Hydraulics Flashcards
When armed the PTU activates when
L HYD pressure drops below 1500 psi
Operation of the PTU assumes loss of the
Left hydraulic system
When armed, the AUX pump comes on when
L HYD and PTU pressure is <1500 PSI, and
Brake pedals are depressed 10°
What is the Brake Accumulator precharge
1200 psi
If L HYD System fluid is depleted, but AUX fluid remains in the L HYD reservoir, what system can provide braking?
AUX Pump
What is the GEAR EMERGENCY BLOWDOWN accumulator pressure charge
3100 PSI (at 70°F)
What are the hydraulic fluid quantities of the L/R reservoirs
L - 4.8 Gal
R - 1.6 Gal
What is lost if you lose L HYD System?
L Thrust Reverser
If L HYD Pump and PTU are not working, the AUX pump can provide power to…
Flaps, Brakes and Nose Wheel Steering
Can the pilots change Yaw Damper from left to right inflight?
Yes, switch FGCs from 1 to 2, or 2 to 1
What is lost if you lose Right Hydraulic system?
R Thrust Reverser
What will prevent PTU from automatically coming on?
L HYD system fluid <1.5 Gal
R Hyd system hot, temp >104.4°C
The AUX system reservoir is located…
in the left system reservoir
Which hyd system can operate the HMG?
Left or PTU
How is hyd fluid used during the opening of the main entrance door?
hydraulic fluid flowing out of the door system at a controlled rate slows opening of the door.