Ice and Rain Flashcards
The cabin window heat switch normally indicates OFF when on the ground. What position should the switch need to be in prior to takeoff?
Depressed - IN, indicating - OFF
When must the cowl anti-ice system be turned ON
When ambient temp is less than 10°C and visible moisture is present
If engine vibration increases while flying in icing conditions, what is the corrective action?
Decrease engine power to idle for 5 seconds, then accelerate the engine above 90% LP
The minimum airspeed for holding in icing conditions is
160 KCAS
The automatic activation fo the cowl and wing anti-ice system is inhibited
Below 1500 AGL on takeoff, above FL350 and when there is weight on wheels.
How does the anti-ice system automatically turn OFF
L-R ice detect message after 60 seconds
Cowl anit-ice after 3 minutes
Wing anti-ice after 5 minutes
If the WINDSHEILD HEAT annunciator lights begin blinking at 1 cycle per second for 90 seconds followed by an amber WSHLD FAIL message, what 4 things have occurred?
Four things:
Both heat sensors have failed
Over-current or no current detected with switch selected ON
Current detected with switch selected OFF
What would cause the WINDSHEILD HEAT annunciation lights to begin blinking at 3 cycles per second for 90 seconds followed by a Blue L/R F or (S) WSHLD FAULT message?
Singe windshield sensor failure
Windshield heating film exceeds acceptable range of operation
Which 6 probes are powered during HMG operation?
AOA # 1 - L ESS DC
Left upper/right lower pitot - L/R STANDBY AC BUSES
Right upper/left lower pitot - ESS AC BUS Phase A
What is the time limit for the cabin window heat on the ground?
10 minutes ON, followed by a 10 minute cooling period
After turning them on, why do the windshield heat lights blink on an off at irregular intervals?
The system keeps the windows at 114°F by cycling the heating coils. The light turns on when the heating coil turns on.
Which anti-ice probes use bleed air?
TAT probes - while on the ground.
What are the temperatures for Wing Anti-Ice
Wing Low CAS
Wing Hot CAS
100° - Low
130° - Normal
180° - High
When will ice detector display “ICE…” in CAS?
Immediately upon detecting ice on the vibrating probes