Identities In The Media Flashcards
Henry Jenkins
Fans construct social identities by borrowing and inflicting mass culture that has social dimension
John Ellis
Ordinary and extraordinary
Van Zoonen
Feminine identity is still clearly constructed and promoted despite an apparent post feminine framework
Bell Hooks
There is a lack of strong black identity in many aspects of the media
Paul Gilroy
Black identity is often framed as ‘the other’ or exotic
Taijfel and Turner
Intergroup discrimination, useful for studying identities and the media and the idea of a collective group
Angela McRobbie
Post feminist icon theory suggests female characters are determined, strong, independent and in control but also utilise their sexuality
Laura Mulvey
Male/female gaze.
Tessa Perkins
Stereotyping has elements of truth and are based on repeated representations, both in society and within the media
Andy Medhurst
Stereotyping is shorthand for identification
Stuart Hall
Oppositional, negotiated and dominant reading of representations
Richard Dyer
Stereotype legitimise inequality by marginalising certain individuals and social groups
Binary opposition and subordinate groups
David Buckingham
We have increasing fragmented identities and can no longer so much be said to be part of a collective identity
David Gauntlett
“Identity is complicated, everyone’s got one”
Carol Clover
Last girl theory - women in horror
Representations are hyper real, often copies of copies and have lost meaning as a result
Judith Butler
Queer theory - Gender is not the result of nature but is socially constructed through media and culture
Zygmunt Bauman
Identity as a reflection of society is problematic - there are too many variables
Antony Giddens
Self-reflexivity and developing own biographical narratives
Pierre Bourdieu
Social class is constructed by cultural taste