iClicker Final Review Flashcards
Which of the following sensory cortices is NOT organized according to some clear principle of the stimulus (i.e. topographically mapped)?
Olfactory Cortex
What is the function of the ear canal?
Amplifies certain frequencies
This ion is responsible for depolarizing hair cells…
Which of the following statement about the vestibular system is false?
Movement of the head causes fluid semicircular canals to deflect the cupula
Embedded in the cupola are the sterocilia of hair cells
Movement of the stereo cilia causes tip links top open
Movement of the stereocilia
An airplane is flying directly over your head. Which semicircular canal will you activate when watch it fly over?
Superior (Anterior) and Posterior canals
Which of following is false.
Vestibular information is transmitted to the brain via the vestibule-cochlear nerve
The transduction of vestibular information involves tip-links which open potassium channels
Vestibular thalamocortical pathway sends vestibular information to high brain regions
Head movement are perceived in the vestibular cortex
Head movement are perceived in the vestibular cortex
Which of the following statements is false?
Cell bodies of the tactile receptors are located just outside the spinal cord
Somatosensory nerve trunks are soma topically organized
Touch information is primarily carried in the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway
Pain information is primarily carried in the spinothalamic pathway
E. all correct
What is the name of the mechanoreceptors that transduce pain information?
What is the function of the PAG in reducing pain?
The PAG modulates ascending pain information indirectly through several hindbrain regions
Which of the following cell types is thought to be responsible for transducing Bitter tastants?
Type II
Which of the following cell types is thought to contribute to the maintenance of the taste bud?
Type I
This brain region is primarily responsible for the perception of salty.
Insular Cortex
-perception of gustatory information
Which of these two cell types send their axons to the olfactory cortex?
Mitral and Tufted cells
Where are Granule cells located?
Olfactory bulb
What is the function of the round window in your auditory system?
Relieves pressure in the cochlea
Which ion plays a critical role in vesicle fusion and the neurotransmitters being ‘dumped’ into the synaptic cleft?
Ca2+ (Calcium)
All the auditory nerve fibers join the vestibular nerve fibers to form…
Vestibularcochlear nerve
This brain region is part of the thalamus and plays a role in auditory attention?
Medial Geniculate Nucleus
This structure’s only function is to help localize and funnel sound.
Neurons communicate at junctions called _?