداران برجسته و افراد مشهور هالیوود به طور یکسان حضور خواهند داشت.
- The psychiatrist attested to the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
- The psychiatrist attested into the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
- The psychiatrist attested regarding the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
- The psychiatrist attested on the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
attest to+ noun/gerund
- The psychiatrist attested to the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
- The psychiatrist attested into the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
- The psychiatrist attested regarding the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
- The psychiatrist attested on the defendant’s fitness to stand trial.
SYN: testify Note: Verb may be conjugated.
روانپزشک آمادگی متهم را برای محاکمه تایید کرد.
- Gregory attributed his father’s death from negligent hospital care and planned to sue.
- Gregory attributed his father’s death to negligent hospital care and planned to sue.
- Gregory attributed his father’s death as negligent hospital care and planned to sue. Gregory attributed his father’s death as a result of negligent hospital care and planned to sue.
attribute X to Y;
attribute to+ noun/gerund
- Gregory attributed his father’s death to negligent hospital care and planned to sue.
- Gregory attributed his father’s death from negligent hospital care and planned to sue.
- Gregory attributed his father’s death as negligent hospital care and planned to sue. Gregory attributed his father’s death as a result of negligent hospital care and planned to sue.
گرگوری مرگ پدرش را ناشی از مراقبت های بیمارستانی سهل انگارانه دانست و قصد داشت شکایت کند.
- he attributed the firm’s success to the efforts of the managing director
- his resignation was attributed to stress.
- Surprisingly, the school board is not averse about radical changes to the curriculum.
- Surprisingly, the school board is not averse as to radical changes to the curriculum.
- Surprisingly, the school board is not averse to radical changes to the curriculum.
averse to+ noun/gerund
- Surprisingly, the school board is not averse to radical changes to the curriculum.
- Surprisingly, the school board is not averse about radical changes to the curriculum.
- Surprisingly, the school board is not averse as to radical changes to the curriculum.
unwilling to do something or not liking something
با کمال تعجب، هیئت مدیره مدرسه مخالف تغییرات اساسی در برنامه درسی نیست.
- Based on the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
- Based from the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
- Based about the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
- Based onto the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
based on + noun
- Based on the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
- Based from the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
- Based about the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
- Based onto the experiences of five scientists, the book provides a rare glimpse of the challenges a leading researcher can face.
این کتاب بر اساس تجربیات پنج دانشمند، نگاه اجمالی نادری از چالشهایی را که یک محقق پیشرو میتواند با آن روبرو شود، ارائه میکند.
- We couldn’t play soccer outdoors because the rain, so we moved the game inside.
- We couldn’t play soccer outdoors because of the rain, so we moved the game inside.
because of+ noun/gerund
- We couldn’t play soccer outdoors because of the rain, so we moved the game inside.
- We couldn’t play soccer outdoors because the rain, so we moved the game inside.
به دلیل باران نمی توانستیم در فضای باز فوتبال بازی کنیم، بنابراین بازی را به داخل منتقل کردیم.
Note: “Because of” functions as a preposition and introduces a prepositional phrase that acts adverbially, expressing why something is true.
- Her belief of ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe of ghosts.
- Her belief on ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe on ghosts.
- Her belief as to ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe regarding ghosts.
- Her belief in ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe in ghosts.
belief/believe in + noun
- Her belief in ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe in ghosts.
- Her belief of ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe of ghosts.
- Her belief on ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe on ghosts.
- Her belief as to ghosts made spending the night in such an old house a scary prospect for her, but the other guests did not believe regarding ghosts.
اعتقاد او به ارواح باعث شده بود که شب را در چنین خانه قدیمی برای او ترسناک کند، اما مهمانان دیگر به ارواح اعتقاد نداشتند.
- There are still some conspiracy theorists who believe in the moon landing was staged.
- There are still some conspiracy theorists who believe that the moon landing was staged.
- There are still some conspiracy theorists who believe in that the moon landing was staged.
believe that+ clause
* There are still some conspiracy theorists who believe that the moon landing was staged.
* There are still some conspiracy theorists who believe in the moon landing was staged.
* There are still some conspiracy theorists who believe in that the moon landing was staged.
هنوز برخی از نظریه پردازان توطئه وجود دارند که معتقدند فرود روی ماه صحنه سازی شده است.
- Fire department officials believed in faulty wiring to be the cause of the explosion.
- Fire department officials believed faulty wiring as being the cause of the explosion.
- Fire department officials believed in faulty wiring as the cause of the explosion.
- Fire department officials believed faulty wiring to be the cause of the explosion.
to be
believe X to be Y;
is believed to be+ noun/gerund
- Fire department officials believed faulty wiring to be the cause of the explosion.
- Fire department officials believed in faulty wiring to be the cause of the explosion.
- Fire department officials believed faulty wiring as being the cause of the explosion.
- Fire department officials believed in faulty wiring as the cause of the explosion.
مسئولان آتش نشانی علت این انفجار را سیم کشی معیوب می دانند.
- Many of her supporters would benefit from her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
- Many of her supporters would benefit resulting from her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
- Many of her supporters would benefit by her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
- Many of her supporters would benefit out of her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
benefit from + noun/gerund
- Many of her supporters would benefit from her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
- Many of her supporters would benefit resulting from her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
- Many of her supporters would benefit by her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
- Many of her supporters would benefit out of her plan to expand tax breaks for the middle class.
بسیاری از حامیان او از طرح او برای گسترش معافیت های مالیاتی برای طبقه متوسط سود می برند.
- There is nothing better compared to a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things besides water.
- There is nothing better than a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things than water.
- There is nothing better as a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things as water.
- There is nothing better rather than a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things rather than water.
better than+ noun/gerund;
better X than Y
- There is nothing better than a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things than water.
- There is nothing better compared to a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things besides water.
- There is nothing better as a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things as water.
- There is nothing better rather than a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, but there are worse things rather than water.
هیچ چیز بهتر از یک لیوان چای سرد در یک روز گرم تابستانی نیست، اما چیزهایی بدتر از آب وجود دارد.
Note: This construction is also valid for the following: worse than, greater than, less than, more than, larger than, smaller than, sooner than.
- The couple couldn’t decide between a DJ and a band for their wedding, so they flipped a coin.
- The couple couldn’t decide between a DJ or a band for their wedding, so they flipped a coin.
- The couple couldn’t decide between a DJ or else a band for their wedding, so they flipped a coin.
… and
between X and Y
* The couple couldn’t decide between a DJ and a band for their wedding, so they flipped a coin.
* The couple couldn’t decide between a DJ or a band for their wedding, so they flipped a coin.
* The couple couldn’t decide between a DJ or else a band for their wedding, so they flipped a coin.
این زوج نمی توانستند بین یک دی جی و یک گروه برای عروسی خود تصمیم بگیرند، بنابراین یک سکه انداختند.
- His success was born of hard work.
- His success was born out from hard work.
born of+ noun
* His success was born of hard work.
* His success was born out from hard work.
موفقیت او زاییده سخت کوشی بود.
Note: Means “a result of.”
- Material from both the readings as well as the class discussion will be covered on the test.
- Material from both the readings and the class discussion will be covered on the test.
- Material from both the readings in addition to the class discussion will be covered on the test.
… and
both X and Y
* Material from both the readings and the class discussion will be covered on the test.
* Material from both the readings as well as the class discussion will be covered on the test.
* Material from both the readings in addition to the class discussion will be covered on the test.
مطالب مربوط به خواندن و بحث کلاس در آزمون پوشش داده خواهد شد.
- Recent studies show that humans are far less capable for multitasking than people previously believed.
- Recent studies show that humans are far less capable about multitasking than people previously believed.
- Recent studies show that humans are far less capable of multitasking than people previously believed.
- Recent studies show that humans are far less capable to multitask than people previously believed.
capable of+ noun/gerund
* Recent studies show that humans are far less capable of multitasking than people previously believed.
* Recent studies show that humans are far less capable for multitasking than people previously believed.
* Recent studies show that humans are far less capable about multitasking than people previously believed.
* Recent studies show that humans are far less capable to multitask than people previously believed.
مطالعات اخیر نشان میدهد که انسانها به مراتب کمتر از آنچه که قبلاً تصور میشد، توانایی انجام چند کار را دارند.
- The discussion centered around fracking’s environmental impact.
- The discussion centered on fracking’s environmental impact.
- The discussion centered onto fracking’s environmental impact.
- The discussion centered in fracking’s environmental impact.
center on+ noun/gerund
- The discussion centered on fracking’s environmental impact.
- The discussion centered around fracking’s environmental impact.
- The discussion centered onto fracking’s environmental impact.
- The discussion centered in fracking’s environmental impact.
بحث بر روی تاثیرات زیست محیطی فرکینگ متمرکز بود.
- The prix fixe offered a choice for three main courses.
- The prix fixe offered a choice about three main courses.
- The prix fixe offered a choice of three main courses.
- The prix fixe offered a choice as to three main courses.
choice of+ noun
- The prix fixe offered a choice of three main courses.
- The prix fixe offered a choice for three main courses.
- The prix fixe offered a choice about three main courses.
- The prix fixe offered a choice as to three main courses.
فیکس جایزه انتخابی از سه کورس اصلی را ارائه میکرد.
- The actor chose a brightly colored suit from the designer’s fall collection.
- The actor chose a brightly colored suit among the designer’s fall collection.
choose from+ noun;
choose X from Y
- The actor chose a brightly colored suit from the designer’s fall collection.
این بازیگر کت و شلواری با رنگ روشن از مجموعه پاییزی این طراح انتخاب کرده است.
- The actor chose to practice his lines without the aid of a teleprompter.
- The actor chose on practicing his lines without the aid of a teleprompter.
- The actor chose about practicing his lines without the aid of a teleprompter.
choose to + base verb;
choose X to Y
* The actor chose to practice his lines without the aid of a teleprompter.
- The actor chose on practicing his lines without the aid of a teleprompter.
- The actor chose about practicing his lines without the aid of a teleprompter.
این بازیگر تصمیم گرفت خطوط دیالوگ خود را بدون کمک تله پرومتر تمرین کند.
- The cars collided into each other in the intersection.
- The cars collided with each other in the intersection.
- The cars collided on each other in the intersection.
- The cars collided to each other in the intersection.
collide with + noun
- The cars collided with each other in the intersection.
- The cars collided into each other in the intersection.
- The cars collided on each other in the intersection.
- The cars collided to each other in the intersection.
خودروها در چهارراه با یکدیگر برخورد کردند.
- The police commissioner refused to comment into an active investigation.
- The police commissioner refused to comment on an active investigation.
- The police commissioner refused to comment as to an active investigation.
comment on + noun/gerund
- The police commissioner refused to comment on an active investigation.
- The police commissioner refused to comment into an active investigation.
- The police commissioner refused to comment as to an active investigation.
کمیسر پلیس از اظهار نظر در مورد تحقیقات فعال خودداری کرد.
- After they compared the new model with the old one, the reviewers were unsure which they preferred.
- After they compared between the new model and the old one, the reviewers were unsure which they preferred.
- After they compared the new model from the old one, the reviewers were unsure which they preferred.
compare X with Y
- After they compared the new model with the old one, the reviewers were unsure which they preferred.
- After they compared between the new model and the old one, the reviewers were unsure which they preferred.
- After they compared the new model from the old one, the reviewers were unsure which they preferred.
