ID Flashcards
Farm animals/rodent urine
2.subconjunctival haemorrhage
3.CK high = myalgia
Temp SPIKE/ TWICE daily
- Ulcer @ lip
- NasoPharynx involvement
-South American
Flulike syx
Worse Better worse
COUNCILmen inclusion bodies
Facial Flushing!!!! Classssssic
- HIGH AF fever #Saddleback-fever
- comes goes comeback
Low Plts
High ALT
Rose spot rash
CONSTIPATION=inflamed PeyerPatch \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a. Dermatitis Arthritis Tino synovitis b. Perihepatitis Endocarditis Arthritis septic \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Meningitis/CN palsy
Erythema migrans
Heart block myocarditis
- E.Migrans+No other dx?
- NO E.Migrans
- Syx+TickBiteHx?
Treatment? Treatment at disseminated?
Leishmaniasis=Kala Azar 7-21d
-Similar to Histoplasmosis
Yellow fever 2 - 14 days
-hemorrhagic manifestations
Typhoid - culture
RRickettsii on the wRRists,
TTyphus on the TTrunk.
a. Disseminated gonorrhoea infection
b. Fitzhugh Curtis
Lyme disease blood zero ology
E.Migrans+No other dx?
- Doxy / Amoxi
- Ceftriaxone disseminated
NO E.Migrans -Syx+TickBiteHx? Test antibodies: \+ = Abx - = Repeat+Refer
Temp SPIKE/ TWICE daily
- Ulcer @ lip
- NasoPharynx involvement
- South American
-Kala Azar
Similar to Histoplasmosis
Flulike syx
Worse Better worse
COUNCILmen inclusion bodies
Yellow fever 2 - 14 days
Facial Flushing!!!! Classssssic
Low Plts
High ALT
HIGH AF fever
Saddleback fever
-comes goes comeback
-hemorrhagic manifestations
Rose spot rash
CONSTIPATION=inflamed PeyerPatch
Typhoid - culture
Rickettsii on the wRists,
Typhus on the Trunk.
Tino synovitis
Arthritis septic
Disseminated gonorrhoea infection
Fitzhugh Curtis
Meningitis/CN palsy
Erythema migrans
Heart block myocarditis
- E.Migrans+No other dx?
- NO E.Migrans
- Syx+TickBiteHx?
Treatment? Treatment at disseminated?
Lyme disease blood zero ology
E.Migrans+No other dx?
- Doxy / Amoxi
- Ceftriaxone disseminated
NO E.Migrans -Syx+TickBiteHx? Test antibodies: \+ = Abx - = Repeat+Refer
Gross loss of vision
Globe rupture of eye
Mono ocular vision blur
Blood in ant chamber
Diagnosed on inspection apparently.. looool
Difficulty opening mouth
NO visual changes
Blowout fracture of the orbit
Binocular vision + facial trauma
Step deformity @orbital margin
Depressed CHEEEEK contour
Hyphaema = Red
Hypopyon = pus
Ramus fracture
Comminuted MAXillary fracture ->
maxillary ANTRUM rupture
Depressed zygomatic fracture
Difficulty opening mouth
NO visual changes
Ramus fracture
Blowout fracture of the orbit
Comminuted MAXillary fracture ->
maxillary ANTRUM rupture
Binocular vision + facial trauma
Step deformity @orbital margin
Depressed CHEEEEK contour
Depressed zygomatic fracture
Bilaterally constricted
Unilat const + preserved light response
Unilateral dilated?!
Pupil constrict mechanism?
