48 Mark Theories and Examples Flashcards
queer theory
explores and challenges the way in which heterosexuality is constructed as normal and how the media has limited representations of gay men and women
pirates of the carribean captain jack sparrow
An ironic and over the top performance.
Overly elaborate costume and eye makeup.
Uses feminine and camp gestures.
Not what we consider masculine.
Judith Butler (1999)
male and female behaviour roles are not the result of biology but are constructed and reinforced by society through the media and our culture
Judith Butler says that there are a number of
exaggerated representations of masculinity and femininity
Joss Stone
was over-sexualised at a young age
police activity enforced laws that prohibited sexual activities between men and women
when was homosexuality decriminalised in the UK?
when was homosexuality decriminalised in India?
in parts of Africa and Asia
you can be punished by death for being gay
world heath organisation removed homosexuality as an illness in
civil partnerships between gay couples became legal in the UK in
Queer as Folk date
Queer as Folk suggests
that there is a more open and fluid approach to sexuality
University of California study
3.5% of America identifies as Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
3.5% is
9 million of Americas population
population of America
325.7 million
the amount of gay people in America is the same as
the whole population of New Jersey and the population of the Cotswolds 104 times
what percentage of the UK population didn’t know what to identify themselves as?
of the 125 movies released by major US studios in 2016, it was found that
only 23 contained characters who identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or queer
what is queer-baiting?
queerbaiting is the practice of hinting at, but never actually depicting, a potential romantic same-sex romantic relationship between two characters.
examples of queerbaiting
how does Sherlock show queerbaiting
In the very first episode, the show sets up a vibrant chemistry between the two, so much so that other characters in the show mistake Holmes and Watson for a gay couple. It continues as a running gag throughout the show, and the characters laugh it off like it’s a joke.
why is Queerbaiting bad?
writers are able to attract an LGBT audience with vague promises of representation, implied by the text and often encouraged by the writer, but will then never actually confirm or explicitly show said representation, reducing the amount of effort that has to be put in on their part.
key members of the LGBT community
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs Barbara Gittings Harvey Milk Magnus Hirschfeld Audre Lorde Bayard Rustin Christine Jorgensen
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
The first gay person to publicly speak out for homosexual rights
Barbara Gittings
In the 1970s, she was a prominent member of the American Psychiatric Association’s fight to get homosexuality removed from the list of psychiatric disorders.
Harvey Milk
The first openly gay person elected to public office
Magnus Hirschfeld
He established the world’s first gender identity clinic, whose clients included Einar Wegener
Hirschfeld began researching sexuality after moving to Berlin in 1896, where he lived as an openly gay man, and campaigned for gay rights.
how did Hitler describe Magnus Hirschfeld?
He was described by Hitler as “the most dangerous Jew in Germany”, and the entire library of his Institute for Sexual Science was burned by the Nazis.
Audre Lorde
The lesbian warrior poet - Her work covered everything from civil rights and sexuality, to her own battle with breast cancer. She inspired Barbara Smith to found Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, the first U.S. publisher by, for, and about women of colour.
Bayard Rustin
Bayard Rustin was a close advisor to Martin Luther King, and an openly gay activist. He was a key organiser of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Martin Luther King gave his historic ‘I have a dream’ speech.
Christine Jorgensen
Jorgensen underwent a year and a half of hormone treatment and gender re-assignment surgery in 1952. Returning to New York, Jorgensen was pored over by the media and triggered national discussions about gender identity.
who were the breakthrough gays on television?
Will & Grace
Will & Grace facts
First episode date: 21 September 1998.
9 Seasons.
Networks: NBC, Lifetime.