پس از مقایسه مدل جدید با مدل قبلی، بازبینان مطمئن نبودند که کدام را ترجیح می دهند.
Note: When we compare X with Y, we compare two items and consider their similarities and
- The young artist is already being compared as being like Dali.
- The young artist is already being compared to Dali.
compare X to Y
- The young artist is already being compared to Dali.
- The young artist is already being compared as being like Dali.
این هنرمند جوان در حال حاضر با دالی مقایسه شده است.
Note: When we compare X to Y, generally we are expressing that X is similar to Y. However, people also use “compare X to Y” in the same way as they use “compare X with Y,” to express that two items are being compared and their similarities and differences are being considered.
- Olive oil combined along with balsamic vinegar and fresh lemon makes a delicious salad dressing.
- Olive oil combined to balsamic vinegar and fresh lemon makes a delicious salad dressing.
- Olive oil combined with balsamic vinegar and fresh lemon makes a delicious salad dressing.
combine X with Y;
X combines with Y
- Olive oil combined with balsamic vinegar and fresh lemon makes a delicious salad dressing.
- Olive oil combined along with balsamic vinegar and fresh lemon makes a delicious salad dressing.
- Olive oil combined to balsamic vinegar and fresh lemon makes a delicious salad dressing.
روغن زیتون همراه با سرکه بالزامیک و لیموی تازه یک سس سالاد خوشمزه می سازد.
- Political opponents must reach across the aisle to address the concerns that are common regarding all of us.
- Political opponents must reach across the aisle to address the concerns that are common to all of us.
X is common to Y
- Political opponents must reach across the aisle to address the concerns that are common to all of us.
- Political opponents must reach across the aisle to address the concerns that are common regarding all of us.
Note: “Common to” is used to mean “shared by.”
رقبای سیاسی باید برای رفع نگرانیهایی که برای همه ما مشترک است، به یک مصالحه متقابل برسند.
- Natasha had nothing in common with her coworkers, so she felt very uncomfortable at happy hour.
- Natasha had nothing in common to her coworkers, so she felt very uncomfortable at happy hour.
- Natasha had nothing in common along with her coworkers, so she felt very uncomfortable at happy hour.
X [has] Y in common with Z
- Natasha had nothing in common with her coworkers, so she felt very uncomfortable at happy hour.
- Natasha had nothing in common to her coworkers, so she felt very uncomfortable at happy hour.
- Natasha had nothing in common along with her coworkers, so she felt very uncomfortable at happy hour.
ناتاشا هیچ وجه اشتراکی با همکارانش نداشت، بنابراین در هپی آور تا حدودی احساس ناراحتی می کرد.
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate about the late start.
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate for the late start.
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate as to the late start.
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate in light of the late start.
compensate for+ noun/gerund
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate for the late start.
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate about the late start.
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate as to the late start.
- The meeting ended a half-hour later than scheduled to compensate in light of the late start.
برای جبران تاخیر شروع جلسه نیم ساعت دیرتر از موعد مقرر به پایان رسید.
- If you don’t comply to the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
- If you don’t comply about the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
- If you don’t comply with the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
- If you don’t comply along with the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
comply with+ noun
- If you don’t comply with the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
- If you don’t comply to the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
- If you don’t comply about the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
- If you don’t comply along with the officer’s instructions, you may be charged with resisting arrest.
to do what you have to do or are asked to do
اگر از دستورات افسر تبعیت نکنید، ممکن است به «مقاومت در برابر دستگیری» متهم شوید.
- The city council was composed of residents of all ages and backgrounds.
- The city council was composed from residents of all ages and backgrounds.
- The city council was composed by residents of all ages and backgrounds.
composed of+ noun
- The city council was composed of residents of all ages and backgrounds.
- The city council was composed from residents of all ages and backgrounds.
- The city council was composed by residents of all ages and backgrounds.
شورای شهر متشکل از ساکنان با هر سن و پیشینه بود
Note: Means “made up of.”
- The metropolitan area comprises the city and five surrounding counties.
- The metropolitan area comprises with the city and five surrounding counties.
comprises+ noun
- The metropolitan area comprises the city and five surrounding counties.
Note: Means “includes,” “contains,” or “consists of.”
- The board was more concerned on passing a balanced budget than on anything else on the agenda.
- The board was more concerned in passing a balanced budget than in anything else on the agenda.
- The board was more concerned to pass a balanced budget than anything else on the agenda.
- The board was more concerned with passing a balanced budget than with anything else on the agenda.
concerned with+ noun/gerund
- The board was more concerned with passing a balanced budget than with anything else on the agenda.
- The board was more concerned on passing a balanced budget than on anything else on the agenda.
- The board was more concerned in passing a balanced budget than in anything else on the agenda.
- The board was more concerned to pass a balanced budget
- than anything else on the agenda.
هیئت مدیره بیش از هر چیز دیگری که در دستور کار بود، به تصویب یک بودجه متوازن توجه داشت.
Note: Indicates a focus on or interest in something (as opposed to a worry about something).
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive for productive debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive to productive debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive of productive debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive to productively debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
conducive to+ noun/gerund
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive to productive debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive for productive debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive of productive debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
- Such harsh rhetoric is not conducive to productively debate and is unlikely to lead to compromise.
چنین لفاظی های تند برای بحث های سازنده مناسب نیست و بعید است که منجر به سازش شود.
- Avant-garde artists do not conform into social and cultural trends, and thus are often viewed as controversial.
- Avant-garde artists do not conform regarding social and cultural trends, and thus are often viewed as controversial.
- Avant-garde artists do not conform to social and cultural trends, and thus are often viewed as controversial.
conform to+ noun
- Avant-garde artists do not conform to social and cultural trends, and thus are often viewed as controversial.
- Avant-garde artists do not conform into social and cultural trends, and thus are often viewed as controversial.
- Avant-garde artists do not conform regarding social and cultural trends, and thus are often viewed as controversial.
هنرمندان آوانگارد از روندهای اجتماعی و فرهنگی تبعیت نمی کنند و بنابراین اغلب بحث برانگیز تلقی می شوند.
Note: Means “be or act in accordance with.” Widely considered interchangeable with “conform with.”
- All articles submitted for publication must conform under this format.
- All articles submitted for publication must conform with this format.
- All articles submitted for publication must conform onto this format.
match or fit
conform with + noun
- All articles submitted for publication must conform with this format.
- All articles submitted for publication must conform under this format.
- All articles submitted for publication must conform onto this format.
کلیه مقالات ارسال شده برای چاپ باید با این قالب مطابقت داشته باشد.
Note: Means “match or fit with.” Widely considered interchangeable with “conform to.”
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence from the corporate restructuring.
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence of the corporate restructuring.
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence because of the corporate restructuring.
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence to the corporate restructuring.
consequence of+ noun/gerund
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence of the corporate restructuring.
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence from the corporate restructuring.
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence because of the corporate restructuring.
- Numerous mid-level employees were laid off as a consequence to the corporate restructuring.
تعداد زیادی از کارکنان سطح متوسط در نتیجه تجدید ساختار شرکت اخراج شدند.
- Pundits consider the referendum likely to pass with overwhelming support.
- Pundits consider the referendum to be likely to pass with overwhelming support.
- Pundits consider the referendum as being to pass with overwhelming support.
- Pundits consider that the referendum is likely to pass with overwhelming support.
Consider X [BLANK] Y
consider+ noun/gerund
- Pundits consider the referendum likely to pass with overwhelming support.
- Pundits consider the referendum to be likely to pass with overwhelming support.
- Pundits consider the referendum as being to pass with overwhelming support.
- Pundits consider that the referendum is likely to pass with overwhelming support.
کارشناسان احتمال می دهند که همه پرسی با حمایت قاطع به تصویب برسد.
- The reading list consisted about both novels and nonfiction works on the Soviet era.
- The reading list consisted with both novels and nonfiction works on the Soviet era.
- The reading list consisted of both novels and nonfiction works on the Soviet era.
consist of+ noun/gerund
- The reading list consisted of both novels and nonfiction works on the Soviet era.
- The reading list consisted about both novels and nonfiction works on the Soviet era.
- The reading list consisted with both novels and nonfiction works on the Soviet era.
فهرست مطالعه شامل رمانها و آثار غیرداستانی مربوط به دوران شوروی بود.
- The shattered window was consistent to a break-in.
- The shattered window was consistent with a break-in.
- The shattered window was consistent of a break-in.
consistent with+ noun/gerund
- The shattered window was consistent with a break-in.
- The shattered window was consistent to a break-in.
- The shattered window was consistent of a break-in.
پنجره لرزیده با یک شکستگی درونی مانده بود.
if a fact, idea etc is consistent with another one, it seems to match it
- The soldiers continued to advance through the wilderness as night fell.
- The soldiers continued in advancing through the wilderness as night fell.
- The soldiers continued at advancing through the wilderness as night fell.
continue to+ base verb
- The soldiers continued to advance through the wilderness as night fell.
- The soldiers continued in advancing through the wilderness as night fell.
- The soldiers continued at advancing through the wilderness as night fell.
با فرا رسیدن شب، سربازان به پیشروی در بیابان ادامه دادند.
- If you contrast his findings against those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
- If you contrast his findings from those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
- If you contrast his findings along with those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
- If you contrast his findings with those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
contrast X with Y;
X contrasts with Y
- If you contrast his findings with those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
- If you contrast his findings against those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
- If you contrast his findings from those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
- If you contrast his findings along with those of previous studies, you will see that further research is necessary.
اگر یافته های او را با یافته های مطالعات قبلی مقایسه کنید، خواهید دید که تحقیقات بیشتر ضروری است.
- The executive order stands in stark contrast to the president’s campaign promise.
- The executive order stands in stark contrast against the president’s campaign promise.
- The executive order stands in stark contrast compared to the president’s campaign promise.
- The executive order stands in stark contrast from the president’s campaign promise.
in contrast to+ noun;
in contrast to X, Y
- The executive order stands in stark contrast to the president’s campaign promise.
- The executive order stands in stark contrast against the president’s campaign promise.
- The executive order stands in stark contrast compared to the president’s campaign promise.
- The executive order stands in stark contrast from the president’s campaign promise.
فرمان اجرایی کاملاً در تضاد با وعده تبلیغاتی رئیس جمهور است.
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed for the end of the Cold War.
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed as to the end of the Cold War.
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed to the end of the Cold War.
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed into the end of the Cold War.
contribute to+ noun/gerund
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed to the end of the Cold War.
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed for the end of the Cold War.
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed as to the end of the Cold War.
- Gorbachev’s glasnost policy greatly contributed into the end of the Cold War.
سیاست گلاسنوست گورباچف کمک زیادی به پایان جنگ سرد کرد.
- Contrary from popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
- Contrary against popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
- Contrary to popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
- Contrary of popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
contrary to+ noun
- Contrary to popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
- Contrary from popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
- Contrary against popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
- Contrary of popular belief, pearls do not typically form from grains of sand.
برخلاف تصور رایج، مرواریدها معمولاً از دانه های شن تشکیل نمی شوند.
- The human body converts carbohydrates to glucose for energy.
- The human body converts carbohydrates over to glucose for energy.
convert X to Y;
convert to+ noun
- The human body converts carbohydrates to glucose for energy.
