ICA Flashcards
describe this skin lesion

- Bullae
- Erosions
- Discrete
- Erythematous surrounding area
papules vs plaques
- Papules are small raised lumps- solid (<1cm)
- Plaque are larger raised lumps – solid (>1cm)
vesicles vs bullae)
- Vesicles are fluid filled less than 1cm `(>1cm= bullae)
macule vs patch
typical symptonms of frontotemproal dementia
- Behavioural changes (impulse control e.g. aggression)
- Emotional changes e.g. apathy

kubler- ross anticipatory grief
Dad Ate Berries During Aspiration
*may not come in this order

Vaccine hesitancy factors
Key factor: confidence relating to vaccine myths and general education level e.g. harms of ingredients , myths of natural infection

Sepsis 6
- Blood culture
- Urine output
- Fluids (consider)
- Think about fluid overload
- Listen to chest for crackles (basal crackles)
- Feeling for liver edge
- Antibiotics
- Lactate
- Oxygen
If cant give IV give
intraosseous (second mode of deliver)
- Involve senior review
Which patient has higher risk of breast cancer?
- A women who has first full term pregnancy at 26
- Women who has first birth at 32
Women who has first birth at 32
Which patient has higher risk of breast cancer?
- A women who has undergone menopause age 47
- A women who has undergone menopause age 55
- A women who has undergone menopause age 55
- Increased exposure to oestrogen
breast structure

what are the common presentations of breast disease

breast lumps to worry about
- Fixed
- Irregular
- Immobile
- Painless
- Nipple retraction
- Dimple
- Galactorrhoea
- Blood stained nipple discharge

fibrocystic change

Risk factors to breast cancer
- Hereditary
- Length of exposure to oestrogen
- Modifiable
- Weight
- Smoking
- Alcohol
clinical presentations of breast cancer

Peau d’orange- caused by
local lymphedema

diagnosis of breast cancer