- diabetic / prostitue
BILAT small pupils
Accomodate WELL,
NOT constrict to light
- Light is SWUNG from
UNaffected –> Affected eye
pupils constrict LESS + appear to dilate
3. Unilat dilated pupil = UNresponsive 2 light oCCULOMOTOR compression IPSI-lat Mass/tumour/Hematoma \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
4. Tonically dilated pupil UNILAT Absent knee/ankle jerk VIRAL/BACT infection \_\_\_
- Ptosis, Anhydrosis, Miosis-constricted
Bilat const=
- Metabolic encephalopathy
- Argyll Robertson
- Pontine dx/opiates
Unilat const + preserved light response =
-Symp pathway dx
Unilateral dilated =
-Marcus Gunn RAPD = optic nerve dx
Light on retina -> CN2 -> LGNuc -> -PreTectal ->B/L EdWestPhal -> -PSnerves+CN3 b/L -> -Ciliary Ganglion-Nerve -> -Pupil constrict \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
- Argyll-Robertson pupil
____ - Marcus-Gunn RAPD
-AION/Optic Neuritis MS/DM/Syph
___ - Hutchinson sign
_______ - Holmes-Adie Pupil
___ - Horner
Fever (alternating/diurnal on - off between days),
HeadAche, myalgia,
Hepatomegaly + Foreign travel hx
Dx? Ix?
Parasaitemia = 999+PHE:
> 2% - severe/cx?
> 10% ?
<2% non-severe/UnCx:
-?* > ?
- ?
- ?
-Tx vivax/ovale -> dormant HYPNOZOITES @Liver?
Avoid what drugs with following:
- HA - ?
- Seizures - ?
- GI dx - ?
- Folate dx - ?
- Psych dx - ?
Giesma thick and thin blood films
Parasaitemia = 999+PHE:
> 2% - severe/cx
-IV Artesunate > Quinine
> 10% - exchange transfusion
<2% non-severe/UnCx:
-ACT* >
- ArteMether+Lume
- ARteSunate+Mefloquine
-oral ACT / Chloroquine
-Tx vivax/ovale -> dormant HYPNOZOITES @Liver?
Primaquine-G6PD beware
Avoid what drugs with following:
- HA - chloroquine
- Seizures - chloroquine/Mefloquine
- GI dx - proguanil
- Folate dx - proguanil
- Psych dx - Mefloquine
Tet: Clean v TetProne v HRWound ??? : Non-penetrating <6hrs ??? : Puncture, Fract/FB, Burn/Bite ??? : Contaminated/FUCKED Ask pts what?
5Vacc <10yr + Clean = ???
5Vacc <10yr + TetProne = ???
5Vacc <10yr + HRWound = ???
-5Vacc <10yr + any wound = ???
5Vacc >10yr + Clean = ???
5Vacc >10yr + TetProne = ???
5Vacc >10yr + HRWound = ???
?/Not vacc + Clean = ???
?/Not vacc + TetProne = ???
?/Not vacc + HRWound = ???
bVacc @:
1a) ???
1b) ???
Tet Ig + bVacc @:
2a) ???
2b) ???
2c) ???
Tetanus: Clean: non-penetrating <6hrs TetProne: Puncture, Fract/FB, Burn/Bite HRisk: Contaminated/FUCKED Ask pts 5vacc <10yrs OR 5vacc >10yrs OR ?/Not vacc ?
5Vacc <10yr + Clean = CLEAN+CHILL
5Vacc <10yr + TetProne = CLEAN+CHILL
5Vacc <10yr + HRWound = CLEAN+CHILL
-5Vacc <10yr + any wound = CLEAN+CHILL
5Vacc >10yr + Clean = CLEAN+CHILL
5Vacc >10yr + TetProne = bVacc
5Vacc >10yr + HRWound =
-bVacc + Tet Ig
?/Not vacc + Clean = bVacc ?/Not vacc + TetProne = -bVacc + Tet Ig ?/Not vacc + HRWound = -bVacc + Tet Ig \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
bVacc @:
1a) Clean wound + ?/Not vacc
1b) TetProne + 5Vacc >10yr
bVacc + Tet Ig @:
2a) TetProne + ?/Not vacc
2b) HRWound + 5Vacc >10yr
2c) HRWound + ?/Not vacc