- The human body converts carbohydrates over to glucose for energy.
بدن انسان کربوهیدرات ها را برای انرژی به گلوکز تبدیل می کند.
- Although Rashida likes her workout routine, she isn’t convinced that she will be able to stick with it.
- Although Rashida likes her workout routine, she isn’t convincing that she will be able to stick with it.
convince [someone] that+ noun clause;
is convinced that+ noun clause
- Although Rashida likes her workout routine, she isn’t convinced that she will be able to stick with it.
- Although Rashida likes her workout routine, she isn’t convincing that she will be able to stick with it.
اگرچه رشیدا برنامه تمرینی خود را دوست دارد، اما متقاعد نشده است که بتواند به آن پایبند باشد.
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him into joining the organization.
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him as to joining the organization.
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him on joining the organization.
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him to join the organization.
convince [someone] to+ base verb
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him to join the organization.
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him into joining the organization.
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him as to joining the organization.
- Andrei’s best friend convinced him on joining the organization.
بهترین دوست آندری او را متقاعد کرد که به سازمان بپیوندد.
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond given the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond to the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond in the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond along with the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
correspond to+ noun
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond to the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond given the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond in the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
- The number of ballots counted did not correspond along with the number of signatures on the voter roll, so a recount was done.
تعداد آرای شمارش شده با تعداد امضاهای فهرست رای دهندگان مطابقت نداشت، بنابراین بازشماری انجام شد.
Note: Means “match” or “be equivalent/analogous to” (as opposed to an exchange of communications, i.e., “correspond with”).
- As the cost for college continued to rise, the cost from families became untenable.
- As the cost of college continued to rise, the cost to families became untenable
cost of/to+ noun/gerund
- As the cost of college continued to rise, the cost to families became untenable.
- As the cost for college continued to rise, the cost from families became untenable.
Untenable: so difficult that it is impossible to continue
با افزایش هزینه های دانشگاه، هزینه های خانواده ها غیرقابل تحمل شد.
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited in inventing the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited for inventing the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited to have invented the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
credit X with Y;
credit with+ noun/gerund
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited in inventing the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited for inventing the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
- Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited to have invented the telephone, Antonio Meucci developed a design for the telephone several years before Bell filed his patent.
اگرچه الکساندر گراهام بل به عنوان اختراع تلفن شناخته می شود، آنتونیو میوچی چندین سال قبل از ثبت اختراع خود، طرحی را برای تلفن ایجاد کرد.
- Sandy took credit about the creation of the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
- Sandy took credit for the creation of the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
- Sandy took credit as to the creation of the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
- Sandy took credit that she created the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
verb+ credit for+ noun/gerund
- Sandy took credit for the creation of the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
- Sandy took credit about the creation of the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
- Sandy took credit as to the creation of the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
- Sandy took credit that she created the algorithm, but it was actually a group effort.
سندی اعتبار ایجاد این الگوریتم را بر عهده گرفت، اما در واقع این یک تلاش گروهی بود.
Note: Frequently preceded by the verbs “give” (e.g., give X credit for Y) or “take” (e.g., take credit for X).
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit to the organization.
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit with the organization.
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit at the organization.
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit for the organization.
a credit to+ noun
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit to the organization.
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit with the organization.
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit at the organization.
- Dan, who has handled the situation quite well, is a credit for the organization.
دن، که وضعیت را به خوبی مدیریت کرده است، برای سازمان یک اعتبار است.
- The fossil was dated at 350 million years old.
- The fossil was dated as being 350 million years old.
- The fossil was dated to be 350 million years old.
- The fossil was dated that it was 350 million years old.
date [thing]+ at [age]
- The fossil was dated at 350 million years old.
- The fossil was dated as being 350 million years old.
- The fossil was dated to be 350 million years old.
- The fossil was dated that it was 350 million years old.
قدمت این فسیل 350 میلیون سال است.
Note: “Date at” is a rarely used idiom that means “determine to be” (x years old).
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates in the 5th century.
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates as of the 5th century.
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates from the 5th century.
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates out of the 5th century.
[thing]+ dates from + [time]
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates from the 5th century.
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates in the 5th century.
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates as of the 5th century.
- Archaeologists have determined that the vase dates out of the 5th century.
باستان شناسان مشخص کرده اند که قدمت این گلدان به قرن پنجم می رسد.
Note: Means “came into being in.”
- Aid workers spent months dealing from the aftermath of the hurricane.
- Aid workers spent months dealing regarding the aftermath of the hurricane.
- Aid workers spent months dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane.
deal with+ noun/gerund
- Aid workers spent months dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane.
- Aid workers spent months dealing from the aftermath of the hurricane.
- Aid workers spent months dealing regarding the aftermath of the hurricane.
امدادگران ماه ها را صرف مقابله با پیامدهای طوفان کردند.
- The debate of how to allocate the revenue lasted well into the night.
- The debate as to how to allocate the revenue lasted well into the night.
- The debate over how to allocate the revenue lasted well into the night.
debate on/over+ [issue]
- The debate over how to allocate the revenue lasted well into the night.
- The debate of how to allocate the revenue lasted well into the night.
- The debate as to how to allocate the revenue lasted well into the night.
بحث در مورد نحوه تخصیص درآمد تا پایان شب ادامه داشت.
- His publicist defended him away from the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
- His publicist defended him to the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
- His publicist defended him against the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
- His publicist defended him from the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
defend against X;
defend X against Y
- His publicist defended him against the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
- His publicist defended him from the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
- His publicist defended him away from the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
- His publicist defended him to the media onslaught during his contentious divorce.
مشاور مطبوعاتی اش از او در برابر هجوم رسانهها در طول طلاق جنجالیاش دفاع کرد.
مشاور مطبوعاتی اش او در جریان طلاق مشاجرهآمیزش از او در برابر هجوم رسانهها دفاع کرد.
- Many define healing as being attaining a state of harmony.
- Many define healing to be attaining a state of harmony.
- Many define healing as attaining a state of harmony.
- Many define healing is attaining a state of harmony.
define X as Y;
define as+ noun
- Many define healing as attaining a state of harmony.
- Many define healing as being attaining a state of harmony.
- Many define healing to be attaining a state of harmony.
- Many define healing is attaining a state of harmony.
بسیاری شفا را رسیدن به حالت هماهنگی تعریف می کنند.
Note: Similar verbs that take this construction include the following: depict, perceive, regard, see, view.
- Lena was delighted from her sister’s suggestion that they split the lottery winnings.
- Lena was delighted based on her sister’s suggestion that they split the lottery winnings.
- Lena was delighted by her sister’s suggestion that they split the lottery winnings.
delighted by+ noun
- Lena was delighted by her sister’s suggestion that they split the lottery winnings.
- Lena was delighted from her sister’s suggestion that they split the lottery winnings.
- Lena was delighted based on her sister’s suggestion that they split the lottery winnings.
لنا از پیشنهاد خواهرش مبنی بر تقسیم بردهای لاتاری خوشحال شد.
Note: “Delighted by” is usually followed by a person or something that someone has done.
- Sienna was delighted from the new technology.
- Sienna was delighted with the new technology.
- Sienna was delighted on the new technology.
delighted with+ noun
* Sienna was delighted with the new technology.
* Sienna was delighted from the new technology.
* Sienna was delighted on the new technology.
سینا از فناوری جدید خوشحال شد.
Note: “Delighted with” is usually followed by an inanimate object or other thing that pleases someone.
- The company demands for all prospective employees to pass a drug test before a formal offer is made.
- The company demands that all prospective employees pass a drug test before a formal offer is made.
- The company demands all prospective employees passing a drug test before a formal offer is made.
- The company demands all prospective employees to pass a drug test before a formal offer is made.
demand that+ clause
- The company demands that all prospective employees pass a drug test before a formal offer is made.
- The company demands for all prospective employees to pass a drug test before a formal offer is made.
- The company demands all prospective employees passing a drug test before a formal offer is made.
- The company demands all prospective employees to pass a drug test before a formal offer is made.
این شرکت خواستار آن است که همه کارمندان بالقوه قبل از ارائه یک پیشنهاد رسمی آزمایش دارو را انجام دهند.
- All domesticated dogs descended of wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant from British royalty.
- All domesticated dogs descended with wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant to British royalty.
- All domesticated dogs descended from wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant of British royalty.
- All domesticated dogs descended down from wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant out of British royalty.
from / descendant of
X descends from Y; descendant of + noun
- All domesticated dogs descended from wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant of British royalty.
- All domesticated dogs descended of wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant from British royalty.
- All domesticated dogs descended with wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant to British royalty.
- All domesticated dogs descended down from wolves, though my dog acts like a descendant out of British royalty.
همه سگ های اهلی از نسل گرگ ها هستند، اگرچه سگ من مانند یک نواده خانواده سلطنتی بریتانیا رفتار می کند.
- The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders who are desirous for wealth and envious for others’ power.
- The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders desirous about wealth and envious on others’ power.
- The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders desirous to get wealth and envious to have others’ power.
- The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders who are desirous of wealth and envious of others’ power.
desirous of+ noun
* The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders who are desirous of wealth and envious of others’ power.
* The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders who are desirous for wealth and envious for others’ power.
* The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders desirous about wealth and envious on others’ power.
* The populist rhetoric of tyrannical governments provides a smoke screen for leaders desirous to get wealth and envious to have others’ power.
لفاظی های پوپولیستی دولت های ظالم پرده دودی برای رهبرانی فراهم می کند که تشنه ثروت و به قدرت دیگران هستند.
Note: Another adjective that takes this construction is envious.
- Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined from both nature and nurture.
- Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined with both nature and nurture.
- Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined considering both nature and nurture.
- Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined by both nature and nurture.
X is determined by Y
* Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined by both nature and nurture.
دانشمندان بر این باورند که هوش فردی هم توسط طبیعت و هم توسط پرورش تعیین می شود
* Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined from both nature and nurture.
* Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined with both nature and nurture.
* Scientists believe that individual intelligence is determined considering both nature and nurture.
دانشمندان بر این باورند که هوش فردی هم توسط طبیعت و هم توسط پرورش تعیین می شود
- IQ tests are very different compared to other types of exams, and thus the scoring methodology for IQ tests differs compared to that of any other exam.
- IQ tests are very different from other types of exams, and thus the scoring methodology for IQ tests differs from that of any other exam.
- IQ tests are very different as to other types of exams, and thus the scoring methodology for IQ tests differs as to that of any other exam.
from I differ from
Xis different from Y; X differs from Y
* IQ tests are very different from other types of exams, and thus the scoring methodology for IQ tests differs from that of any other exam.
* IQ tests are very different compared to other types of exams, and thus the scoring methodology for IQ tests differs compared to that of any other exam.
* IQ tests are very different as to other types of exams, and thus the scoring methodology for IQ tests differs as to that of any other exam.
تستهای هوش بسیار متفاوت از انواع دیگر آزمونها هستند و بنابراین روش نمرهدهی برای تستهای هوش با هر آزمون دیگری متفاوت است.
- Politically conservative citizens often differ widely as to their beliefs.
- Politically conservative citizens often differ widely in their beliefs.
- Politically conservative citizens often differ widely between their beliefs.
X and Y differ in Z; X differ in Y
* Politically conservative citizens often differ widely in their beliefs.
