IAS 37 Flashcards
What are the present obligations as a result of a past event?
When to make a provision?
Present obligation as result of past event
Probable transfer/outflow of economic benefit >50%
Measure the outcome reliably
What does probable mean?
Greater than 50% chance of outflow occurring
Initial measurement of provision?
Best estimate of expenditure
Expected values
Discount to PV if materially different
When should provision be reviewed?
When should provision only be used for?
Expense originally created
Dismantling cost? Double entry
Debit: PPE
Credit: Provision
Unwinding of interest?
Debit: Finance cost (SPL)
Credit: Provision (SFP)
Growing the provision to its final value
What is a contingent liability?
Possible obligation
Present obligation that can’t be measured or no probable outflow of resources
If I have a contingent liabiltiy?
Disclose the liability
What is a warranty?
A legal obligation
What makes a provision probable?
It has happened in the past
What if something is possible?
A contingent liability
Less than 50% of losing the case
What should be disclosed in contingent liability?