ICU Flashcards
List trajectories of death (as per ICU CBM)
- Terminal illness (Eg. Cancer)
- short period evident decline
- clear terminal phase
- most amenable to traditional palliative care
- may avoid ICU admission
- Chronic illness (organ failure)
- intermittent serious episodes with some recovery
- overall decline
- sudden, seemingly unexpected death
- commonly accept ICU care
- Frailty
- prolonged dwindling
- more likely to accept ICU
- Sudden event
- previously healthy
- trauma, MI, ex.
- Very commonly accept ICU
Why should palliative care be integrated into ICU?
- Death in ICU common
- ICU providers require knowledge and skills
- improves care delivery and ACP
List ways of integrating palliative care into ICU
- ICU palliative care education
- local champions
- ICU / Pall care protocols
- ICU QI data
Steps to develop palliative care in ICU
- Interdisciplinary planning team with key stakeholders
- Needs assessment
- Define the problem
- high utilization of ICU by patients who don’t benefit from it
- patient distress /dissatisfaction
- delayed / inconsistent use of evidence based pall care
- Evaluate resources for palliative care for ICU staff
- Develop an action plan with goals, targets, PDSA cycles
What is the role of the PC team in the ICU?
- Symptom assessment and management
- leading patient/ family and interprofessional communication
- Aligning treatment goals with care plan
- transitioning from acute care to pall care
- Emotional and social support
List 2 models of palliative care in the ICU
- Integrative model
- ICU staff trained in PC
- PC essential part of ICU care
- consultant PC not needed
- PC available for all patients all the time
- requires maintenance of skills, education, commitment
- Consultative model
- separate PC team
- provision of care depends on referrals
- Ideal would be a blend of both models depending on funding and feasibility
How do ICU physicians decide to refer to PC?
- Routine assessment triggers:
- Surprise question
- functional assessment decline
- weight loss
- LTC patients
- no previous ACP
- weak social supports
- family request
- elderly, cog impairment
- home 02 use
- out of hospital cardiac arrest
- incurable cancer
- difficult to control sx
- trach / G tube
- admission > 7 days
- recurrent ICU
- unclear GOC
- poor outcome likely
- Informal means to identify
- PC team at daily rounds in ICU
List features/ domains of high quality PC in ICU?
- Communication
- clear, timely, compassionate
- Patient focused decision making
- goals, values, preferences
- Maintaining the patient
- dignity, comfort, privacy, personhood
- Caring for the family
- access to patient
- interprofessional support
- bereavement support
ICU communication : Use of Silence
- Invitational silence
- interested silence enables sharing by families
- Compassionate silence
- creates empathy
Symptoms in ICU : Pain
- Causes
- treatment, procedures
- underlying illness
- Management
- choose necessary interventions
- pain assessment for non verbal patients Critical Care Pain Observational Tool
- opioids
Dyspnea in ICU : causes and management
- Causes:
- resistance to ventilation
- resp muscle weakness
- infections
- Asthma
- Cardiac disease
- Presentation
- anxiety, diaphoresis, agitation, fighting the ventilator
- Management
- review vent settings
- opioids
- disease specific treatments
Anxiety in ICU : Causes and managment
- Causes
- communication limitation, discomfort, procedures, prognosis
- dyspnea, pain
- medication withdrawal or effects
- Management
- treat underlying cause
- psychological support
- medications prn
Agitation in the ICU : Causes and managment
- RASS score
- treat causes
- alcohol withdrawal / Delirium tremens
Delirium in the ICU : Causes and treatments
- Causes
- multifactorial
- Importance
- increased length of ventilation
- mortality
- reduction in functional status and cognition
- Management
- underlying causes
- neuroleptics and monitor for AE
Sleep disturbances in ICU : Causes and management
- Causes
- illness, environment, symptoms uncontrolled, mechanical ventilation, medications
- Management
- little evidence for options
Thirst, Dry mouth in ICU : causes and management
- Causes
- hypovolemia
- increased osmolarity
- mouth breathing
- infection
- meds (anticholingeric, opioids, steroids, diuretics)
- n/vx
- fever
- anemia
- Management
- mouth care
- ice chips
- articifial saliva, substitutes
Critical Illness Polyneuropathy and Myopathy : Causes and management
- Causes
- sepsis
- sirs
- multi organ dysfunction
- Management
- treat underlying illness
- PT and rehab
- resolves in weeks- months, sometimes residual
Critical Illness Polyneuropathy vs Myopathy
- Polyneuropathy
- decreased sensation, hypoactive reflexes
- quadriparesis, resp muscle weakness
- spares facial nerves
- decreased sensation
- axonal neuropathy and denervation on biopsy
- Myopathy
- normal sensation, reflexes preserved
- quadriparesis, resp muscle weakness, reflexes normal
- facial muscle weakness
- normal sensation
- myosin filament loss / necrosis on biopsy
Approach to communication with ventilated patients
- Can the patient respond?
- eye contact, one step commands
- nodding, hand squeezing, eye blinking etc
- Letter and picture boards
- Mouth words slowly
- Writing
- List of common concerns to point to
- Speaking valves with trachs
- SLP consult for help
Sedation and Analgesic needs unique to ICU
- use of protocols and targets for sedation
- mechanical ventilation – balance between medication for comfort and being awake to communicate
- needs frequent reevaluation to align with goals of care
Communication in ICu between patient/SDM and ICU interprofessional teams
- patient decision aids
- quality of care improvement
- printed material for patient/ family
- palliative and ethics consults
- Structured ICU team communication with patient/family
EOL ethical issues in ICU
- collaborative discussion
- values, preferences, goals of patient
- patient to help in decision making when possible
- palliative consults
- ethics, consent and capacity board consults prn
List ways that Palliative Care delivery is different in the ICU
Professional Culture
- interventional, life support
- Uncertainty of outcomes
Abrupt time course
- difficult for families to adjust to prognosis and make decisions
- noise, patient appearance, lack of privacy
Inability of patients to communicate
- sedation, procedures, medical procedures
- Scarce and expensive resources (allocation)
Conflicts in ICU
- withholding/withdrawing care
- shared goals of caring for patient
- acknowledge emotions
- time may be required for family to adjust and observe deterioration
- repeated discussions may be necessary
- social workers
- Trial of therapy may be helpful
Discontinuing mechanical ventilation / palliative extubation
- Discontinue paralytics
- Pre emptive sedation
- Discontinue ventilation
- decrease Fi02 (to room air or wean) and PPV over 10-30 min
- if distressed, add medication and increase slightly
- Decide whether to extubate or not
- patient and family dependent
- Stay present with family
- Turn off monitors