* Politically conservative citizens often differ widely as to their beliefs.
* Politically conservative citizens often differ widely between their beliefs.
شهروندان محافظه کار سیاسی اغلب در عقایدشان تفاوت های زیادی دارند.
- The difference between investing or speculating is not clear to many market participants.
- The difference as to investing and speculating is not clear to many market participants.
- The difference regarding investing and speculating is not clear to many market participants
- The difference between investing and speculating is not clear to many market participants.
difference between X and Y
- The difference between investing and speculating is not clear to many market participants.
- The difference between investing or speculating is not clear to many market participants.
- The difference as to investing and speculating is not clear to many market participants.
- The difference regarding investing and speculating is not clear to many market participants.
تفاوت بین سرمایه گذاری و سفته بازی برای بسیاری از فعالان بازار روشن نیست.
- Initially, it was difficult as to assess the damage because the floodwaters were so high.
- Initially, it was difficult in assessing the damage because the floodwaters were so high.
- Initially, it was difficult to assess the damage because the floodwaters were so high.
difficult to+ base verb
* Initially, it was difficult to assess the damage because the floodwaters were so high.
* Initially, it was difficult as to assess the damage because the floodwaters were so high.
* Initially, it was difficult in assessing the damage because the floodwaters were so high.
در ابتدا ارزیابی خسارات وارده دشوار بود زیرا سیلاب بسیار زیاد بود.
- Sheila tried to discourage her son about watching TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
- Sheila tried to discourage her son against watching TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
- Sheila tried to discourage her son from watching TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
- Sheila tried to discourage her son not to watch TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
discourage X from Y;
discourage from+ gerund
* Sheila tried to discourage her son from watching TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
* Sheila tried to discourage her son about watching TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
* Sheila tried to discourage her son against watching TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
* Sheila tried to discourage her son not to watch TV all afternoon by suggesting that he play soccer with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
شیلا سعی کرد پسرش را از تماشای تلویزیون در تمام بعدازظهر منصرف کند و به او پیشنهاد داد که با برخی از بچههای همسایه فوتبال بازی کند.
- The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed evidence.
- The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed of evidence.
- The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed away evidence.
- The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed out evidence.
dispose of+ noun
* The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed of evidence.
* The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed evidence.
* The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed away evidence.
* The judge declared a mistrial after the defense revealed that the investigating officer had improperly disposed out evidence.
قاضی پس از اینکه دفاعیات فاش کرد که افسر تحقیق به طور نامناسبی مدارک را دور ریخته است، اعلام محاکمه کرد.
- Children often have trouble distinguishing right or wrong, but they can at least distinguish between lying or telling the truth.
- Children often have trouble distinguishing about right and wrong, but they can at least distinguish about lying and telling the truth.
- Children often have trouble distinguishing right from wrong, but they can at least distinguish between lying and telling the truth.
- Children often have trouble distinguishing right compared to wrong, but they can at least distinguish as to lying and telling the truth.
distinguish between X and Y; distinguish X from Y
* Children often have trouble distinguishing right from wrong, but they can at least distinguish between lying and telling the truth.
* Children often have trouble distinguishing right or wrong, but they can at least distinguish between lying or telling the truth.
* Children often have trouble distinguishing about right and wrong, but they can at least distinguish about lying and telling
the truth.
* Children often have trouble distinguishing right compared to wrong, but they can at least distinguish as to lying and telling the truth.
کودکان اغلب در تشخیص درست از نادرست مشکل دارند، اما حداقل می توانند بین دروغ گفتن و راستگویی تمایز قائل شوند.
Note: “Between” and “from” are also used with the noun form “distinction”: distinction between X and Y; distinction of
X from Y.
- Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent apart from one another, even varying within cities.
- Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent away from one another, even varying within cities.
- Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent to one another, even varying within cities.
- Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent from one another, even varying within cities.
diverge/divergent from + noun
* Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent from one another, even varying within cities.
* Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent apart from one another, even varying within cities.
* Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent away from one another, even varying within cities.
* Within the Northeast U.S., local accents are surprisingly divergent to one another, even varying within cities.
در شمال شرقی ایالات متحده، لهجههای محلی به طرز شگفتآوری از یکدیگر متفاوت است، حتی در شهرها نیز متفاوت است.
- When auditioning for a role in a tearjerker, she draws out of sad experiences from her own life; in comedic roles, she often draws inspiration out of her childhood.
- When auditioning for a role in a tearjerker, she draws on sad experiences from her own life; in comedic roles, she often draws inspiration from her childhood.
- When auditioning for a role in a tearjerker, she draws based on sad experiences from her own life; in comedic roles, she often draws inspiration based on her childhood.
draw on X; draw X from Y
* When auditioning for a role in a tearjerker, she draws on sad experiences from her own life; in comedic roles, she often draws inspiration from her childhood.
* When auditioning for a role in a tearjerker, she draws out of sad experiences from her own life; in comedic roles, she often draws inspiration out of her childhood.
* When auditioning for a role in a tearjerker, she draws based on sad experiences from her own life; in comedic roles, she often draws inspiration based on her childhood.
او هنگام تست بازیگری برای یک نقش اشک آور، از تجربیات غم انگیز زندگی خود استفاده می کند. در نقش های کمدی، او اغلب از دوران کودکی خود الهام می گیرد.
- The growing trend of “cord-cutting” in recent years has been due from increased competition from streaming services.
- The growing trend of “cord-cutting” in recent years has been due out of increased competition from streaming services.
- The growing trend of “cord-cutting” in recent years has been due to increased competition from streaming services.
due to+ noun
* The growing trend of “cord-cutting” in recent years has been due to increased competition from streaming services.
* The growing trend of “cord-cutting” in recent years has been due from increased competition from streaming services.
* The growing trend of “cord-cutting” in recent years has been due out of increased competition from streaming services.
روند رو به رشد «قطعبندی» در سالهای اخیر به دلیل افزایش رقابت از سوی سرویسهای استریم بوده است.
Note: “Due to” and “because of” cannot be used interchangeably on the GMAT. “Due to” must essentially mean “caused by” in a sentence. Try replacing “due to” with “caused by” to see whether “due to” is correct.
- You can either eat your vegetables or else go to your room; neither your father or else I will be happy if you choose the latter.
- You can either eat your vegetables or otherwise go to your room; neither your father or I will be happy if you choose the latter.
- You can either eat your vegetables, otherwise go to your room; not your father nor I will be happy if you choose the latter.
- You can either eat your vegetables or go to your room; neither your father nor I will be happy if you choose the latter.
…or / …nor
either X or Y; neither X nor Y
* You can either eat your vegetables or go to your room; neither your father nor I will be happy if you choose the latter.
* You can either eat your vegetables or else go to your room; neither your father or else I will be happy if you choose the latter.
* You can either eat your vegetables or otherwise go to your room; neither your father or I will be happy if you choose the latter.
* You can either eat your vegetables, otherwise go to your room; not your father nor I will be happy if you choose the latter.
می توانید سبزیجات خود را بخورید یا به اتاق خود بروید. اگر دومی را انتخاب کنی نه من و نه پدرت خوشحال نخواهیم شد.
- John was embarrassed from his parents’ public displays of affection.
- John was embarrassed by his parents’ public displays of affection.
- John was embarrassed as to his parents’ public displays of affection.
- John was embarrassed based on his parents’ public displays of affection.
embarrassed by+ noun
* John was embarrassed by his parents’ public displays of affection.
* John was embarrassed from his parents’ public displays of affection.
* John was embarrassed as to his parents’ public displays of affection.
* John was embarrassed based on his parents’ public displays of affection.
جان از جلب توجه متظاهرانه والدینش خجالت کشید.
Note: Encouraged and discouraged can also take this construction.
- While employed as being a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked as being a bartender during the summers.
- While employed as a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked as a bartender during the summers.
- While employed to be a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked in being a bartender during the summers.
- While employed for a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked as that of a bartender during the summers.
employ as+ noun
* While employed as a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked as a bartender during the summers.
* While employed as being a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked as being a bartender during the summers.
* While employed to be a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked in being a bartender during the summers.
* While employed for a kindergarten teacher, Bethany also worked as that of a bartender during the summers.
بتانی در حالی که به عنوان معلم مهدکودک مشغول به کار بود، تابستان ها نیز به عنوان بارمن کار می کرد.
Note: Work also takes this construction. Verb may be conjugated.
- The funding increase enabled the school in purchasing new textbooks.
- The funding increase enabled the school to purchase new textbooks.
- The funding increase enabled the school in the purchase of new textbooks.
- The funding increase enabled the school of purchasing new textbooks.
enable X to Y.
* The funding increase enabled the school to purchase new textbooks.
* The funding increase enabled the school in purchasing new textbooks.
* The funding increase enabled the school in the purchase of new textbooks.
* The funding increase enabled the school of purchasing new textbooks.
افزایش بودجه مدرسه را قادر به خرید کتاب های درسی جدید کرد.
- The boys were enamored at the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
- The boys were enamored of the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
- The boys were enamored on the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
- The boys were enamored with the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
enamored of/with+ noun
* The boys were enamored of the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
* The boys were enamored with the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
* The boys were enamored at the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
* The boys were enamored on the puppy and played fetch with it all morning.
پسرها شیفته توله سگ بودند و تمام صبح با او بازی می کردند.
- Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal to the task.
- Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal up against the task.
- Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal in facing the task.
- Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal for the task.
equal to+ noun
* Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal to the task.
* Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal up against the task.
* Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal in facing the task.
* Winning the tournament took incredible focus and stamina, but the team showed that they were equal for the task.
پیروزی در این تورنمنت تمرکز و استقامت باورنکردنی داشت، اما تیم نشان داد که توانایی اش را دارد
- The family fortune was estimated as being nearly a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
- The family fortune was estimated for nearly a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
- The family fortune was estimated to be nearly a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
- The family fortune was estimated near to a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
to be
estimate X to be Y
* The family fortune was estimated to be nearly a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
* The family fortune was estimated as being nearly a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
* The family fortune was estimated for nearly a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
* The family fortune was estimated near to a billion dollars, but much of the money was invested overseas.
ثروت خانواده نزدیک به یک میلیارد دلار تخمین زده شد، اما بسیاری از پول در خارج از کشور سرمایه گذاری شد.
- Ruth expects for her kids to clean their dishes, so she didn’t expect for finding a mess in the kitchen when she got home late from work.
- Ruth expects as to her kids cleaning their dishes, so she didn’t expect as to finding a mess in the kitchen when she got home late from work.
- Ruth expects her kids to clean their dishes, so she didn’t expect to find a mess in the kitchen when she got home late from work.
expect to + base verb;
expect X to Y
Ruth expects her kids to clean their dishes, so she didn’t expect to find a mess in the kitchen when she got home late from work.
Ruth expects for her kids to clean their dishes, so she didn’t expect for finding a mess in the kitchen when she got home late from work.
Ruth expects as to her kids cleaning their dishes, so she didn’t expect as to finding a mess in the kitchen when she got home late from work.
روث از بچههایش انتظار دارد ظرفهایشان را تمیز کنند، بنابراین انتظار نداشت وقتی دیر از سر کار به خانه میرسد، آشفتگی در آشپزخانه پیدا کند.
