I te ata Flashcards
maranga mai
rise up/get up
He rā wera tēnei
Today is hot
He rā makariri tēnei
Today is cold
He rā paki tēnei
Today is fine
Kāti te moeroa
Stop sleep in
I koe i te moe?
Did you sleep soundly?
I hurihuri te moe inapō
Tossed/turned sleep last night
I rawe te moe inapō
Awesome sleep last night
I kino te moe inapō
Bad sleep last night
Huakina ngā ārai
Open the curtains
Haere ki te horoi
Go wash
Haere ki te uwhiowhio
Go shower
Haere ki te parakuihi
Go to breakfast
Kia tere kei tōmuri koe
Be quick or you’ll be late
He aha hei parakuihi māu?
What do you want for breakfast?
Āwhea koe hoki mai ai ki te kāinga?
When will you be home?
Kua pōkai koe i tō peke?
Is your bag packed?
Kia pai te rā
Have a good day
Kia huamaru te rā
Have a safe day
I pēhea te moe inapō?
How did you sleep last night?
I rawe te moe inapō.
Excellent sleep last night.
I kino te moe inapō
Bad sleep last night
He aha ai?
Nā te mea he nui aku whakaaro
Because many thoughts
Nā te mea i moepapa
Because nightmares
Nā te mea i moemoeā
Because dreams
Nā te mea kei māuiui
Because unwell
Nā te mea i te oho te pēpi
Because baby was awake
Āwhea koe hoki atu ai ki te kāinga?
When will you come home?
Ā te huarua mai i te rima karaka te wā pea
At 5:30 maybe
Tō pai mārie
You’re lucky
Māua pai mārie
We are lucky
Kei te haere au ki te wharepaku/whare kaukau.
I am going to the toilet/bathroom
Kei te mimi ahau
I am going to wee
Kei te tiko nui ahau
I am going to defecate (big)
Kei a koe tētahi tāora?
Do you have a towel?
Rakaina/kātai/huakina te kūaha
Lock/shut/open the door
Taihoa, kāore e roa
Wait, wont be long
Kua tata pau te pepa whēru/hopi makawe/hopi/pēniho
Nearly out of toilet paper/soap/shampoo/toothpaste
Tukua te wai
Flush the toilet
Horoia tō ringaringa/tō karu/tō mata
Wash your hands/your eyes/your face
Kaua e roa rawa
Don’t be too long
Taitaihia ō niho
Brush your teeth
Whakairihia ake te tāora/whāriki kaukau
Hang up the towel/bath mat
Kua tata oti te pukapuka te pānui
Nearly finished reading the book
I tata mimi au i tōku tarau i te kaha o te kata
I nearly peed my pants laughing so hard.
Kua tata reri/rite au
I am nearly ready
Kua tata pau te miraka
The milk is nearly run out
Kua tata tae atu tātou
We have nearly arrived
He poto rawa tērā.
That’s too short
He iti rawa tērā
That’s too small
Kaua e tōmuri rawa
Don’t be too late
I roa rawa te whaikōrero
The speech was too long
Kei te wera rawa te kai
The food is too hot
He iti rawa te tīhate
The t-shirt is too small
Nō wai tēnei?
Whose is this?
Kei te mā, kei riko rānei ēnei?
Are these clean or dirty?
Me horoi tēnei.
These need a wash.
Hoatu ki te mīhini horoi kaka
Put clothes in the washing machine
Whakairihia ngā kākahu ki waho
Hang these clothes outside
Kei te awhe i a koe?
Does it fit you?
He pēwhea ki ō whakaaro?
What do you think?
Tōrire ana!
Tau ana!
Hautau ana!
Kuhuna ngā kākahu tangatanga/matatengi/karukaru/ōkawa/ōpaki
Put on the comfortable/warm/old rags/formal/casual clothes
Me pēhea te āhua o ngā kākahu ā te pō nei?
How do the clothes feel tonight?
Me tangatanga te āhua o ngā kākahu ā te pō nei.
The clothes feel comfortable tonight.
Me pēhea au e kite ai i te pānui?
How do I see the notice?
Me tītiro ki te ipurangi.
You should look at the internet.
Me pēwhea a Lucy e ako ai i te reo Māori?
How will Lucy learn the Māori language.
Me waea mai.
By phone.
Me īmēra mai.
By email.
Me pēwhea au e whakapā atu ai ki a koe?
How will I contact you?
I pēhea te moe inapō?
How did you sleep last night?