- The company expended so much of its annual budget on the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
- The company expended so much of its annual budget for the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
- The company expended so much of its annual budget to the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
- The company expended so much of its annual budget into the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
expend [time/resource]+ on [activity/thing]
* The company expended so much of its annual budget on the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
* The company expended so much of its annual budget for the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
* The company expended so much of its annual budget to the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
* The company expended so much of its annual budget into the marketing campaign that there was no money left to give holiday bonuses to the employees.
این شرکت آنقدر از بودجه سالانه خود را صرف کمپین بازاریابی کرد که دیگر پولی برای دادن پاداش تعطیلات به کارمندان باقی نماند.
- I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand onto those in need and expose their children into other ways of life.
- I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand regarding those in need and expose their children regarding other ways of life.
- I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand to those in need and expose their children to other ways of life.
- I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand as to those in need and expose their children as to other ways of life.
Construction: extend X to Y; extend to + noun
* I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand to those in need and expose their children to other ways of life.
* I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand onto those in need and expose their children into other ways of life.
* I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand regarding those in need and expose their children regarding other ways of life.
* I admire celebrities who extend a helping hand as to those in need and expose their children as to other ways of life.
من افراد مشهوری را تحسین می کنم که دست یاری به سوی نیازمندان دراز می کنند و فرزندان خود را در معرض شیوه های دیگر زندگی قرار می دهند.
Note: The verbs expose and explain can also take this construction.
- The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent as to Charles Manson’s madness.
- The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent in regard to Charles Manson’s madness.
- The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent of Charles Manson’s madness.
- The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent about Charles Manson’s madness.
extent of+ noun
* The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent of Charles Manson’s madness.
* The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent as to Charles Manson’s madness.
* The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent in regard to Charles Manson’s madness.
* The interviews, conducted over many years, revealed the full extent about Charles Manson’s madness.
مصاحبهها که طی سالها انجام شد، گستره کامل جنون چارلز منسون را نشان داد.
- He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes for a more comfortable pair.
- He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes to be a more comfortable pair.
- He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes to be a more comfortable pair.
- He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes into a more comfortable pair.
exchange X for Y; exchange for+ noun
* He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes for a more comfortable pair.
* He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes to be a more comfortable pair.
* He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes to be a more comfortable pair.
* He knew he would be on his feet for most of the night, so he exchanged the shoes into a more comfortable pair.
او میدانست که بیشتر شب روی پا خواهد بود، بنابراین کفشها را با یک جفت راحتتر عوض کرد.
- Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar about Beethoven’s Fifth.
- Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar as to Beethoven’s Fifth.
- Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar regarding Beethoven’s Fifth.
- Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar with Beethoven’s Fifth.
familiar with+ noun
* Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar with Beethoven’s Fifth.
* Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar about Beethoven’s Fifth.
* Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar as to Beethoven’s Fifth.
* Before he took the course in classical music, he wasn’t even familiar regarding Beethoven’s Fifth.
قبل از گذراندن دوره موسیقی کلاسیک، او حتی با قطعه پنجم بتهوون آشنا نبود.
- Frannie is particularly fascinated by string theory.
- Frannie is particularly fascinated on string theory.
- Frannie is particularly fascinated about string theory.
- Frannie is particularly fascinated with string theory.
fascinated by/with + noun
* Frannie is particularly fascinated by string theory.
* Frannie is particularly fascinated with string theory.
* Frannie is particularly fascinated on string theory.
* Frannie is particularly fascinated about string theory.
فرانی به ویژه شیفته نظریه ریسمان است.
- Frannie’s fascination with physics isn’t limited to controversial theories.
- Frannie’s fascination on physics isn’t limited to controversial theories.
- Frannie’s fascination about physics isn’t limited to controversial theories.
fascination with+ noun
* Frannie’s fascination with physics isn’t limited to controversial theories.
* Frannie’s fascination on physics isn’t limited to controversial theories.
* Frannie’s fascination about physics isn’t limited to controversial theories.
شیفتگی فرانی به فیزیک به نظریه های بحث برانگیز محدود نمی شود.
- Recent fluctuations to the stock market have made investors wary.
- Recent fluctuations by the stock market have made investors wary.
- Recent fluctuations in the stock market have made investors wary.
- Recent fluctuations from the stock market have made investors wary.
fluctuation in + noun
* Recent fluctuations in the stock market have made investors wary.
* Recent fluctuations to the stock market have made investors wary.
* Recent fluctuations by the stock market have made investors wary.
* Recent fluctuations from the stock market have made investors wary.
نوسانات اخیر در بازار سهام سرمایه گذاران را نگران کرده است.
- You will get more accomplished by focusing on the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next.
- You will get more accomplished by focusing at the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next.
- You will get more accomplished by focusing to the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next
- You will get more accomplished by focusing into the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next.
focus on+ noun/gerund
* You will get more accomplished by focusing on the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next.
* You will get more accomplished by focusing at the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next.
* You will get more accomplished by focusing to the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next.
* You will get more accomplished by focusing into the task at hand rather than worrying about what you need to do next.
با تمرکز بر روی کاری که در دست دارید به جای نگرانی در مورد کارهایی که باید انجام دهید، به موفقیت بیشتری دست خواهید یافت.
- The reading will be followed with a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
- The reading will be followed by a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
- The reading will be followed to a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
- The reading will be followed along with a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
followed by+ noun
* The reading will be followed by a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
* The reading will be followed with a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
* The reading will be followed to a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
* The reading will be followed along with a brief question-and-answer period and then a book signing.
پس از قرائت یک دوره پرسش و پاسخ کوتاه و سپس امضای کتاب انجام خواهد شد.
- For every thousand dollars in sales, then the company will donate one dollar to charity.
- For every thousand dollars in sales, that means the company will donate one dollar to charity.
- For every thousand dollars in sales, the company will donate one dollar to charity.
x, y
for every+ noun, independent clause
* For every thousand dollars in sales, the company will donate one dollar to charity.
* For every thousand dollars in sales, then the company will donate one dollar to charity.
* For every thousand dollars in sales, that means the company will donate one dollar to charity.
به ازای هر هزار دلار فروش، این شرکت یک دلار به امور خیریه کمک می کند.
Note: Used to show a cause-and-effect relationship.
- The hunters were forbidden to enter private lands.
- The hunters were forbidden from entering private lands.
- The hunters were forbidden entering private lands.
- The hunters were forbidden about entering private lands.
forbid X to Y;
forbidden to + base verb
- The hunters were forbidden to enter private lands.
- The hunters were forbidden from entering private lands.
- The hunters were forbidden entering private lands.
- The hunters were forbidden about entering private lands.
شکارچیان از ورود به زمین های شخصی منع شدند.
- The frequency of the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.
- The frequency about the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.
- The frequency as to the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.
- The frequency regarding the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.Frequency/infrequency
frequency/infrequency of+ noun
* The frequency of the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.
* The frequency about the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.
* The frequency as to the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.
* The frequency regarding the collisions indicates that we need to reevaluate the traffic signals in this intersection.
فراوانی تصادفات نشان می دهد که باید علائم راهنمایی و رانندگی در این تقاطع را دوباره ارزیابی کنیم.
- If you drive from New York to New Jersey, you will see the price of a gallon of gasoline drop from $4.00 to $2.50.
- If you drive out from New York into New Jersey, you will see the price of a gallon of gasoline drop from $4.00 into $2.50.
- If you drive out from New York over to New Jersey, you will see the price of a gallon of gasoline drop down from $4.00 to $2.50.
X to Y
from [location/amount]+ to [location/amount]
* If you drive from New York to New Jersey, you will see the price of a gallon of gasoline drop from $4.00 to $2.50.
* If you drive out from New York into New Jersey, you will see the price of a gallon of gasoline drop from $4.00 into $2.50.
* If you drive out from New York over to New Jersey, you will see the price of a gallon of gasoline drop down from $4.00 to $2.50.
اگر از نیویورک به نیوجرسی رانندگی کنید، قیمت هر گالن بنزین از 4.00 دلار به 2.50 دلار کاهش می یابد.
Note: Used to indicate a range, a distance, or a change in amount.
- His advancement in the company has been hindered with his lack of confidence, not with a lack of competence.
- His advancement in the company has been hindered out of his lack of confidence, not from a lack of competence.
- His advancement in the company has been hindered by his lack of confidence, not by a lack of competence.
to be+ hindered by+ noun
* His advancement in the company has been hindered by his lack of confidence, not by a lack of competence.
* His advancement in the company has been hindered with his lack of confidence, not with a lack of competence.
* His advancement in the company has been hindered out of his lack of confidence, not from a lack of competence.
پیشرفت او در شرکت به دلیل عدم اعتماد به نفس او معوق شده است، نه فقدان شایستگی.
- She was inclined of refusing the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
- She was inclined to refuse the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
- She was inclined for refusing the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
- She was inclined at refusal of the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
inclined/disinclined to+ base verb
* She was inclined to refuse the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
* She was inclined of refusing the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
* She was inclined for refusing the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
* She was inclined at refusal of the promotion because of the weekend hours, but the generous salary increase made her think twice.
او تمایل داشت به دلیل ساعات آخر هفته از ترفیع امتناع کند، اما افزایش دستمزد سخاوتمندانه او را وادار کرد دو بار فکر کند.
- Fraternal twins are not identical of each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
- Fraternal twins are not identical in regard to each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
- Fraternal twins are not identical to each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
- Fraternal twins are not identical between each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
identical to+ noun
* Fraternal twins are not identical to each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
* Fraternal twins are not identical of each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
* Fraternal twins are not identical in regard to each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
* Fraternal twins are not identical between each other in physical appearance or genetic makeup.
دوقلوهای برادر از نظر ظاهر فیزیکی یا ساختار ژنتیکی با یکدیگر یکسان نیستند.
Note: “Identical with” is also considered correct on the GMAT.
- Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species of plant to be in the wetlands.
- Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species inside the wetlands.
- Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species of plant as being in the wetlands.
- Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species of plant to the wetlands.
introduce X to Y; introduce to+ noun
* Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species of plant to the wetlands.
* Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species of plant to be in the wetlands.
* Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species inside the wetlands.
* Nomadic tribes inadvertently introduced the invasive species of plant as being in the wetlands.
قبایل کوچ نشین ناخواسته گونه مهاجم این گیاه را وارد تالاب ها کردند.
- He inherited the economic crisis off his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
- He inherited the economic crisis from his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
- He inherited the economic crisis by his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
- He inherited the economic crisis out of his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
inherit X from Y; inherit from+ noun
* He inherited the economic crisis from his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
* He inherited the economic crisis off his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
* He inherited the economic crisis by his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
* He inherited the economic crisis out of his predecessor but was nonetheless tasked with solving it.
او بحران اقتصادی را از سلف خود به ارث برده بود اما با این وجود وظیفه حل آن را بر عهده داشت.
- In an effort of making her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
- In an effort for making her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
- In an effort in order to make her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
- In an effort to make her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
در تلاش برای
in an effort to+ base verb
* In an effort to make her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
* In an effort of making her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
* In an effort for making her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
* In an effort in order to make her patients feel more comfortable, the doctor had soothing music playing in the waiting room.
دکتر بمنظور اینکه بیمارانش احساس راحتی بیشتری کنند، موسیقی آرام بخش در اتاق انتظار پخش شد.
- Robert was in awe from his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
- Robert was in awe about his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
- Robert was in awe of his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
- Robert was in awe as to his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
[to be]+ in awe of+ noun
* Robert was in awe of his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
* Robert was in awe from his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
* Robert was in awe about his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
* Robert was in awe as to his mentor’s accomplishments and hoped to follow in her footsteps.
رابرت از دستاوردهای مرشد خود در شگفت بود و امیدوار بود که راه او را دنبال کند.
Note: In favor of also takes this construction.
- Luke was in danger to fail the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
- Luke was in danger of failing the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
- Luke was in danger with failing the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
- Luke was in danger for failing the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
[to be]+ in danger of+ gerund
* Luke was in danger of failing the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
* Luke was in danger to fail the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
* Luke was in danger with failing the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
* Luke was in danger for failing the class if he didn’t do well on the final exam.
لوک در خطر مردود شدن بود اگر در آزمون نهایی خوب عمل نمی کرد.
- The whistleblower asked the news program to blur his face and disguise his voice in order for preserving his anonymity.
- The whistleblower asked the news program to blur his face and disguise his voice in order of preserving his anonymity.
- The whistleblower asked the news program to blur his face and disguise his voice in order to preserve his anonymity.
in order to + base verb
* The whistleblower asked the news program to blur his face and disguise his voice in order to preserve his anonymity.
* The whistleblower asked the news program to blur his face and disguise his voice in order for preserving his anonymity.
* The whistleblower asked the news program to blur his face and disguise his voice in order of preserving his anonymity.
افشاگر از برنامه خبری خواست تا برای حفظ نامش، صورتش را محو و صدایش را پنهان کند.
- The three branches of government are independent one another.
- The three branches of government are independent to one another.
- The three branches of government are independent from one another.
- The three branches of government are independent with one another.
independent from + noun
* The three branches of government are independent from one another.
* The three branches of government are independent one another.
* The three branches of government are independent to one another.
* The three branches of government are independent with one another.
سه قوه حکومت از یکدیگر مستقل هستند.
Note: Used to indicate autonomy or mean “separate from.”
- The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent as to personal politics.
- The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent of personal politics.
- The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent in regard to personal politics.
- The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent personal politics.
independent of+ noun
* The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent of personal politics.
* The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent as to personal politics.
* The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent in regard to personal politics.
* The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, independent personal politics.
قرار است دادگاه عالی مستقل از سیاست شخصی از قانون اساسی حمایت کند.
Note: Meaning “free from the influence of” or “without consideration of.”
- His indifference from the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
- His indifference for the plight of the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
- His indifference towards the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
- His indifference to the plight of the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
- His indifference about the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
indifferent/indifference+ to/towards+ noun
* His indifference towards the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
* His indifference to the plight of the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
* His indifference from the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
* His indifference for the plight of the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
* His indifference about the homeless makes his ostentatious displays of wealth seem all the more tasteless.
بیتفاوتی او نسبت به بیخانمانها باعث میشود که نمایشهای متظاهر ثروت او بی مزه تر به نظر برسد.
بیتفاوتی او نسبت به وضعیت اسفبار بیخانمانها باعث میشود که نمایشهای متظاهر ثروتش بیش از پیش بی مزه به نظر برسد.
- Those who became** infected from Ebola** during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
- Those who became infected of Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
- Those who became infected with Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
- Those who became infected in Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
- Those who became infected by Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
infect with+ noun
* Those who became infected with Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
* Those who became** infected from Ebola** during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
* Those who became infected of Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
* Those who became infected in Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
* Those who became infected by Ebola during the medical mission were immediately quarantined and treated when they returned to the United States.
کسانی که در طول ماموریت پزشکی به ابولا مبتلا شده بودند، بلافاصله پس از بازگشت به ایالات متحده قرنطینه و تحت درمان قرار گرفتند.
- The meetings revealed yet another instance that was a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
- The meetings revealed yet another instance of being a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
- The meetings revealed yet another instance of a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
- The meetings revealed yet another instance regarding a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
instance of+ noun
* The meetings revealed yet another instance of a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
* The meetings revealed yet another instance that was a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
* The meetings revealed yet another instance of being a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
* The meetings revealed yet another instance regarding a quid pro quo at the highest levels of government, and the public voiced its disapproval in the voting booths.
quid pro quo: ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ اختلاص
این نشست ها نمونه دیگری از اختلاس را در بالاترین سطوح حکومت نشان داد و مردم مخالفت خود را در صندوق های رای اعلام کردند.
- When she is running late, she takes the car instead of the train.
- When she is running late, she takes the car instead of taking the train.
- When she is running late, she takes the car instead of she takes the train.
- When she is running late, she takes the car instead of by the train.
noun + instead of+ noun;
verb + instead of+ verb-ing
* When she is running late, she takes the car instead of the train.
* When she is running late, she takes the car instead of taking the train.
* When she is running late, she takes the car instead of she takes the train.
* When she is running late, she takes the car instead of by the train.
وقتی دیرش می شود، به جای قطار سوار ماشین می شود.
وقتی دیرش می شود، به جای سوار شدن به قطار، سوار ماشین می شود.
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled to the children from a very young age.
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled into the children from a very young age.
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled inside the children from a very young age.
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled in the children from a very young age.
instill X in/into Y;
instill in/into+ noun
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled in the children from a very young age.
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled into the children from a very young age.
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled to the children from a very young age.
- The importance of volunteering in one’s community was instilled inside the children from a very young age.
اهمیت کار داوطلبانه در جامعه از سنین بسیار پایین به کودکان فهمانده شد.
Note: The verb invest also takes this construction.
- George intended of complimenting his girlfriend on her new haircut, but she thought he was teasing her.
- George intended at complimenting to his girlfriend on her new haircut, but she thought he was teasing her.
- George intended to compliment his girlfriend on her new haircut, but she thought he was teasing her.
intend/intent to+ base verb
- George intended to compliment his girlfriend on her new haircut, but she thought he was teasing her.
- George intended of complimenting his girlfriend on her new haircut, but she thought he was teasing her.
- George intended at complimenting to his girlfriend on her new haircut, but she thought he was teasing her.
جورج قصد داشت از دوست دخترش بابت مدل موی جدیدش تعریف کند، اما او فکر کرد که او او را مسخره می کند.
Note: Verb may be conjugated (base verb is never conjugated).
- The interaction of stearic acid to lye causes saponification.
- The interaction from stearic acid and lye causes saponification.
- The interaction from stearic acid to lye causes saponification.
- The interaction of stearic acid with lye causes saponification.
interaction of X and Y;
interaction of X with Y;
interaction of+ plural noun
* The interaction of stearic acid and lye causes saponification.
* The interaction of stearic acid to lye causes saponification.
* The interaction from stearic acid and lye causes saponification.
* The interaction from stearic acid to lye causes saponification.
برهمکنش اسید استئاریک و لیمو باعث صابونی شدن می شود.
- At the dinner, Fredericka introduced her best friend with her new boyfriend, but to her dismay, the two didn’t seem to get along.
- At the dinner, Fredericka introduced her best friend to her new boyfriend, but to her dismay, the two didn’t seem to get along.
- At the dinner, Fredericka introduced between her best friend and her new boyfriend, but to her dismay, the two didn’t seem to get along.
introduce X to Y
* At the dinner, Fredericka introduced her best friend to her new boyfriend, but to her dismay, the two didn’t seem to get along.
* At the dinner, Fredericka introduced her best friend with her new boyfriend, but to her dismay, the two didn’t seem to get along.
* At the dinner, Fredericka introduced between her best friend and her new boyfriend, but to her dismay, the two didn’t seem to get along.
در شام، فردریکا بهترین دوستش را به دوست پسر جدیدش معرفی کرد، اما در کمال تاسف، به نظر نمی رسید که آن دو با هم کنار بیایند.
- Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel isolated out of the rest of the team.
- Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel isolated apart from the rest of the team.
- Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel isolated from the rest of the team.
- Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel isolated in regards to the rest of the team.
Construction: isolate X from Y; isolated from + noun
* Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel
* isolated from the rest of the team.
* Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel
* isolated out of the rest of the team.
* Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel isolated apart from the rest of the team.
* Randy’s awkwardness on the soccer field made him feel isolated in regards to the rest of the team.
بی دست و پا بودن رندی در زمین فوتبال باعث شد که او از بقیه اعضای تیم احساس انزوا کند.
Note: The verb separate also takes this construction.
- After the lead actor took his bows, he was joined on stage by the rest of the cast for the standing ovation.
- After the lead actor took his bows, he was joined on stage along with the rest of the cast for the standing ovation.
joined by+ noun
* After the lead actor took his bows, he was joined on stage by the rest of the cast for the standing ovation.
* After the lead actor took his bows, he was joined on stage along with the rest of the cast for the standing ovation.
پس از اینکه بازیگر اصلی تعظیم کرد، بقیه بازیگران برای تشویق ایستاده به روی صحنه پیوستند.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., famously hoped for a nation where his children would not be judged with the color of their skin, but with the content of their character.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., famously hoped for a nation where his children would not be judged as to the color of their skin, but as to the content of their character.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., famously hoped for a nation where his children would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Construction: judge by+ noun; judge X by Y
* Martin Luther King, Jr., famously hoped for a nation where his children would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
* Martin Luther King, Jr., famously hoped for a nation where his children would not be judged with the color of their skin, but with the content of their character.
* Martin Luther King, Jr., famously hoped for a nation where his children would not be judged as to the color of their skin, but as to the content of their character.
مارتین لوتر کینگ جونیور، مشخصا آرزومند ملتی بود که فرزندانش نه بر اساس رنگ پوستشان، بلکه بر اساس محتوای شخصیتشان قضاوت شوند.
Note: Meaning “evaluated on the basis of.”
- Just as the President leads the executive branch of the United States, so the Prime Minister is the head of state in Canada.
- Just like the President leads the executive branch of the United States, so the Prime Minister is the head of state in Canada.
… so (too)
just as X, so (too) Y
Just as the President leads the executive branch of the United States, so the Prime Minister is the head of state in Canada.
Just like the President leads the executive branch of the United States, so the Prime Minister is the head of state in Canada.
means: in the same way
همانطور که رئیس جمهور قوه مجریه ایالات متحده را رهبری می کند، نخست وزیر نیز رئیس دولت در کانادا است.
Note: Used to compare similar things (i.e., “in the same way that…”).
- The serial killer known as being Jack the Ripper was never identified or captured by authorities.
- The serial killer known as Jack the Ripper was never identified or captured by authorities.
- The serial killer known as that he was Jack the Ripper was never identified or captured by authorities.
known as+ noun/pronoun
* The serial killer known as Jack the Ripper was never identified or captured by authorities.
* The serial killer known as being Jack the Ripper was never identified or captured by authorities.
* The serial killer known as that he was Jack the Ripper was never identified or captured by authorities.
قاتل زنجیره ای معروف به جک چاک دهنده هرگز توسط مقامات شناسایی یا دستگیر نشد.
- Peyote is known for its hallucinogenic properties.
- The ancient Polynesians are known on their navigation skills.
- The ancient Polynesians are known for their navigation skills.
- The ancient Polynesians are known regarding their navigation skills.
known for+ noun
* Peyote is known for its hallucinogenic properties.
* The ancient Polynesians are known for their navigation skills.
* The ancient Polynesians are known on their navigation skills.
* The ancient Polynesians are known regarding their navigation skills.
پیوت به دلیل خواص توهم زایی اش شناخته شده است.
پلینزی های باستان به دلیل مهارت های ناوبری خود شناخته شده اند.
- Monkeys of many types are known to be quite playful.
- Monkeys of many types are known as being quite playful.
to be
known to be+ noun/characteristic
* Monkeys of many types are known to be quite playful.
* Monkeys of many types are known as being quite playful.
انواع مختلف میمون ها کاملاً بازیگوش شناخته شده اند.
“known as” indicates an alias or nickname, whereas “known to be” indicates a characteristic.
- Catalonia’s recent declaration of its independence led to worries from European Union leaders that Spain would respond with a show of force in the region.
- Catalonia’s recent declaration of its independence led into worries from European Union leaders that Spain would respond with a show of force in the region.
- Catalonia’s recent declaration of its independence led for worries from European Union leaders that Spain would respond with a show of force in the region.
lead to+ noun; lead X to Y
* Catalonia’s recent declaration of its independence led to worries from European Union leaders that Spain would respond with a show of force in the region.
* Catalonia’s recent declaration of its independence led into worries from European Union leaders that Spain would respond with a show of force in the region.
* Catalonia’s recent declaration of its independence led for worries from European Union leaders that Spain would respond with a show of force in the region.
اعلام استقلال اخیر کاتالونیا باعث نگرانی رهبران اتحادیه اروپا شد مبنی بر اینکه اسپانیا ممکن است در منطقه نمایش قدرت انجام دهد.
- Rachel is likely of being accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
- Rachel is likely for being accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
- Rachel is likely to be accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
- Rachel is likely as being accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
likely to + base verb
* Rachel is likely to be accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
* Rachel is likely of being accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
* Rachel is likely for being accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
* Rachel is likely as being accepted to a prestigious college because her grades are top-notch.
The poet likened the woman’s eyes to being sapphires.
The poet likened the woman’s eyes as sapphires.
The poet likened the woman’s eyes to sapphires.
The poet likened the woman’s eyes with sapphires.
liken X to Y;
liken to+ noun
* The poet likened the woman’s eyes to sapphires.
* The poet likened the woman’s eyes to being sapphires.
* The poet likened the woman’s eyes as sapphires.
* The poet likened the woman’s eyes with sapphires.
Sapphires: ˈsæfaɪə یاقوت کبود
شاعر چشمان زن را به یاقوت کبود تشبیه کرده است
- Researchers found that incidences of the rare bone cancer were localized into a town directly downwind of a factory that produced pesticides.
- Researchers found that incidences of the rare bone cancer were localized in a town directly downwind of a factory that produced pesticides.
- Researchers found that incidences of the rare bone cancer were localized from a town directly downwind of a factory that produced pesticides.
localized in+ [place]
* Researchers found that incidences of the rare bone cancer were localized in a town directly downwind of a factory that produced pesticides.
* Researchers found that incidences of the rare bone cancer were localized into a town directly downwind of a factory that produced pesticides.
* Researchers found that incidences of the rare bone cancer were localized from a town directly downwind of a factory that produced pesticides.
محققان متوجه شیوع سرطان استخوان نادری در شهری شدند که مستقیماً در سمت باد کارخانه ای که آفت کش تولید می کرد، قرار گرفته بود
- No matter how difficult things get, she always manages to land on her feet.
- No matter how difficult things get, she always manages at landing on her feet.
- No matter how difficult things get, she always manages as to landing on her feet.
manage to+ base verb
* No matter how difficult things get, she always manages to land on her feet.
* No matter how difficult things get, she always manages at landing on her feet.
* No matter how difficult things get, she always manages as to landing on her feet.
مهم نیست که چقدر کارها سخت می شود، او همیشه موفق می شود روی پاهایش فرود آید.
While drinking chamomile tea may not be the most effective means into treating insomnia, for now it is at least a means into relaxing.
While drinking chamomile tea may not be the most effective
means in treating insomnia, for now it is at least a means at relaxing.
While drinking chamomile tea may not be the most effective means of treating insomnia, for now it is at least a means to relax.
means of/to
means of+ noun/gerund;
means for+ noun/gerund;
means to+ noun/base verb
- While drinking chamomile tea may not be the most effective means of treating insomnia, for now it is at least a means to relax.
- While drinking chamomile tea may not be the most effective means into treating insomnia, for now it is at least a means into relaxing.
- While drinking chamomile tea may not be the most effective
- means in treating insomnia, for now it is at least a means at relaxing.
در حالی که نوشیدن چای بابونه ممکن است موثرترین روش درمان بی خوابی نباشد، در حال حاضر حداقل** وسیله ای** برای آرامش است.
Note: Think of means of or means for as “TYPE of or for doing (something).”
Think of means to as “METHOD to achieve (some goal or outcome).”
- Jane mistook Randall’s car keys as being her own and had to walk back to the house.
- Jane mistook Randall’s car keys for her own and had to walk back to the house.
- Jane mistook Randall’s car keys with her own and had to walk back to the house.
mistake X for Y;
mistake for+ noun
* Jane mistook Randall’s car keys for her own and had to walk back to the house.
* Jane mistook Randall’s car keys as being her own and had to walk back to the house.
* Jane mistook Randall’s car keys with her own and had to walk back to the house.
جین کلیدهای ماشین رندال را با خودش اشتباه گرفت و مجبور شد پیاده به خانه برگردد.
- The solar-powered concept car is modeled as the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
- The solar-powered concept car is modeled as in the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
- The solar-powered concept car is modeled in regards to the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
- The solar-powered concept car is modeled after the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
model X after Y; model after+ noun
* The solar-powered concept car is modeled after the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
* The solar-powered concept car is modeled as the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
* The solar-powered concept car is modeled as in the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
* The solar-powered concept car is modeled in regards to the American muscle cars of the 1960s.
خودروی مفهومی با انرژی خورشیدی از خودروهای عضلانی آمریکایی دهه 1960 الگوبرداری شده است.
The new party leaders are moving away of the more regressive policy proposals of the past in an attempt to court younger voters.
The new party leaders are moving away from the more regressive policy proposals of the past in an attempt to court younger voters.
The new party leaders are moving away as to the more regressive policy proposals of the past in an attempt to court younger voters.
move away from+ noun/gerund
* The new party leaders are moving away from the more regressive policy proposals of the past in an attempt to court younger voters.
* The new party leaders are moving away of the more regressive policy proposals of the past in an attempt to court younger voters.
* The new party leaders are moving away as to the more regressive policy proposals of the past in an attempt to court younger voters.
رهبران جدید حزب در تلاش برای جلب نظر رای دهندگان جوان تر، از سیاست های پیشنهادی قهقرایی تر گذشته دور می شوند.
- The botanist, a native of Boston, specialized in the study of medicinal plants native to the Amazon rainforest.
- The botanist, native to Boston, specialized in the study of medicinal plants native out of the Amazon rainforest.
- The botanist, a native to Boston, specialized in the study of medicinal plants native of the Amazon rainforest.
native … to/ a native of
[person] is a native of [place]; [thing] is native to [place]
- The botanist, a native of Boston, specialized in the study of medicinal plants native to the Amazon rainforest.
- The botanist, a native to Boston, specialized in the study of medicinal plants native of the Amazon rainforest.
- The botanist, native to Boston, specialized in the study of medicinal plants native out of the Amazon rainforest.
این گیاه شناس، بومی بوستون، در مطالعه گیاهان دارویی بومی جنگل های آمازون تخصص داشت.
- Although you need working hard, it is still necessary prioritizing your health.
- Although you need to work hard, it is still necessary to prioritize your health.
Necessary to
I need to
necessary/need to+ base verb
* Although you need to work hard, it is still necessary to prioritize your health.
* Although you need working hard, it is still necessary prioritizing your health.
اگرچه باید سخت کار کنید، اما همچنان لازم است سلامتی خود را در اولویت قرار دهید.
- The declining birth rate in Japan highlights the need as to creative solutions to economic instability and sporadic unemployment among the nation’s young workers.
- The declining birth rate in Japan highlights the need in regard to creative solutions to economic instability and sporadic unemployment among the nation’s young workers.
- The declining birth rate in Japan highlights the need for creative solutions to economic instability and sporadic unemployment among the nation’s young workers.
need for+ noun
* The declining birth rate in Japan highlights the need for creative solutions to economic instability and sporadic unemployment among the nation’s young workers.
* The declining birth rate in Japan highlights the need as to creative solutions to economic instability and sporadic unemployment among the nation’s young workers.
* The declining birth rate in Japan highlights the need in regard to creative solutions to economic instability and sporadic unemployment among the nation’s young workers.
کاهش نرخ زاد و ولد در ژاپن نیاز به راه حل های خلاقانه برای بی ثباتی اقتصادی و بیکاری پراکنده در میان کارگران جوان این کشور را برجسته می کند.
- The Paris Agreement emphasizes the necessity to transparency among governments in order to mitigate global climate change.
- The Paris Agreement emphasizes the necessity of transparency among governments in order to mitigate global climate change.
- The Paris Agreement emphasizes the necessity in regard to transparency among governments in order to mitigate global climate change.
the necessity of/for + noun/gerund
* The Paris Agreement emphasizes the necessity of transparency among governments in order to mitigate global climate change.
* The Paris Agreement emphasizes the necessity to transparency among governments in order to mitigate global climate change.
* The Paris Agreement emphasizes the necessity in regard to transparency among governments in order to mitigate global climate change.
توافقنامه پاریس بر ضرورت شفافیت بین دولت ها به منظور کاهش تغییرات آب و هوایی جهانی تاکید دارد.
- The loan came from not from his parents but from his cousin.
- The meeting involved not a discussion but a shouting match.
- The loan came not from his parents but also from his cousin.
not X but Y
The loan came from not from his parents but from his cousin.
The meeting involved not a discussion but a shouting match.
The loan came not from his parents but also from his cousin.
وام نه از پدر و مادرش بلکه از پسر عمویش بود.
- Clint Eastwood is known not only as an actor but also as a director.
- Clint Eastwood is known not only as an actor but as well as a director.
- Clint Eastwood is known not only as an actor and also as a director.
Not only … but (also)/ Not just … but also
- Clint Eastwood is known not only as an actor but also as a director.
- Clint Eastwood is known not only as an actor but as well as a director.
- Clint Eastwood is known not only as an actor and also as a director.
کلینت ایستوود نه تنها به عنوان بازیگر بلکه به عنوان کارگردان نیز شناخته می شود.
It’s also acceptable to say not only X but Y and it’s even sometimes okay to have not only X, also Y. And this is one of those times!
Here’s an example of a “normal” usage of the full idiom: She likes not only pizza but also ice cream. In this example, all of the pieces fit the not only X but also Y structure super neatly.
This choice also leaves in the original not only X (but) also Y construction from the original sentence—because it’s correct! When you have this weird construction in which the not only element is inverted, do not also invert the second half; instead, in the second element, the subject comes before the verb. Separately, you’re omitting the word but, so the subject (and possibly the verb as well) will come first after the comma, before the word also.
Correct: Not only are you really smart, but you’re also kind.
Correct: Not only are you really smart, but you’re kind.
Correct: Not only are you really smart, you’re also kind.
In all of the examples, the you’re is before the also (when the also is present). It just seems weird in the third case because the word but is omitted (which is unusual but still allowed!), so it can sound to your ear as though the you’re is in the wrong place and should come later in the sentence.
- Among the younger generation of Americans, Al Gore is known not so much for holding office but because of raising awareness of climate change.
- Among the younger generation of Americans, Al Gore is known not so much for holding office as for raising awareness of climate change.
- Among the younger generation of Americans, Al Gore is known not that much for holding office as for raising awareness about climate change.Not so much
not so much X as Y
Among the younger generation of Americans, Al Gore is known not so much for holding office as for raising awareness of climate change.
Among the younger generation of Americans, Al Gore is known not so much for holding office but because of raising awareness of climate change.
Among the younger generation of Americans, Al Gore is known not that much for holding office as for raising awareness about climate change.
در میان نسل جوان آمریکاییها، ال گور نه به خاطر تصدی پست خود، بلکه به دلیل افزایش آگاهی در مورد تغییرات آب و هوایی شناخته شده است.
- Doctors noted that patients of similar ages still exhibited disparate symptoms.
- Doctors noted about patients of similar ages still exhibited disparate symptoms.
- Doctors noted as to how patients of similar ages still exhibited disparate symptoms.
Note/notice that+ clause
- Doctors noted that patients of similar ages still exhibited disparate symptoms.
- Doctors noted about patients of similar ages still exhibited disparate symptoms.
- Doctors noted as to how patients of similar ages still exhibited disparate symptoms.
پزشکان خاطرنشان کردند که بیماران در سنین مشابه هنوز علائم متفاوتی از خود نشان می دهند.
- Selfish people are often oblivious for the concerns of others.
- Selfish people are often oblivious from the concerns of others.
- Selfish people are often oblivious to the concerns of others.
- Selfish people are often oblivious over the concerns of others.
oblivious to+ noun
* Selfish people are often oblivious to the concerns of others.
* Selfish people are often oblivious for the concerns of others.
* Selfish people are often oblivious from the concerns of others.
* Selfish people are often oblivious over the concerns of others.
افراد خودخواه اغلب از نگرانی های دیگران غافل هستند.
- The company retreat is an opportunity in everyone on the team getting better acquainted, an opportunity in open dialogue, and an opportunity in relaxing.
- The company retreat is an opportunity for everyone on the team to get better acquainted, an opportunity for open dialogue, and an opportunity to relax.
- The company retreat is an opportunity as to everyone on the team getting better acquainted, an opportunity as to open dialogue, and an opportunity as to relaxing.
opportunity for+ noun/pronoun;
opportunity to+ base verb
* The company retreat is an opportunity for everyone on the team to get better acquainted, an opportunity for open dialogue, and an opportunity to relax.
* The company retreat is an opportunity in everyone on the team getting better acquainted, an opportunity in open dialogue, and an opportunity in relaxing.
* The company retreat is an opportunity as to everyone on the team getting better acquainted, an opportunity as to open dialogue, and an opportunity as to relaxing.
گردهمایی مدیران و کارکنان شرکت فرصتی برای همه اعضای تیم برای آشنایی بهتر، فرصتی برای گفتگوی باز و فرصتی برای آرامش است.
- Opposition to the union’s demands is strong, although union leaders are not opposed to compromise.
- Opposition at the union’s demands is strong, although union leaders are not opposed at compromise.
opposed/opposition to+ noun/gerund
* Opposition to the union’s demands is strong, although union leaders are not opposed to compromise.
* Opposition at the union’s demands is strong, although union leaders are not opposed at compromise.
مخالفت با خواسته های اتحادیه شدید است، اگرچه رهبران اتحادیه مخالف سازش نیستند.
- His statement to the newspaper conveyed the exact opposite from what he had told her in private the day before.
- His statement to the newspaper conveyed the exact opposite compared to what he had told her in private the day before.
- His statement to the newspaper conveyed the exact opposite of what he had told her in private the day before.
X is the opposite of Y; opposite of+ noun
* His statement to the newspaper conveyed the exact opposite of what he had told her in private the day before.
* His statement to the newspaper conveyed the exact opposite from what he had told her in private the day before.
* His statement to the newspaper conveyed the exact opposite compared to what he had told her in private the day before.
اظهارات او به روزنامه دقیقاً خلاف آنچه را که روز قبل در خلوت به او (دختره) گفته بود، نشان داد.
- The judge ordered the court quieting down.
- The judge ordered the court as to quieting down.
- The judge ordered the court to quiet down.
- The judge ordered the court that they should quiet down.
order X to Y;
order to + base verb
* The judge ordered the court to quiet down.
* The judge ordered the court quieting down.
* The judge ordered the court as to quieting down.
* The judge ordered the court that they should quiet down.
قاضی دستور داد دادگاه سکوت کند.
- You aught to consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
- You ought consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
- You ought should consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
- You ought to consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
ˈɔːt tuː
ought to+ base verb
- You ought to consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
- You aught to consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
- You ought consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
- You ought should consider changing your diet if your heartburn continues.
SYN: Should
در صورت ادامه سوزش سر دل، باید رژیم غذایی خود را تغییر دهید.
- The therapist advised the couple to focus on the issues that were most important to them rather than making a big deal out from minor annoyances.
- The therapist advised the couple to focus on the issues that were most important to them rather than making a big deal out of minor annoyances.
out of+ noun/gerund
* The therapist advised the couple to focus on the issues that were most important to them rather than making a big deal out of minor annoyances.
* The therapist advised the couple to focus on the issues that were most important to them rather than making a big deal out from minor annoyances.
روان درمانگر به زوجین توصیه کرد که به جای ساختن یک معضل بزرگ از دلخوری های جزئی، روی مسائلی که برایشان مهم است تمرکز کنند.
- Halloween originated from an ancient pagan festival.
- Halloween originated by an ancient pagan festival.
originate from + [practice/belief/event/source]
- Halloween originated from an ancient pagan festival.
- Halloween originated by an ancient pagan festival.
بوجود آمدن
هالووین از یک جشن باستانی بت پرست سرچشمه گرفته است.
Note: “Originate from” means “arise from.”
- The celebration known as All Hallows Eve originated on eighth century Europe.
- The celebration known as All Hallows Eve originated in eighth century Europe.
Originate in
originate in + [location/time period]
* The celebration known as All Hallows Eve originated in eighth century Europe.
* The celebration known as All Hallows Eve originated on eighth century Europe.
جشنی که به شب یادگاران معروف است در قرن هشتم اروپا آغاز شد.
Note: “Originate in” means “start in.”
- The ancient pagan festival originated with the Celts.
- The ancient pagan festival originated because of the Celts.
Originate with
originate with + [group/person/event]
* The ancient pagan festival originated with the Celts.
* The ancient pagan festival originated because of the Celts.
جشن بت پرستی باستانی از سلت ها سرچشمه گرفت.
Note: “Originate with” means “begin with.”
- Let’s partake at the festivities.
- Let’s partake on the festivities.
- Let’s partake to the festivities.
- Let’s partake in the festivities.
Partake in
partake in+ [activity]
* Let’s partake in the festivities.
* Let’s partake at the festivities.
* Let’s partake on the festivities.
* Let’s partake to the festivities.
بیایید در جشن ها شرکت کنیم.
نوشیدن و خوردن
Note: Partake in means “take part in.”
participate implies a having or taking part in an undertaking, activity, or discussion. partake implies accepting or acquiring a share especially of food or drink.
- As a show of support for the planned community garden, local business owners participated in the cleanup of the vacant lot.
- As a show of support for the planned community garden, local business owners participated into the cleanup of the vacant lot.
- As a show of support for the planned community garden, local business owners participated on the cleanup of the vacant lot.
participate/participant in+ noun
* As a show of support for the planned community garden, local business owners participated in the cleanup of the vacant lot.
* As a show of support for the planned community garden, local business owners participated into the cleanup of the vacant lot.
* As a show of support for the planned community garden, local business owners participated on the cleanup of the vacant lot.
به عنوان نشان دادن حمایت از باغ اجتماعی برنامه ریزی شده، صاحبان مشاغل محلی در پاکسازی زمین خالی شرکت کردند.
- Sometime people perceive opportunities as being threats.
- Sometime people perceive opportunities as if threats.
- Sometime people perceive opportunities as threats.
- Sometime people perceive opportunities for threats.
perceive X as Y; perceive as+ noun
* Sometime people perceive opportunities as threats.
* Sometime people perceive opportunities as being threats.
* Sometime people perceive opportunities as if threats.
* Sometime people perceive opportunities for threats.
گاهی اوقات مردم فرصت ها را به عنوان تهدید درک می کنند.
- Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential of changing the way we view consciousness.
- Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential in changing the way we view consciousness.
- Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential to change the way we view consciousness.
- Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential as to changing the way we view consciousness.
potential to+ base verb
* Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential to change the way we view consciousness.
* Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential of changing the way we view consciousness.
* Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential in changing the way we view consciousness.
* Advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential as to changing the way we view consciousness.
پیشرفتهای هوش مصنوعی این پتانسیل را دارد که دیدگاه ما نسبت به آگاهی را تغییر دهد.
- Krista was careful about her diet because her family history indicated that she was predisposed for diabetes.
- Krista was careful about her diet because her family history indicated that she was predisposed to diabetes.
- Krista was careful about her diet because her family history indicated that she was predisposed in diabetes.
predispose X to Y;
predisposed to+ noun بعدش فعل نمیاد
* Krista was careful about her diet because her family history indicated that she was predisposed to diabetes.
* Krista was careful about her diet because her family history indicated that she was predisposed for diabetes.
* Krista was careful about her diet because her family history indicated that she was predisposed in diabetes.
کریستا مراقب رژیم غذایی خود بود زیرا سابقه خانوادگی او نشان می داد که او مستعد ابتلا به دیابت است.
- Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable as opposed to cavities.
- Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable to cavities.
- Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable from cavities.
- Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable compared to cavities.
prɪˈfɜːr - ˈprefərəbəl
prefer X to Y;
X is preferable to Y بعدش فعل نمیاد
* Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable to cavities.
* Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable as opposed to cavities.
* Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable from cavities.
* Henry hated going to the dentist, but he knew that a regular checkup was preferable compared to cavities.
هنری از رفتن به دندانپزشک متنفر بود، اما می دانست که معاینه منظم بر حفره ها ارجحیت دارد.
- The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced to immigrants.
- The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced from immigrants.
- The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced with immigrants.
- The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced against immigrants.
prejudice/prejudiced against+ noun
* The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced against immigrants.
* The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced to immigrants.
* The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced from immigrants.
* The housing discrimination lawsuit presented strong evidence that the landlord was prejudiced with immigrants.
prejudice especially because of their race, sex, religion
دعوای تبعیض مسکن شواهد محکمی مبنی بر** تبعیض** مالک نسبت به مهاجران ارائه کرد.
- Only a narrow barrier prevented the water from entering the area.
- Only a narrow barrier prevented the water against entering the area.
- Only a narrow barrier prevented the water not to enter the area.
- Only a narrow barrier prevented the water to enter the area.
prevent X from Y;
prevent from+ gerund
Only a narrow barrier prevented the water from entering the area.
Only a narrow barrier prevented the water against entering the area.
Only a narrow barrier prevented the water not to enter the area.
Only a narrow barrier prevented the water to enter the area.
فقط یک مانع باریک مانع از ورود آب به منطقه می شد.